viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

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Latest Message From Archangel Michael – Are You Ready To Embody Your Sacred Fire Energy?

Ronna Herman – Latest Message From Archangel Michael – Are You Ready To Embody Your Sacred Fire Energy? – 1 December 2013

Beloved masters, you came from far-distant Universes, Sub-universes, galaxies and planets, and you brought with you a wealth of cosmic information, which was stored within your Sacred Mind for future access. There were stringent requirements you had to pass and solemn vows you had to make. You agreed to come to Earth during these momentous evolutionary times, and then incarnate into greatly diverse and often very difficult circumstances. You made a pledge that when the time came for you to step onto the path of ascension, you would allow us to set aside your free will so that we could take whatever measures were deemed necessary to awaken you. For many, it resulted in a Soul merge, and others who had already awakened to their Soul Self were ready for a merge with a facet of their Higher Self. When the Soul finally merges fully with the Sacred Heart, it is a grand reunion of monumental proportions. When your intentions are composed of wisdom overlaid with love and projected with purity, you become a powerful source of Sacred Fire energy.

This awakening resulted in a mass Divine discontent among what we will call the “advanced guard”. You all have experienced some of the diverse and momentous transformations that have taken place among the masses. You have also observed or have been affected by the accelerated Earth changes, which have increased in frequency, and are continuing on a regular basis. Most of you, who have consciously made an effort to reclaim your Divinity, through whatever means you were/are attracted to, are among this advanced group of souls. You agreed to be the examples, and you are willing to do everything within your power to ease the way for others by becoming sentinels of Light, Wayshowers and World Servers. In past ages, the ascension process was available only to those who incarnated as initiates firmly on the path–as disciples whose mission was to anchor as much Divine Light and to bring forth as much cosmic wisdom as possible. That time is past. It is a time of mass ascension, for all the planets, solar systems, galaxies and Sub-universes within this universe are actively involved in an unprecedented ascension process. The wheels of Creation are ever spiraling downward or upward, inward or outward, depending on the great cosmic cycle of the time.
The Superconscious Mind and the many facets of your Higher Self are the link to the Spiritual realms. First, you may begin to get flashes of information/inspiration via your intuitive abilities and during meditation. The powers of the mind are greatly enhanced as an aspirant on the path becomes more proficient and comfortable in using the higher frequency patterns of the Sacred Mind. As a result of tapping into the higher frequency realms of the brain structure, a good portion of your memory of past events will begin to fade as you move out of the realm of the instinctual brain/mind into the realm of the Higher Mind. Ascension is mind-expanding, a process of passing from one state of consciousness to another. The awareness expands to include all humanity, the Earth, the solar system and its workings. No longer is the focus on the little self.The ultimate goal is to become a galactic Being and eventually attain a universal consciousness.
As you become proficient at accessing the power and majesty of the higher frequency dimensions—you begin to get a glimpse of how wondrous paradise can be—and the excitement begins to build. That is what is happening all over the world. It is a very personal experience, for you can have confusion, turmoil and chaos around you and still be centered in the calm eye of peace and joy. As time goes by, you will find that your center of peace will extend out farther and farther, and as more of you begin to tap into the eternal power of perfection, it will spread faster and faster until it encompasses the world.
There is a great stirring taking place among the masses, those who until now were not ready to listen to the inner nudgings of Spirit or delve into the mysteries of Creation that are beginning to flow on the currents of higher frequency RAYS of the new Divine Blueprint. We have said that you have been very brave to step out of your comfort zone, out of the mass consciousness flow of popular beliefs into uncharted territory. You have been willing to face up to many challenges and tests, and you have not been deterred by those who said you were wrong, evil or wishful-thinkers. You are proving that what you have accepted as your truth is indeed working, and the validation is concrete and visible for all to see so that there can be no dispute. Fear is the greatest deterrent to change, but you are learning to tame your fears and you are claiming your Sacred Will-power.
Each time you visit your fifth-dimensional Pyramid of Light, you become more adept at tapping into and using the gifts of Creation, and you bring back with you more and more of the rarified unmanifested fifth-dimensional Light substance. See these streams of Light spiraling down into the physical realms of expression, as they gradually become tangible and take form under your direction through your visions, dreams and clear intention. Many of you have learned the discipline necessary to hold your visions without wavering, and you are learning that the miracles of manifestation take place one clear thought, one step or action, and one day at a time. There are no shortcuts, beloveds; you must follow the universal laws of manifestation in order to harness the power of Creation.
You are being called to join the leadership Light team, those who will show the way for the beautiful souls now awakening from their spiritual slumber. Thousands are needed to facilitate and assist in this next wave of awakening that is now in progress, for it encompasses millions upon millions. Even those still in denial are becoming aware that something profound and unprecedented is taking place on Earth. These souls will not have to go through the extensive cleansing, clearing and painful processing that so many of you have experienced. Indeed, you have opened the way and have the knowledge that will help them to move quickly through the awakening process and into empowerment.
You are the examples and the Wayshowers, for you are destined to teach those around you the simplified steps necessary to clear their old thought patterns, so that the Divine Light of the Creator may begin to take dominion within their heart center. You are major players, my brave ones, as we move to the next higher spiral of evolution. By now, we hope that you are beginning to accept what we tell you, that you are all beautiful Beings who carry a precious Spark of the Creator within your heart/soul. Allow your Higher Self to inspire and guide you, but please step to the fore and use the knowledge, wisdom and skills that have been so dearly won.
Dear hearts, you are a composite of all your past experiences and memories. You have had many lifetimes as a female where you were abused or mistreated by men, and many lifetimes in the male body where you suffered the loss of your beloved mate, were betrayed, or did not measure up in some way. All those conflicting energies within your cells, auric field, and brain structure will color your outlook on the opposite sex until you resolve and transmute them. At the core of your Being, what you are really seeking is the reunification with the other half of your godly Self, that perfect Divine Ray of Creation that was sent forth in Its totality. You then separated into two sub-rays, one representing the Father Creator and the other a representative of the Mother Creator. You have divided and separated into many facets or fragments of consciousness since, but have forever yearned and sought your return to wholeness and unity consciousness.
How can you accomplish the healing and reunification of these two primary facets of yourself? First, by developing a sense of Self-worth and Self-love. You will begin to radiate this higher vibratory energy out from your auric force field, and others will respond in kind. Learn to trust yourself and your intuition so that you may trust others. You will never feel alone when you learn that you have a mighty force of angels ever near you, ready to protect, encourage, love, and support you every moment of the day or night. Release the pain of the past by forgiving yourself and all others.
There will still be those who come into your life with whom you do not resonate, and that will be so as long as you are in the physical vessel. If you can maintain an attitude of non-judgment, and radiate love to the essence of each person, you will not have to experience a karmic dance or interaction with them. Bless them and allow them to follow their path, while you follow your own.
It is time for humanity to remove the etheric shields of protection they have placed over their heart/solar plexus centers so that they cannot be hurt or unduly influenced. Opening the golden seal portal of the Sacred Heart, where your Diamond Core God Cell resides, allows the Love/Light of the our Father/Mother God to flow freely from both the front and back portals of the Sacred Heart.
Beloveds, there is another important concept that we wish to present to you. In doing so, we know that it will trigger fear and doubt for many of you. If this is the case, we ask you to set the information to the side, and ask that it be validated if it is to be your truth, or if it is too uncomfortable, just disregard it. There is much information coming forth that will challenge the old world concepts and thought forms of the past. Just as children learn the simple basic concepts of life in their early years, their lessons and knowledge become more complex and thought-provoking as they mature. This concept applies to your spiritual education and growth as well.
We have told you that the Supreme Creator has begun to emanate the rarified Love/Light Essence from the heart core of Its Being (Adamantine Particles of Pure Divine Light substance). This Essence contains all the facets of Creation, which include the Seed thoughts, energy components, and grand designs for never-before-experienced new creations. Within these wondrous multiple beams of Creator Light are newly-activated, black-spectrum Rays of pure unmanifested potential. The Creator is sending these Rays as a gift throughout this universe, for they contain the stillness of the Great Void, which will be accessible to all who are brave enough to tap into the magnificent power of the Void of space, in order to be a participant in the creation of future worlds and galaxies.
First came the Void and then came the Light, and within the Light were all good and wondrous things. The spectrum of Light would not be discernible without the many shades of darkness. Many of you fear the darkness and your shadow side, perceiving it as evil. Beloveds, if all is a part of the ONE, the Creator, how can there be anything to fear when you are filled with God Light? You as humans have created many things to fear, but these things are not the Creator’s doing. Do you fear the Great Void that is the backdrop for the stars and constellations? Some of you fear the night, but it is not the darkness that you can blame, but the hurtful things that humans do under the cover of darkness. We wish to help you to begin to investigate and transmute those old self-limiting concepts so that you may broaden your horizons and assume your cloak of Light. With the gift of Light comes a great responsibility, the leadership role that we outlined for you earlier.
We ask you to LIVE your lives with a heightened sense of awareness; to FEELthe joy of being connected to All That Is, and then share the joy with others; to use your WILL power to move swiftly along the path of enlightenment, so that as you gain a higher vantage point, you can more easily assist others over the rough spots. Endeavor to LOVE others with all your heart and soul, as the Creator loves you; to SPEAK your highest truth with love, compassion, and discernment; toSEE the best in everyone; and to know that we are all a part of the same great I AM.
Precious friends, we began and will end this wondrous journey together. We will encourage you, stretch your minds, and nudge you when it is appropriate, but most of all, we will love you eternally.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. Link to original article
Posted 3rd December 2013 by LUZ ZOHAR

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Mahala – Astrology Report For December – 3 December 2014

December offers opportunities for creating positive change and an optimistic outlook. Jupiter in Leo goes retrograde and Uranus in Aries turns direct, with both forming a fire grand trine with the Sun in Sagittarius at the Full Moon. This energetic pattern will help us create new opportunities to achieve our higher goals. Saturn enters the sign of Sagittarius for the next two years, providing a practical perspective for our visions and ideals. The month begins under the Sagittarius new moon cycle, with a focus on one’s spiritual path, journeys and achieving a higher perspective.

On December 6 the Full Moon occurs at 14 Gemini. It opposes Mercury, Venus and Ceres, which indicates that we need to stay positive and supportive in our thoughts and communications. The fire grand trine created by the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus adds a burst of energy that also allows us to achieve greater clarity about our life purpose at this time. The Sabian symbol keynotes for these degrees, “The need to clarify one’s experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals,” and “The value of anticipating new turns of events and ascertaining future prospects,” suggest the importance of communication within one’s spiritual circle to gain new perspectives and make preparation for new changes.

Jupiter in Leo turns retrograde on December 8 for the next four months, encouraging us to reexamine any beliefs that are not in alignment with our higher intentions. We can also gain a broader perspective on our lives at this time. As the Sun aligns with Mercury today, it is favorable to communicate and journal about any new insights.

Uranus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on December 14. This is the 6th out of 7 exact squares (since 2011), with the last one occurring in March 2015.

Expect higher tensions and changes in the world and in our lives, with a continued rebellion against excessive power, control and outdated structures. Look for an outcome that brings more freedom, equality and authentic expression, although there may be dramatic breakdowns along the way. Make sure to have adequate preparation for possible earth changes. The strong Capricorn emphasis this month suggests more earthquakes, mudslides and storm damage.

This Uranus/Pluto aspect makes two significant alignments with Venus and Mercury in Capricorn. On December 20 Venus conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus, which can bring disruption to our relationships and finances. On December 24 Mercury conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus, which can lead to power plays and rebellious actions. However, Pluto allows us to have an in-depth perspective that can bring greater resolution, while Capricorn encourages us to examine our commitments and take a step-by-step approach towards our goals.

The New Moon occurs on December 21 at 0 Capricorn, just a couple of hours after the Winter Solstice. This month we can build on the Capricorn traits of being thorough, conscientious and organized. Its alignment with Mercury ushers in a busier period of activity, accentuated by a direct station of Uranus the next day. Some surprising news, events and breakthroughs can occur at this time. It is favorable to slow down and stay centered. The Sabian symbol for this degree, “An Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe,” suggests taking responsibility in the balanced use of power and authority.

On December 23, Saturn in Scorpio makes a major shift into Sagittarius for the next two years. It will retrograde back into Scorpio from June to September 2015, allowing us a final chance to clear emotional baggage. Since Sagittarius is the sign of the archer, we will have renewed energy for aiming higher and striving to fulfill our visions and goals. There will be more focus in the areas of education, spiritual path, dreams and long journeys.

Mercury goes retrograde in mid-January, so be prepared! Sending blessings to all for a peaceful, joyous Solstice/Christmas/New Year

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Thanks to:

Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience, offering birth chart and transit/progression readings. For more information on services and fees, contact me at

Donations to support this column are welcomed and appreciated—blessings and thanks to all!

All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.

Check out my astrology blog at for ongoing astrological observations on current events, people, trends, etc. link to original article

Posted 3rd December 2014 by LUZ ZOHAR

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miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

compartir.:::.▶ Como convertir videos con HANDBRAKE [1/3] - Es importante identificar su familia estelar.

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Es importante identificar su familia estelar. 

Ustedes tienen obviamente uniones con la familia estelar Arcturiana. Si no fuese ese el caso, nunca se habrían involucrado en un proyecto Arcturiano, ni querrían asimilar la energía del sistema Arcturiano. Es conveniente que comiencen a entender y evaluar cómo piensan los Arcturianos, cómo sienten; cómo los Arcturianos son físicamente desde nuestra perspectiva y vuestras perspectiva. Y finalmente, cómo nosotros los Arcturianos estamos acompasados emocionalmente y cómo nos comunicamos emocionalmente.

Esto será importante para ustedes por muchas razones. Primero, les dará una idea de cómo tener otra perspectiva en sus procesos de pensamiento y en los procesos físicos de la existencia, y cómo tener otra perspectiva de los cuatro niveles ya enunciados. Esto quiere decir que con esta nueva perspectiva y nuevo entendimiento, ustedes entenderán sus conexiones a la familia estelar y comenzarán su propia evolución. Por supuesto ustedes comenzaron su evolución ya pero podrán acelerarla en la dirección que sea más apropiada para ustedes.

Primero echemos una mirada a la naturaleza física de los Arcturianos, nuestra estructura y naturaleza y cómo interactuamos con la realidad física.

Pienso que esto es de primordial importancia para ustedes al entender que nosotros estamos más allá del consumo regular de alimentos que es tan prevalerte y tan enfocado en vuestra realidad. 

Mucho de su existencia está naturalmente dirigido a la ingestión de comida, en la obtención del alimento y todo lo relacionado a ello, incluyendo el control del medio ambiente, el uso de diferentes químicos para proveer un crecimiento del alimento, etc. 

Pueden imaginar cómo sería su mundo si no se enfocaran en la comida? 

Cómo son capaces los Arcturianos de controlarse a sí mismos de tal forma que no tienen necesidad de alimento? Les diré que somos capaces de vivir de luz líquida. Somos capaces de vivir en formas etéricas de energía. 

Hay ocasiones cuando hay algunas formas estructurales de comida que están disponibles para nosotros. Hay ocasiones en las cuales podemos comer o ingerir comida.

No comemos materia animal. No comemos ninguna clase de pescado como ustedes lo tienen. No usamos productos animales. El tiempo en que estamos comiendo, está estrictamente limitado a plantas o plankton, que es un tipo de estructura celular, y que no es exactamente el plankton como ustedes lo conocen. 

Es útil para nosotros también usar lo que ustedes llaman algas, pero ellas son de una naturaleza diferente en nuestro planeta. 

Nuestros sistemas y nuestras estructuras físicas son muy distintas porque no necesitamos crear las estructuras físicas que ustedes tienen; no tenemos la estructura muscular que ustedes tienen y además, no tenemos ninguno de los alimentos que ustedes tienen relacionados con algunas de las interacciones con el medio ambiente físico. Esto quiere decir que somos capaces de mover objetos físicos sin acción muscular. Somos capaces de hacer actividades físicas en un nivel más diferente que el de ustedes porque no nos involucramos en el movimiento de energía por medio de músculos. 

Somos capaces de hacerlo con procesos de pensamiento y somos capaces de unir el movimiento del cuerpo con el pensamiento. Esto es algo a lo que ustedes se están encaminando. 

No hay ninguna competencia por alimentos, por tierras, o agua . Tenemos algo similar al agua. Es una luz líquida-líquida de alta vibración. Es en realidad una sustancia física en nuestra realidad que ingerimos. Podrían considerarla una bebida de alta proteína.

No nos involucramos en tener grandes fiestas porque nuestras actividades no están tan enfocadas en la comida. Pueden decir que esto es uno de los muchos placeres de la Tierra, y estoy de acuerdo que lo es, pero es también una de las principales fuentes de los conflictos y de las enfermedades.

Cuando la verdad es conocida, la relación del cuerpo físico y la salud está basada en la ingestión del alimento. Ustedes tienen la estructura física para vivir por 80 o 90 años. Debido a las actividades de naturaleza física y a la ingestión de alimentos y también a la naturaleza de su subconsciente y las entradas subconscientes, ustedes sólo tiene la programación para vivir por un corto período de tiempo. 

Quiero enfatizar que mucho de esto tiene que ver con la programación del pensamiento. Nuestra programación nos lleva a una expectativa de vida de entre 900 y 1200 años terrestres. Esto nos da una perspectiva muy diferente.

Piensen en las encarnaciones físicas. Piensen en las encarnaciones de quinta dimensión. Hay encarnaciones similares en términos del proceso de encarnación. Deben entender que nuestros tiempos vitales no están separados de lo que lo están sus tiempos vitales. Cuando sus tiempos vitales terminan, entonces pierden la memoria de su vida anterior. Al perder esta memoria, en un sentido, deben comenzar todo de nuevo cuando entran en otro tiempo vital. 

Empezar todo de nuevo, esto lleva 30 o 40 años de su tiempo de vida en términos de conciencia.

Este no es el caso de los Arcturianos porque traemos con nosotros memorias completas de nuestras vidas pasadas. En esta vida, también tenemos acceso a nuestras vidas futuras. He hablado con ustedes sobre el ser futuro. Hemos trabajado con ustedes sobre como obtener el ser futuro y proyectar la energía al ser futuro de manera que cuando el tiempo llegue estén en cierto lugar...


A través de David Miller 

Publicado por Shanti

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sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

sharing.:::.▶ The STRAIN Photo Retouch in Photoshop.:::.Travel 2: Astral Body and Etheric Body

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Travel 2: Astral Body and Etheric Body

Posted on Oct 4, 2014
in Bob Fickes
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by Bob Fickes

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Traveling outside our physical body is not a common experience but it does happen. When it happens, the person is often confused why they are not inside their physical body and worry about how to come back. This experience usually happens when we are under stress. We call this Astral Traveling.

Our consciousness has many levels that we don’t normally notice. Just inside our physical body is another body called the Astral body. The Astral body is the body of our soul. This is the body we experience in our dream. It moves through our karma in the dream and helps us to clear.

If we travel with our astral body, it is not healthy. There are two dangers. First while we are gone another soul can enter our body. This makes it difficult for us to come back. The second is that the astral body is connected to the physical body by a silver cord of light. If this breaks while we are travelling, then we lose our connection to the physical body. Because of these reasons, I do not recommend astral traveling. With meditation we strengthen our connection to the physical body and strengthen the soul body so it becomes more balanced. People who meditate rarely astral travel, their consciousness naturally choses the safer form of etheric travel.

Just beyond the astral body is the etheric body. The etheric body is so similar to the astral body that some people can’t tell the difference. The difference is important. The etheric body is a body of light. It has no karma. It is a perfect display of our divine nature and always has the appearance that our physical body had at the age of twenty-five. The etheric body is composed of the light of our true consciousness without any karma. The more we meditate, the more our etheric body becomes tangible. We can travel with this etheric body more easily and freely. There is no danger.

Traveling with the etheric body feels more like a projection of our consciousness. Our consciousness travels and explores without ever leaving the physical body. Etheric travelling is done on a wave of consciousness. It is a beam of light through the darkness and can visit any location in time and space without actually going there. The telescope of our consciousness can see long distances without ever leaving home.

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SaLuSa – October 3, 2014

Posted on Oct 3, 2014
by cosmicgaia
in Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa
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Unity Consciousness

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

Never underestimate the powers and technologies that we have to transform your Earth in a very short period, to one more fitting to you future expectations. For example, you are almost conditioned to expect some part of Earth to be involved in wars. Around you is evidence of them that have ravaged your planet for centuries, with no obvious end to the cycles of death and destruction. Peace seems just as far away as ever it was and Man continues to waste the resources of Earth, whilst millions of your civilisation live in squalor and near starvation. Yet for all that we can bring an instant stop to war, but there has to be an acceptance of meaningful peace and intent to become as One where your future is concerned. Sometimes the only way to progress and achieve peace together, cannot come about until as a civilisation you recognise the Oneness of the Human Race. Looking at your history you are slow to learn but as you say “you are getting there”.

At some point in the near future it will transpire that because you have made sufficient spiritual progress, that it is time to allow such souls to surge forward without the hindrance of those who still lag behind. It is in no way discriminating against them but allowing those who are ready to progress to the higher vibrations, without being delayed by those who are not. After all it is inevitable that those who are not ready to move into the higher vibrations, will have their own path to follow to continue their evolution. The new cycle has begun and slowly but surely all remnants of the earlier one will disappear, to be replaced by a more updated version that has been born of the Light. There will be no place for the lower vibrations that could not in any event exist within it, and all thought levels will be based on Light and Love.

Mother Earth will also enjoy the changes that shall see the Earth restored to its original glory. You will be surprised at how quickly they can take place, and it will be both an enjoyable and exciting time to be on Earth. With the return of the higher vibrations our Space Friends can also appear as often as they wish to, and will use their experience to speed up the changes on Earth. The Inner Earth Civilisation will also partake in the changes, and you will meet them a lot quicker than you might have expected. In other words Dear Ones, it is all change for the better even if it is difficult to envision at present. Many of you are already aware that the Illuminati have held on to new advancements that have taken them far into the future. They have never had any intention of sharing them with you, but keep them to keep power in their hands. Do not worry however as they will not benefit from them in the long run and we shall ensure that you certainly do, but please note there is no place or indeed a future for weapons of war.

There is so much new technology waiting to be introduced to you, and exciting times lie ahead. So please do not become disheartened when nothing appears to be happening. We can assure that our activities are never at a standstill, and we are fully committed to ensuring that you safely make your way into the New Age. We monitor your Earth and the skies around you to ensure that you can evolve unimpeded by outside interference. We certainly control the activities of the dark Ones, to ensure that there is a limitation to the extent that they can go in preparing to take over the Earth. However, as we have intimated previously, we must also allow them to evolve within the confines that are placed upon them. Life abounds everywhere around you, often out of your sight due to the difference in vibrations. What you might consider to be a little proof of that is when photographs are developed with Beings or ghostly images in them, that were not observed at the time. It is simply due to the sensitivity of the photographic film that picks up an image that your eyes cannot.

So looking through the chaos from the outside and within, we see beyond the apparent muddle and find the early beginnings of the New Age with all of its technologies waiting to be introduced. Some require major changes that could not be contemplated at present, requiring such resources that are unavailable now. However, gradually everything is being prepared for the day when they can, and progress will be made at a breath taking speed. There has not been a period such as your present one for millennia of time, and it is sure to become more apparent as time progresses. So we hope you can see that you have no need to be worried as to the outcome of your present experiences, so concentrate on your own needs and ensure that you are fully prepared for the changes.

We generally find that people are more open minded when it comes to subjects that were once considered too difficult to discuss openly. The fear of being ridiculed has almost passed as the New Age has unlocked doors to matters that have not been generally discussed. So do not hide your Light, and feel bold enough to talk about it and you may find that more people than you thought are interested. After all these are the times of revelations, as for too long you have been kept in the dark as to the truth of your being and the Human history. As we mentioned in one of our earlier messages, you all have your origins off Earth. That does not mean you are entirely new to Earth, inasmuch that you have already had many lives upon it. Can you begin to see that Earth is a School for Life, and in fact gives you one of the quickest experiences in which to evolve.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and always pleased when I can give an insight into your future. Naturally there is always a “right” time to expand your mind, and hopefully enable you to release old concepts that no longer serve you. In time gone past people were easily bound by superstition that comes about from a lack of understanding. Advancements in Science and your technologies has helped expand your knowledge, which is quite a transition from the days when you thought you were at the centre of the Universe. You can go a lot further so please keep an open mind. I leave you with my Love and energy to lift you up.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

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Galactic Federation of Light Update – September 30, 2014

Posted on Oct 1, 2014
in Galactic Federation, Sheldan Nidle
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Galactic Federation of Light

Channeled by Sheldan Nidle

12 Lamat, 6 Tzotz, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come in Joy! More and more, the evidence for the rise of a new reality manifests. A number of special agreements are being signed, which are to formalize a new financial system. These agreements set up new banking and trade regulations that run counter to the desires of the dark cabal. A pathway is being established to a more equitable and prosperous realm. The various exchanges of old monies are allowing numerous nations to revalue their currencies. In addition, the process is set for the functioning of a new global currency reset. These are all preliminary to the next major steps which include precious metal-backed monies and the rise of new governance. All of these developments are a precursor to disclosure. Disclosure is actually a major watershed. In your mostly forgotten global histories, the memories of these ancient deeds still vaguely remain. The Anunnaki did their best to make your forget your off-world and Lemurian ancestries. Disclosure is to return these memories to you and permit you to meet your Inner Earth cousins.

We are here, as you know, to carry out Heaven’s divine dispensation, which is to return you to your former state of full consciousness. This process includes our mass landings and the introduction to you of a mentor. Mentors are meant to carry on a divine dialogue. This dialogue begins with trust and ends with you able to enter your crystal Light Chamber. This three-day journey is to reverse the epigenetic issues that prevented you from quickly returning to full consciousness and kept you mired in the horror of misplaced fears and illusions, which are the essence of limited consciousness. Hence, you first need to undo those horrors, which added to what the dark Atlanteans first gave you. Then you are ready to accept the grace-filled transformations of the Light Chamber. Your mentor and your various angelic hosts are to watch over you during this process. When you emerge, you are ready for a special training in the life tools we call our special etiquette. This in hand, you can begin your new life with us.

As we stated previously, you have a number of important tasks assigned to you by Heaven. The former members of the Anchara alliance are most anxious to have you assist them in acquiring Light bodies. You, along with a similar species who are presently fully conscious, are there to counsel them and give these former Ancharans the courage to perform a process very similar to what you are to encounter. This selfless act of divine service is to secure galactic peace and permit this galaxy truly to become a showcase for this sector of physicality. We were told long ago by Heaven to permit the Sirians and their spiritual allies to watch over you. Somehow, the Anunnaki wished to secure your present limited state of consciousness and make you permanent servants to their own minions. The Sirians long suspected that the Anunnaki were up to no good. It is because of their diligence and the various Ascended Masters that Heaven implored us to take on this first contact mission.

The dark cabal is the last living remnant of those minions that have controlled your realm for millennia. Unlike the Anunnaki, they formally refused to give up and undertake programs, which were to lead to your prosperity and to governance that was able to free you from a most heinous debt slavery. To this dark cabal, we were interlopers, with allies on this globe that needed to be defeated. The usual misplaced wars and terrors were to be the means to do so. These tactics have failed. The dark has reached a point where the surrender it feared is to become a reality. Expect your prosperity, and also the rise of governance that really wishes your input and your support. In this new realm, we can appear and aid your Ascended Masters in their duties to free you and inform you about the uncluttered truths given you long ago by Heaven. You are at last to bask in these truths and rediscover the extent of your magnificence!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with good news and blessings. Our sacred associates continue to make excellent progress! The arrival of the prosperity packages is quite close. These packages are tied to the advent of NESARA, and therefore, the rise of new governance. The present dark cabal is desperately using its old methods of war and fear to somehow save themselves from destruction. This is not going to work! The consciousness of this world has risen too much to give way to such nonsense. A schedule for the transfer of new governance and the rise of a new economic system was recently reached. These documents are seen by our associates as a form of surrender and are to be carried out accordingly. This is why the prosperity deliveries are so close. Once all of this becomes fully manifest, then government can free you from millennia of enforced debt slavery. After a brief time, a schedule can be given for our lessons.

We are excited about the very near events. Prosperity and freedom are indeed heady items. You need to take the time to review your inner plan for success. Confer with your loved ones on these matters, and above all, take into account each other in this vast world that many still call “the global village.” All of this wealth and well-being is to raise you up from a most serious daily toil for survival. You need to take on a new countenance. You need to learn to love each other, and especially, Gaia. Think of what she provides you daily. Think of how her special friends have gifted you with the time to be meditative and knowledgeable about this world. We bless you all and rejoice in the fact that this global society is to be freed from the dire wishes of the dark!

In this new realm, you are to meet us and learn numerous truths about yourselves and Gaia. You are to meet your Inner Earth cousins and together rejoice in the affairs of the day. We each took many lifetimes to reach our sacred goals. See how great is the grace of the Creator. You are to receive what your ancestors lost in Atlantis long ago. This restoration is meant to return you to the stars, and most importantly, to look after Gaia and her numerous and diverse life forms. Each Being here, whether it is a tree or simply a rose, can converse with you, and you with them. Even rocks have the ability to convey truly amazing stories to you. This is a realm filled with wonders, which are to open up to you in your new state of consciousness. Be in joy and bless this truly, for it is indeed divine. Hosanna! Hosanna!

We now come to a place where we thank you for all, and state that you are on the verge of a great change. Look around and really see what is happening. Look within, and there you can discover magnificent things. We leave you now with our great blessing. Rejoice and be ready for the Creator’s wonders! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015

sharing.:::.SaLuSa .:::.▶ How to Transform the Body in Photoshop - YouTube

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September 19, 2014

Posted on Sep 19, 2014
by cosmicgaia
in Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa
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Galactic Federation of Light

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

The vibrations and influences of the last cycle are destined to die away, as they are replaced by the more refined ones of the New Age. There is something of a battle taking place for supremacy between the dark and the Light, but there is no contest inasmuch that the Light is destined to reign supreme.
The dark are steadily losing power and no matter how much they try, they cannot overcome their demise. However, they are to be reckoned with until their power is removed. They cannot last much longer and are already losing their influence where worldly matters are concerned.
It is their karma to experience defeat and the failure of their plan for global dominance. In their gross arrogance did they really imagine that God would allow them to decimate the population. They planned to reduce it dramatically to a “manageable” number that they could easily control. So have no fear, as that plan would never be allowed to interfere with the evolution of those of the Light.
Little by little you will be introduced to changes that will take you onwards quite quickly. You have done the preparation work and are ready to take a great step forward to experience the higher vibrations, and all the benefits that go with them.
For quite a long period we have encouraged the pursuit of new technologies that will also give you a flying start when they can be introduced. Many are ready for you, but the timing must be such that there is no interference that will hold them back. Free energy is one that many, many people have heard about, and it will ultimately cater for all of your needs.
The dark Ones have deliberately kept such advancements for themselves, with no intention of sharing them with you. However, their actions will serve no purpose as no one group of individuals is allowed to evolve at the expense of another. The evolution of technology alone is if no use unless it is applied in a spiritual manner that benefits the whole of Humanity.
Each soul that has found the Light is a focal point for these energies, and will influence others as they go about their business. It happens in a subtle way that does not overpower them, but opens up their consciousness to more evolved thoughts and actions. As the momentum gathers pace so it will speed up your evolution and bring about the inevitable splitting of the ways.
So whatever your experiences in the present vibrations, remember that they are slowly changing and destined to take you fully into the New Age. Once you have given yourself to the Light and all that it means, life will take on a new meaning and be so fulfilling. Events outside of you will not affect you, and if anything it is the other way around.
We are so pleased to see so many of you leading from the front, and by your example you will influence many others to follow you. Where you are destined to meet with other Lightworkers, you can be sure that it will take place. If necessary we can influence your thinking to such a degree to ensure it does.
We would never otherwise take it upon ourselves to place you in a situation that would be disagreeable to you. Often such matters have been discussed with you prior to the event and we work with your agreement. We very much respect your sovereignty and freedom to exercise your own freewill. In other words we work together for our mutual benefit.
We watch you on our screens and admire your determination to keep on pressing forward, and we give you every encouragement to keep your goal in front of you. Many of you have undertaken very important roles over millennia of time to bring the Light into being. Now you are to see the result of your endeavours and what you have achieved.
Looking back you will surely realise the measure of your success and you may rightfully take credit for it. You are always the main beneficiary of the work you do and, as a Lightworker, are continually uplifting your own vibrations and in helping others you help yourselves.
If you could see the overall picture where Earth is concerned you would note that outwardly there is seemingly a great degree of chaos, yet the ultimate picture is one of achievement and fulfilment.
So much has to be done to remove the vestiges of the lower vibrations to clear the way, so that the new vibrations can be established. Every aspect of life is about “vibrations” and in time your medical establishment would find that it is a path worth investigating. However, with any New Age advancement you are advised on such matters and given as much information that is needed to make progress.
You may wonder why we do not meet some of you on Earth – of course the truth is we do but it is an intended contact and of a personal nature. The most popular place for meeting is in the higher levels during your sleep time, and very few of you take memories of it back with you.
However, any conversation with us is held in your sub-consciousness, and can still have an effect on you. It is a very convenient way to meet as most souls leave their bodies during their sleep time. When you have a problem that troubles you it is why it is suggested you “sleep on it”, and when you wake up the next morning the answer to your problem is with you.
There is so much more to physical life than you generally understand, but it is not vital that you know more at this time. It is however of value to know that all life is interconnected, and that is why mass consciousness is so important.
Each of you contribute to the whole which is why we are working with you to raise your individual vibrations. Have you ever wondered why you feel good around some people and not others? That is usually when you are in harmony with that person, and feel at One with them through their vibrations.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to enlighten you on many aspects of your life on Earth. It will continue, and your ultimate goal is full consciousness to become a Galactic Being. The greatest power is the Light and in the course of time, you will use it to create to an extent that is at present unimaginable.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

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Mary Magdalene: The Period of Alignment 
Posted on Sep 18, 2014
by cosmicgaia
in Mary Magdalene, Natalie Glasson
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Mary Magdalene (Cronología)
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Channelled through Natalie Glasson

17th September 2014

You are now experiencing your divine essence in a sacred journey which is revealing your purpose as a soul on the Earth and within the universe of the Creator. The journey you are experiencing and continuously embarking upon is a special journey that gathers all your skills, abilities, wisdom and knowledge from past, simultaneous and current lifetimes into manifestation within your present moment. Everything you require is present within your being, ready to be activated, available to be experienced and present to be honoured as a sacred manifestation of the divine. Your purpose upon the Earth is unfolding now for you. You are walking your sacred purpose in every moment of your life whether you are content with your life or not, experience an easy flowing life or challenges, feel confused or inspired. In this moment and every moment of your reality you are in the right place with appropriate timing and everything is flowing in accordance with your soul, soul group and the divine will of the Creator. This is the truth, you are exactly where you need to be in your life and experiences and you are walking your divine purpose on the Earth to experience more fully with each expression of yourself the Era of Love and all its abundance.

I ask you to comprehend your life in this moment; do you feel my words are true? It is most likely if you have recently had what you perceive as good experiences that you resonate with my words, if it is the opposite and you feel yourself struggling or suffering in your life then maybe you do not resonate with my words. Whatever your circumstances it is appropriate for you to resonate, cultivate and align with my words and suggestions about you walking on the Earth as your divine purpose because this is your truth. The more you align with this existence the more you will experience it fully within your reality. There is no other way to walk as your divine purpose on the Earth and experience the abundant love of the Era of Love than to align with it consciously as if sending out a request to yourself and the Era of Love including all its experiences to merge, to be linked and as one. You are already the Era of Love. The Era of Love is a title of a time on the Earth where each person aligns with the love of their beings bringing it forth to their own realities, to others and the Earth as a supreme gift of love; the gift of love manifesting in physical form and experiences. You, beloved one, are on this pathway. You are the Era of Love, you are the creator of the Era of Love, it is through your alignment with and expression of love that you will achieve your divine purpose as well as manifesting an eternal period of love on the Earth.

Your time is here, it has been present for a while, the only way you can truly be a creator of the Era of Love is to align with and be content, with understanding that you are already walking your sacred reality of divinity and true purpose on the Earth. Your understanding and contentment comes from your perspective that everything in your reality is appropriate and applicable, there are no good or bad experiences, and everything is a part of your pathway. With this perspective activated within you, you discover you no longer feel attached to your reality or even feel the need to judge circumstances. You simple know everything falls into place for a reason and a divine purpose. With this understanding you are more able to surrender yourself more fully to the presence of the beauty of the Creator within your being and reality. Your choices also come into play having an important impact upon your reality. When you choose to be aligned to the Era of Love and to your purpose of being a creator of the Era of Love, you begin to make new choices which express and manifest the Era of Love within your reality. Thus abundant diverse experiences of love manifest magically into your life, attracting to you all you need to encourage and support you in expressing more of the Creator’s love and viewing more of the Creator’s beauty within your reality.

‘I ALIGN,’ this is all that you require in this moment with your choice of that which you choose to align to. Do you choose to align to fear or love? This simple means that rather than encouraging yourself to walk alone on the Earth without support you are accessing the support that is constantly yours. The support of the inner planes, the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Light Beings as well as the flow of abundance, the truth, love and your own sacred being. You are opening yourself up to be a part of the universe of the Creator which you automatically and naturally belong to so you may gain the support, inspiration and energy you require, thus you are able to support others in achieving and accessing the same.

What energies do you wish to support you in this magical lifetime and to create magic upon the Earth? It is important to contemplate this free from limitations or boundaries. You are an amazing being of light connected to all that is the Creator, when you align yourself to this you are living beyond boundaries in the freedom and multitude of abundance of the Creator.

‘I align myself completely to the Era of Love so I may be an expression of the abundant and blissful love of the Creator on the Earth. I align myself to be a creator of the Era of Love in my reality, the realities of others and the world. I align myself to experience myself and my reality as love thus attracting all I need and require into my life to exist harmoniously with the truth of my heart and my divine purpose. I align with the divine purpose of my soul, whatever happens in my reality I know I am creating, walking and experiencing my divine purpose in every moment. As I align with love my choices are aligned with love and so I AM LOVE in all its sacred expressions. For this I rejoice, letting go of fear and being content within my reality and existence upon the Earth. I Am That I Am.’

That which is negative, harmful or hurtful is only a product of illusion designed to bring forth greater understanding and truth from the soul, that which is determined positive is a recognition of the truth of your soul and the Creator in manifestation. That which you align with becomes your truth becomes your reality and the consciousness held within your physical being. Let love be the alignment of your being.

There is a need to embody, express and experience the love of the Creator because it is healing, uplifting and freeing, more importantly due to the fact the love of the Creator is so abundant there is so much to experience. Even a lifetime devoted to the embodiment, expression and experience of the Creator’s love is not enough to explore fully the abundant manifestations and experiences of the Creator’s love, there is so much to experience. It is now time to unleash these beautiful energies and experiences so new understandings and truths develop and are recognised from within your being, there is a magical world waiting for you, born from within your being.

Where there is love there is only love. Within your being there is love, this means that there is only love within your being. If you align to this understanding and to the love within your being by simply stating, affirming and committing yourself to this alignment, then this will be your experience eternally, developing in magnificent ways throughout your reality and experiences.

It is time to set yourself free and to know you are your divine purpose, this knowingness is all that is required. With your alignment to love and your divine purpose, even if you do not know your divine purpose, you will purify and cleanse your reality as everything that you are, create and experience also becomes aligned. This is why many upon the Earth are experiencing people, energies, objects, experiences, situations, beliefs, perspective falling away from them; it is because of a conscious and unconscious alignment that is taking place within all souls. Every soul consciously and sometimes unconsciously is making a choice of alignment and experience upon the Earth. This alignment is paving the way for generations to come and also for the continuous ascension of all upon the Earth and the inner planes. That which you choose in every moment impacts upon your reality and the Ascension of all, this is why at this time of transition, forgiveness is the greatest tool to support a loving reality of freedom of love.

I am with you always, supporting, loving and inspiring you,

Let there be light and love in everything you do as you walk the pathway of your divine purpose in the same way that I and Master Jesus and many more have done.

We are one eternally, connected by truth and love, I honour and respect you, I am your sister and the companion of your soul, here to serve as and with love.

The Era of Love is the Time of Alignment,

Mary Magdalene

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