martes, 27 de junio de 2017

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domingo, 25 de junio de 2017

sharing3- archive - THE ARCTURIAN - Massive Grief

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Carl Jung:

 ” One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”

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Third Wave Moving Beyond the 3rd Dimension ~ Galactic Council of Light

Posted on June 14, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz


We come to you today with important information to help you navigate this next period. 
Many of you can sense a quickening taking place. Time is becoming flexible, in one moment it appears to go very fast in other moments very slow.
 This is evidence of the lower matrices shutting down.
 All of humanity will move beyond the 3rd Dimensional reality during the upcoming solstice and full moon.
 While this is a momentous occasion it does not mean that the 3rd Dimensional matrix will dissolve, only that it is now able to happen.

In order for this level of the matrix to completely dissolve, each person must sever their ties and stop giving and receiving energy from this layer. Understand that this can only be accomplished by no longer allowing the programs of this matrix to operate in your system (your mind, body and spirit). While this is a very individual process that requires one to look deep into their beliefs, thoughts and actions, the energy streaming to earth is giving unprecedented support at this time. This may be hard to fathom as one looks at the world events. Much is happening to keep people fully invested in the 3rddimensional matrix.

It is this reason that the message has been sent through multiple channels that it is a good time to pull away from all that alters how you feel within.
 Be aware of what you are allowing into your reality through the television, social media, and the internet or through other beings. If what you are exposing yourself too brings tension, anger, sadness or fear into your body, we want you to see how this negatively impacts you and all around you.
 Look at how in this state your personal interactions with others change. The tension within your form keeps you from releasing the lower matrices completely.
 At this time nothing is more important than utilizing the energies to help move yourself forward. As each of you separate from the lower matrix it destabilizes the construct allowing for more light to pour into and uncovering the illusion. The illusion is simply anything keeping you from accessing your personal truth and sovereignty.

We understand that many of you are longing for change, that you have glimpsed the possibilities of a truly loving and just world. We ask that you take that energy, that desire and put it into creating the new. As with all things, there is little use in asking those who are entrenched in the old to change their way of being. Instead, create or be part of the new and you will see that in time it overtakes the old like a tidal wave, no amount of effort will stop it. It is the way of change, one can flow with it or one can be overtaken. Think of the many instances on your planet where great change has happened in societal norms and even innovation. There were those that were told how improbable it would be that computers would be a common fixture in the home. If the innovators had spent their time asking the doubters to change, little would have. Instead, they held their conviction and created the new.
 This is what we are asking of you. Hold your vision and create the new.

As each of you awaken your personal truths will grow and change.
 Your understanding of all will deepen as you become more heart centered.
 During this fundamental time it is important to only honor what resonates deeply within you.
 If what you are exposed to does not resonate within your being, let it go. It must match what you feel deep within your being or it simply becomes another illusion that must be unraveled later. Understand that as you remember who you are what once resonated may no longer feel so. This is an indication of growth, not of disillusionment. Understand that each of you are masters or you would not be on earth at this time. No one’s truth is more valuable nor more correct than yours. This is an important lesson on your path to remembering who you are.

Some may find that the week leading to the Solstice and the weeks after are very intense and full of opportunities for you to release all ties to the lower matrix. Observe how you are feeling and what is being shown to you in the outer world. You will see where you are not in alignment with unconditional love for self and others. It is in those moments that you will be able to change your perception and return to balance. Balance that is not found in the 3rd Dimensional matrix as it is a place of duality. The more who do this, the more the lower matrix become unstable and eventually dissolve.Allow the energy flooding in at this time to assist you fully in your transformation.

We are the Galactic Council of Light and hold you in the highest regard.

Personal Questions:

Me: So there are multiple matrices?

Council: Yes, each at a different frequency and each operating within its own construct. The 5th Dimensional matrix is different from the 3rd just as the 12th Dimensional matrix is remarkably different than the 5th.

Me: With everything going on in the collective it is hard to not be affected. For instance the shooting in Orlando that happened recently.

Council: It is normal to feel compassion and do what you can to help the situation, this is a good use of your light. What we advise you to avoid is trying to change those that hold fear of others within their being. You will be unable to change those who are biased, as this work will begin once the person is ready. What you can do is be the example and hold space for those who are not able to expand within in these moments.

Me: I found myself full of strong emotions over my countries presidential race. I wanted people to see that regardless of who your personal preference is, there are serious issues with our democratic process. I found myself angry and judgmental. I then sat and thought of all the times people had tried to push their understanding and beliefs on me and how I had dug in my heels. Some I rejected because the belief didn’t resonate and some were simply because my ego resented being told how to think or be. I realized that is what I was doing to others by trying to get them to see my view.

Council: An important understanding and one needed if you are to remain in balance. If you find yourself unable to stop this pattern of behavior, it is best to remove the temptation to react in this way. Overtime the pattern will be overwritten with a new one.

Me: I have worked hard to step into my personal power and am finding that in my attempt to do this that there are moments when I have become inflexible. This has brought me angst and tension within my form.

Council: Understand that you are remembering within who you are. There will be moments that you are out of balance. It is not a problem, as long as you are able to learn and adjust. This is your time to find who you are but you must allow yourself the space to explore all sides so that you can find your balance.

I hope that my questions have helped you as they have helped me. Sending us all the love and blessings that we can handle. THANK YOU to all who share this work! It means the world.



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to

Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

^^^ Picture credit –unknown. If you know who I should credit, please let me know. ^^^^

Posted 5 hours ago by Juan Pablo

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Carl Jung:

 ” One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”
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Energy Update ~ Massive Grief Reaching an 'End' Point

June 15, 2016

By Anastacia, 06/15/2016

Blue Beyond - Massive Grief/Reaching an 'End' point/Human Soul and Spiritual Soul - 15th June 2016

With the massive Grief being released (prev BB post 13th June) and felt on a humanity level, there has been so much to this....with so many facets.

As with this, has come a part of us that has 'died' so-to-speak. A part of our ('old') light body that needed to die through this mass grief release. As this is a momentous time in our souls ascension.

Previous BB 13th June shared of how this came through as it broke through with the last Full Moon. As not only were we feeling this in the human, we are also feeling this in the Spirit. It was a double 'blow' or breakthrough at the same time.

As a first wave trailblazer it 'took me out for three days'...and then the preceding days from the Full Moon before this....and I am only just 'coming back on board' today.

This insight into a 'part of us has died' only came this morning (14th June) as our reality as a human being, linked with Spirit.

Now the next phase is a feeling of 'why am I here, what is this all for'.

It is the vacancy or space left from a part of us 'dying'. Reaching the threshold or 'end' of this grief..that last little bit on the end or at the 'end' of this release of grief.

That entailed so much as this isn't' just feeling some deep sadness or grief for however long it is for each of us, this is so much more and bigger. This is going through all of our layers and levels, back to and from our Original Ancient Soul Wounding.

Once one reaches the 'end' point of the mass wave of grief, one can question all they are and doing, this is very normal and part of the process, to shift to a newer level.

Whatever comes up during this next phase of this grief release process, let it out, feel it, express it within and let it go as well. This is a healing within itself.

To allow these feelings of the 'end' point to flow through without analysing or over riding these deep feelings with positivity, not at this release phase or point.

As then one reaches a place of a slight numbness or new space. A new space of and after shifting the 'old' due to this mass release of grief wave.

This is where we 'hold on' and keep going, even with all we are seeing that is going on in the world. We pick ourselves up and 'go again'.

There are two sides to information around, the spiritual and the human....we are having two experiences at once now as many have re-connected their spirit with the human recently..and when one does 'life' as we knew it is not the same.

Souls are seeing and feeling more that is going on in the Astrals and multi-dimensions now...yet some have been seeing and feeling this for a while.

It is about integrating the Spiritual Soul with the Human Soul. This is a transition/reconnection and takes time.

Blending what we 'pick up' is going on above, to the human being here and now in reality.

It is wonderful to read what many enlightened souls are sharing that is going on and what is coming, yet in this, we are needing to be 'soulful' in allowing this to be blended in with each of our personal human realities as well. It is a balance and integration of the Spirit AND the Human.

Read what is being shared, go with what you feel resonate, then allow this to filter and connect to the human being inside.

Keep it 'real' with how all we are going through spiritually affects us in the human, our physical reality.

Bring that 'information' of the spiritual that resonates into our consciousness...sit with it, feel it, process it..blend it and integrate it with the human being.

We are needing to find a balance with our re-connection to spirit. To realise we have a 'life' here in the human and physical. That we are each needing to experience what we are individually, for the whole, the collective.

As every small 'piece' counts and makes up the 'bigger picture'. As our link with spirit IS our 'lifeline'. It is a balance of the re-connection of our Human Soul to our Spiritual Soul.

Do not lose 'sight' of this, it is that important.

Do not let the head 'kick' in with how long is this going to last, as when one comes from this space one is not living in the moment, that is the head 'jumping' ahead. Keep bringing one's energy and focus into right here and now, by being grateful of what you have in life, no matter how big or small. As when we come from this space, we allow ourselves to feel the blessings we have right now.

As we are truly blessed with all we are each and collectively going through. Remembering we are healing, shifting and changing so much from so long ago.

We are creating a new way, a new frontier for and with humanity.

And I am right here with you, all the way, for as long as I am here.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty...Peace, Joy and Freedom

Multi Dimensional Ancient Earth Master - First Wave Trailblazer Way Seer Rainbow Bridge in linking our Soul to our Spirit - through our Emotions.

All Anastacia shares is from experiencing energies herself, feeling the energies through her two souls (human and spirit) as they come to our planet...Anastacia is a Rainbow bridge for humanity in linking emotions to spirituality through the DIVINE.

Sharing from 20years of personal experience in linking her soul to her spirit, through her emotions this lifetime and past lives - back to Creator/Source - from the Ancient Ones, Shaman, Blue Ray Elder, Pleadean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Arcturian, Lyran.

In service to Humanity and Gaia Guiding/Teaching Humanity.

Email if you feel you would like a one-on-one personal healing of the Divine, or if you have any questions.

Please feel free to share this post and others in their entirety

I love writing and sharing all I do in the Blue Beyonds Post as it is of the Divine...and many souls are yet to feel this deeply.

Yet more and more souls have found their way closer to the Divine within, that resonates to the Divine of Source, like a 'Homing' Beacon.

Part of my souls journey is to write and share from access to both my Soul and Spirit for those souls ready to feel this, through the BB articles - as an extension of my energy from my soul and spirit - of the Divine.

All Rights Reserved - 2016 Anastacia Kompos

Posted 5 hours ago by Juan Pablo

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 Carl Jung:

 ” One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”

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JULY 10,2016
Greetings with love from the Arcturian Group.
We come with messages of hope and deeper understanding for you in these times of violence and suffering for so many. Powerful high dimensional energies of ascension are effecting the earth and everyone on it at this time causing those who do not understand what is happening to lash out in frustration and fear, the only tools they know.
These energies are serving to expose all things old and obsolete which is creating the desire for change in all who are receptive. However as we have often said, everyone perceives and acts according to the state of their consciousness which is why you are seeing so much violence at this time. Powerful new energies are causing deeply buried fears, anger, and negative emotions to surface for the un- awakened as well as the awakened. Most are recognizing, clearing, and moving past whatever old energy arises, but the un-awakened who still perceive life fully from third dimensional standpoint act out with solutions based in duality and separation.
Everyone is experiencing the new and higher frequencies of Light, those in positions of authority as well as the "victims". Every one's emotions have moved closer to the surface and where there is no understanding of what it taking place on earth right now, reactions to it will vary according to levels of awareness.
Racial hatred is old deeply embedded cellular memory from past lives. It is the result of lives lived fully in the energy of separation as either the victim or bully. There can be a karmic element involved. A person with black skin today may well have been a white racist or slave owner in a previous life. At the same time it is important to know that there are those who lovingly created a soul plan to include the violent taking of their earthly life for the purpose of assisting mankind to awaken.
A racist/bully is an individual filled with and functioning from a place of fear. The racist/ bully blusters and uses violent tactics but fear is the motivator. These people often carry cellular memory of dis-empowerment, torture, rebuke, punishment, and death for no reason and are determined to never again allow themselves to be dis-empowered. This deeply held vow is often triggered into action by the smallest of incidents.
The soul contract of a racist/bully usually includes human experiences that would serve to assist him in attaining a consciousness of self love and empowerment. Once in the energy of earth, he is unaware of this soul contract as well as his desire to move into a higher sense of empowerment. Fearing his imagined power or place in society as "better than" will be lost if equality is accepted as the norm he reverts to what he knows, choosing to use three dimensional tools of force or violence in order to feel empowered.
Many, previously happy with the status quo, have become aware of the need for change and cooperation between all people in the recognition that many time honored rules for living are simply concepts based in obsolete belief systems. It may look as if the world is regressing but it is not, rather it is waking up. Blind acceptance of some law, belief, status quo issue no longer holds the power it once did, allowing people to make choices for themselves instead of being forced by pressure or guilt into conformity with ideas and beliefs not their own.
All is in and of the One--always has been and always will be because there is only One. Individuality in infinite form and variety, but always within the ONE. Thus...that which you think, believe about, or do to another you really do, do to yourself for YOU ARE the OTHER. This truth is not just a nice topic for your meditation group to discuss it is truth to be lived.
The energy you align with is what you experience. You align through your beliefs about and the energy you put into these beliefs. What are you aligning with...truth or concepts based on appearances? This is the law of attraction.
Center yourselves frequently in that quiet, still, place within and from there make all necessary choices, decisions, or actions. It is not spiritual to sit back doing nothing while spouting; "All is well, only God is...everything is illusion" because unless you have attained the full consciousness of this truth, it remains just words. However, recognizing and honoring this truth is an important first step, after which you proceed with whatever human footsteps you may be guided to take.
Some will be guided to take no outer action but to simply send and hold Light for all involved. Others may be guided to participate in peaceful protest, to sign a petition, or to take a leadership role but always spiritually inspired actions are based in love (realization of Oneness) and not revenge (energy of separation).
There are some who must be confronted by issues over and over until at some point they become so disgusted they are finally able to say "enough is enough" and it is at this point their journey into higher ways of seeing and being begins. This is happening now to much of mankind, know that everything you are observing goes much deeper than the material sense or outer appearances of it.
The first step to full empowerment as a spiritual being is to understand that empowerment already is. It does not need to be attained for it has never left you. It is the reality of your being waiting to be acknowledged. The time has come for you to see yourselves as spiritual beings having human experiences, not as humans trying to be spiritual.
The third dimensional world with all its concepts and beliefs based in duality and separation is actually the bottom rung of a very high ladder. Most of mankind has been afraid to step off that bottom rung not realizing that there is an infinity of rungs above it all leading to new and wonderful places.
Love is the energy connecting all within the One. The higher dimensional energies are energies of Love, oneness, and wholeness. This is what ascension is all about, but in order to resonate with the higher frequencies, everything still resonating on lower levels must surface in order to be recognized and cleared. Not all clearing is done on a conscious level. Much of it takes place at night while you sleep. It is issues needing conscious attention that will make a dramatic appearance in your life.
The interconnected energy of every living thing is the reality behind what the world calls love but love is interpreted according to individual consciousness. The energy of interconnectedness when interpreted through a consciousness enmeshed in duality and separation will manifest as war, rape, and abuse of all kinds reflective of the belief in separation between all living things. This sort of love is always limited and personal, expressed only to those deemed worthy.
This same energy when interpreted through a more evolved consciousness automatically and without conscious thought will manifest as impersonal caring and concern, reflecting a sense of connectedness between self and all living things. It is not based in concepts of worthiness or limited to those of the right color, language, appearance, or financial status.
Try not to judge others because every individual is only able to live out from their highest attained state of consciousness. Those living on very dense levels of awareness have no idea that there is so much more or that love is all inclusive. The process of evolution is continuously happening for all but does not happen in an instant. It is only when an individual is finally prepared by experiences to open and grow that the journey begins in earnest which for some can take a few more lifetimes.
However, world events are quickly waking many up out of their hypnotized stupor. The time is right and a majority are now ready. The high resonating energies now pouring to earth are intense and you are feeling them in many ways. Some are choosing simply to leave, hoping to come back into the new energies at a later time. This is what mankind has been asking for and is now doing--taking a collective step to the next rung of the ladder.
Ponder the things we speak of, resting often in silent awareness and contemplation. Live every aspect of normal daily living from center, loving the things you don't really like by seeing through appearances to the reality. Try not to resist emotions of fear, anger, frustration, disgust, etc. as they arise for they are tools helping you to understand your belief system.
All is proceeding according to plan. No one ever dies. No one is or ever can be separate from the Whole, and no one is ever lost.
You are on a grand journey toward awareness of this.
We are the Arcturian Group 7/10/1

©2016 |

Posted Yesterday by Juan Pablo Rodriguez

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sábado, 17 de junio de 2017


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Carl Jung:
Carl Jung:
Carl Jung: 
"La gente hará cualquier cosa, por absurdo que sea, para evitar enfrentar sus propias almas".

Carl Jung

Carl Jung:
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Canalización del Arcángel Metatrón : Encrucijadas en el Camino
"Actitud, Envejecimiento y el 2do. Retorno de Saturno"

NOTA: Estamos considerando seriamente organizar en 2018 un Peregrinaje al Brasil Sagrado, con opciones para visitar Juan de Dios. Envíen e-mail si están interesados.( Los detalles se informarán por e-mail una vez que esté confirmado... TBA

Encrucijadas en el Camino

Arcángel Metatrón a través del canal Tyberonn

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de la Luz. En esta sesión se une a mí Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, y los saludamos en este momento, un momento sin tiempo, embellecido en un campo de "amor incondicional."

Querido Humano: toda alma en dualidad está buscando respuestas, esforzándose en su nivel para entender el gran misterio de la vida. Pero la maestría es una noble búsqueda que no se logra por medio de un Gurú o de los libros. Debe ser vivida y aprendida personalmente, individualmente, por cada alma en el camino.

Es la experiencia lo que engendra sabiduría. Las respuestas sobre el significado de la vida, el propósito de la vida y el aparente enigma de la muerte se descubren individualmente en los desafíos de los senderos y caminos de la vida humana. Y ese sendero, Queridos, implica muchas intersecciones y encrucijadas ilusorias en el camino, que pueden llevar a uno a extraviarse.

Encrucijadas en el Camino

Una de las cosas reveladoras para reconocer que estás en las etapas últimas del plan de estudio de lecciones álmicas en la "Universidad de la Tierra" es que las encrucijadas en el camino aparecen mucho más sutiles, más complejas... y la dirección correcta a tomar es mucho menos evidente. Porque a medida que cada alma avanza por el sendero a la maestría, las "encrucijadas en el camino" ya no son opciones bien definidas, de "blanco o negro". La mayoría de las más complejas están más bien en confusos tonos de gris... y las opciones en cuanto a por dónde seguir son mucho menos obvias.

El 2do. Retorno de Saturno

Cuando los humanos entran en su 8º ciclo de 7 años, y completan el segundo retorno de Saturno (N.T. la órbita de Saturno alrededor del sol toma 28 años) generalmente entre las edades cronológicas de 56 a 59 años (para la mayoría) suele ocurrir una transformación peculiar e interesante en la actitud, tal vez no percibida al principio... y bastante sutil, eminentemente.

Pero el cambio ciertamente ocurre cuando entran en este capítulo diferente. Porque es en este posterior "capítulo" del libro de la vida que, para la mayoría, su entorno cambia, lógica y naturalmente. Algunos estarán en "un nido vacío", a medida que los hijos se van de casa, y sus compañeros o relaciones cambian, en un escenario comprensible de causa y efecto. Puede que el matrimonio se termine o cambie de maneras sutiles pero polarizantes, especialmente al retirarse o llegar a las últimas etapas de sus carreras laborales.

De pronto, en esta fase también tomarán conciencia en diversos grados de su propia mortalidad. Esta percepción suele provocar una profunda consideración de lo que han hecho en su vida hasta ese punto, y lo que todavía desean completar. Su manera de reaccionar a este nuevo enfoque va a determinar en grado no menor lo que hagan con sus años restantes.

El 2º "Retorno de Saturno" es un período importante en el que un re-examen de sí mismo con propósito es en extremo pertinente y apropiado. Tengan por seguro que el 2º Retorno de Saturno afectará a todos ustedes, ya sea que defiendan o descrean de la ciencia astrológica. Cambiará el humor, en la transformación de la gravedad planetaria del Retorno de Saturno.

Edad y Actitud

A medida que los humanos envejecen, no es raro que las personas en esta fase transitoria de la vida sientan que desdichadamente "los mejores años se han ido" y se vuelvan más rígidos en sus costumbres... y menos abiertos para un auto-examen.

Los que viven solos carecerán del aporte de un compañero de vida, y pueden caer en conductas excéntricas, incluso delirantes. Los que tienen un compañero de vida puede que tiendan a ser menos receptivos a las críticas sobre sus cambios de conducta y el endurecimiento de sus actitudes. Ambos escenarios pueden tener el mismo resultado de "endurecimiento".

Maestros, nunca piensen que una fase de su vida carece de propósito. Nada podría estar más lejos de la verdad. Les aseguramos que cada momento de su precioso tiempo en la Tierra está lleno de significado para el alma, de aspiración, de metas prefijadas y de objetivos esenciales. De modo que es de grandísima importancia que no se permitan caer en la apatía o la rigidez de actitud cuando entran en las etapas posteriores de la vida.

La cuestión de la rigidez es, en esencia, una pérdida de "sensación de bienestar". Es una sensación de estar estancado que puede infectar sus actitudes desde una variedad de creencias distorsionadas.

Endurecimiento del Corazón

Maestros, otra vez les decimos: debe evitarse el error de establecerse en costumbres de vejez. Puede evitarse reconociendo la importancia de esta etapa de la vida.

Queridos, si se permite que arraigue una configuración mental y conductual de rigidez, crecerá y con el tiempo se volverá cada vez más difícil de superar.

Existen dos generalizaciones primarias de cómo la rigidez tóxica puede expresarse:

1) Como rigidez arrogante -ya no se está dispuesto a auto-examinarse.
2) Como rigidez entregada - una creencia sesgada en que los mejores años se terminaron.

Si uno se entrega tristemente a la creencia errónea de que los mejores años se terminaron, y que la vida tiene poco propósito, surge una atrofia de actitud. No importa cuál sea tu edad lineal, todo lo que tienes es el presente, y has de saber que el ahora no se deja a merced de terminar el ayer ni a los miedos del mañana. ¡No te retiras de la vida mientras estás vivo! Cada momento ha de enfrentarse energéticamente, con una actitud de promesa y esperanza para permitir la fluidez de la "corriente de vida".

Y Maestros, la fluidez en ese flujo de la corriente de vida requiere adaptación constante, ¡vigilancia constante! Volverse rígido puede degradar, descender en espiral hacia una atrofia espiritual, incluso en los buscadores espirituales.

Las almas más endurecidas con una rigidez arrogante son personas de fuerte voluntad, convencidas de su virtuosidad, que bloquean las críticas y están ciegamente decididos a salirse con la suya. Tales personas viven literalmente en un "mundo propio" en que el yo reina supremo por encima de cualquier reproche. Y Maestros, cuando uno en su propia mente se vuelve infalible, se vuelve estático.

Desdichadamente, los afectados suelen elegir no tomar conciencia de su rigidez. Generalmente no ven el auto-aislamiento construido, y esto ciega su capacidad para ver cualquier defecto propio. La actitud puede desviarse a una autosatisfacción arrogante y a controlar a los demás. Pero repito: las personas en esta situación no suelen darse cuenta porque se niegan a someterse a un cuidadoso auto-examen.

Esta forma de rigidez es en realidad un endurecimiento distorsionado del corazón...una forma de desequilibrio del ego. En su peor variedad puede conducir al narcisismo, caracterizado por la terquedad, y una voluntad no sometida, que no cede, de despreocupación torcida. Esta rigidez interrumpe el flujo entrante y equilibrador de la corriente de consciencia.

Una variante de la rigidez de la edad que también puede ocurrir es el rechazo de las circunstancias. La no aceptación del envejecimiento y una sensación de indefensión. Individualmente, cada uno de estos escenarios es - en diversos grados - un resultado del miedo, la desesperanza, la apatía, o una combinación de estas emociones negativas basadas en el miedo que conducen a la desesperación.

Todas ellas fracturan el aura, que automáticamente disminuye su resistencia, y bajan la capacidad del cuerpo para defenderse. Tales estados declinantes de angustia emocional/mental no solo bajan las defensas físicas del cuerpo, sino que cambian la química del cuerpo, alteran sus equilibrios, e inician condiciones de enfermedad...

Corriente Viva

La consciencia que corre, que fluye, es enormemente diferente de la consciencia "estática". La rigidez es una consciencia estática desconectada, en tanto la corriente de la consciencia es fluida, nutricia, e implica un proceso natural y mentalmente saludable de constante auto-calibración. La corriente de la consciencia permite un estado más elevado, el subconsciente, que es la fuente del Yo Superior, de la divinidad.

Por supuesto la autodisciplina está primera en la lista de valores requeridos para una buena vida. No hay caminos fáciles hacia la iluminación, y el compromiso y la responsabilidad son centrales para generar semillas de plenitud.

Maestros, las condiciones que estamos explicando pueden ocurrir, y lo hacen, en todas las fases de la vida; sin embargo existe una mayor tendencia a que las actitudes se vuelvan rígidas en las etapas posteriores de la vida humana. Hay épocas en la vida en que muchos se sienten cansados por una u otra razón y dejan de hacer los esfuerzos necesarios. En una etapa determinada pueden sentir que su "Visión Experiencial de la Realidad" está bastante completa, es virtualmente sacrosanta, y no se necesita ningún conocimiento nuevo. "Abandonan" y descansan sobre sus laureles, comúnmente al final de las fases de "edad mediana" de la vida, entrando en este segundo retorno de Saturno.
Es como si hubieran llegado a una cumbre falsa, o tal vez sencillamente se volvieron perezosos o cansados.

De modo que muchos de ustedes ven "la edad de retirarse" como una época de dejar de aprender, y simplemente "descansar". La apertura mental es sutilmente reemplazada por una estrecha visión de su realidad de "envejecimiento". Solo unos pocos excepcionales siguen hasta el momento de morir, explorando abierta y devotamente el misterio de la realidad, constantemente expandiendo, refinando, calibrando y redefiniendo su comprensión del mundo y de todo lo que es virtuoso y verdadero.

Les decimos que todos en el sendero "verdadero y virtuoso" buscan permanecer en equilibrio. El virtuoso busca retener un humilde sentido de "arraigo" y es mentalmente estable. Estas almas se someten de uno u otro modo a algo más elevado que ellos mismos, ya sea Dios o la verdad, o el amor, o algún otro ideal noble esotérico y altruista... Creen en lo que es real, lo que es válido según los hechos, realmente verdadero, en lugar de la ilusión de lo que proyectan como verdadero.

Evitar la Desesperanza de la Edad

La desesperanza se mueve más veloz que una enfermedad contagiosa o cualquier portador externo de una enfermedad determinada. El estado mental de depresión/desesperanza ocasiona la activación de algo parecido a un virus pasivo. Pero en verdad, la desesperanza es cualquier cosa menos pasiva. La desesperanza puede parecer pasiva, porque suele ser auto-infligida cuando uno siente erróneamente que cualquier acción exterior para cambiar es inútil... pero den por seguro que los fuegos interiores de la desesperanza, las llamas de la depresión, braman destructivamente hacia el interior.

Si te atormentan los sentimientos de depresión, tristeza o una sensación de deficiencia, ten en cuenta que es únicamente mirando cuidadosa y profundamente dentro del "ser que conoces", el ser de la vida cotidiana, que tu propia realidad puede ser escudriñada, entendida y recalibrada para revitalizar una vida de experiencia jubilosa.

Es un error vivir en la tristeza o darse por vencido. Y es solo con el auto-examen, por más que duela, que se encuentran las resoluciones y las respuestas benévolas.

Y Maestros, esa revisión debe contrastarse, uno al lado de otro, el yo de la vida cotidiana con los ideales en el lugar del "Yo Superior", la identidad interior. Tiene que haber una disposición, una aquiescencia, un deseo de descubrir las diferencias, combinados con una voluntad decidida para realizar las acciones necesarias para corregirlo.

Maestros, ya hemos dicho repetidamente; si no dedican el tiempo a examinar sus propios estados subjetivos, no podrán quejarse si esas mismas condiciones se repiten una y otra vez en su vida. Si uno permanece "deprimido", si uno sigue en estado de desesperanza, si muchas respuestas parecen eludirlos, entonces por una u otra razón no han hecho el esfuerzo para examinarse a sí mismos verdaderamente.

¡Hagan el Esfuerzo!

En la vida, cada momento precioso requiere esfuerzo. La idea de que una vida fructífera, productiva, es fácil es una gran falsedad. Virtualmente todas las lecciones de la vida se ganaron no solo enfrentando los desafíos sino superándolos de un modo positivo. Envejecer, crecer con gracia hacia los años "mayores" es el período maduro, destinado a la recopilación, a la cosecha de sabiduría...y a expresar ese conocimiento con alegría.

Enfrentar los Desafíos

Maestros, sus textos religiosos dicen: "Es más fácil que un camello pase por el ojo de una aguja que un hombre rico entre en el cielo..."·

El significado verdadero de este texto es que ustedes eligen las vidas con desafíos para crecer. Una vida de riqueza en que todas las necesidades están "satisfechas", en tanto es tal vez más fácil en el aspecto material en 3ªD, no necesariamente lo obliga a uno a trabajar... y desdichadamente suele permitir el desarrollo de características negativas como la arrogancia, la titularidad y el control sobre otros.

El Budismo enseña que cada alma elige los desafíos con objeto de crecer. Y que una vida sin desafíos ofrece un beneficio limitado. Un alma sabia elige una vida que requiere esfuerzo, con configuraciones planeadas que son desafiantes y difíciles.

Edgar Cayce dijo que las almas expertas eligen una vida relativamente "cómoda y fácil" una vez de cada cuatro o cinco vidas. Y ese 75 a 80% de las encarnaciones se eligen en ámbitos llenos de configuraciones elegidas, desafíos en los contratos álmicos, que conducen al crecimiento del alma y al desarrollo.


La vida puede ser difícil; eso es una noble verdad. Suele suceder que solamente al estar aparentemente enjaulado por los obstáculos difíciles uno enfrenta los desafíos y los trasciende.

La vida siempre traerá su estrés; de la familia, del trabajo y de las finanzas. Es inevitable, y puede causar muchos problemas de salud, como insomnio, depresión, enfermedad cardíaca. Pero las personas sabias han aprendido a manejar su estrés. Ya sea con meditación, ejercicio, o al menos tomar unos minutos para sí mismo cada día para desenchufar la preocupación, las computadoras, los televisores y los teléfonos. Concentrarse en la preocupación atraerá hacia ustedes las cosas que ustedes temen.

Encuentren un grupo de buscadores con mentes afines, y relaciónense con personas de todas las edades. Los viajes sagrados, las conferencias metafísicas y los libros espirituales son excelentes formas de estar ocupado. ¡Encuentren la alegría y vívanla; ríanse! La risa y el disfrute son formas válidas de rejuvenecer. La persona que expresa alegría, la que aprende cómo ser feliz, es capaz de cambiar su mundo, transformando su realidad para mejor. Obtener alegría implica apreciar verdaderamente la vida, y ese logro no conoce época mejor para completarse que los "años dorados".

Descubrir la felicidad y mantener la alegría es uno de los logros más importantes para lograr por cualquier alma que busque la maestría. Y en la edad avanzada es de máxima importancia buscar la alegría ¡vivir cada momento plenamente, vibrantemente! Ustedes no son seres cósmicos que bajan a los reinos terrestres solo para "trabajar y luego morir".

Ustedes son espíritus que han elegido crecer y parte de ese proceso es aprender a expresarse vivazmente, dichosamente por medio de la preciosa alegría de vivir. Quienes les dicen que los mejores años de su vida están en el pasado no tienen sabiduría y no conocen que el "momento del ahora" es siempre el punto de poder.

¡Aprovechen cada día, Queridos Corazones! ¡Abracen el momento! ¡Creen amor, creen alegría!

Yo soy Metatrón, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. ¡Ustedes son Bienamados!

Y Así es... Y es Así...

Todos los derechos debidamente reservados, 2017, para James Tyberonn y Earth-Keeper

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Publicado 4 days ago por Juan Pablo

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