Translate/traducir/ Vertaal / ♪ → → → ► → → →
Terjemahan/μεταφράζω / übersetzen / ♪ → → → ► → → →
переводити/Traduire/ переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
Translate/traducir/ Vertaal / ♪ → → → ► → → →
Terjemahan/μεταφράζω / übersetzen / ♪ → → → ► → → →
переводити/Traduire/ переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
Respiración 5
Volviendo a la respiración, somos ya conscientes de
que tenemos una respiración en función Dual… además de la función
subconsciente, ahora sabemos que también podemos influenciar conscientemente en
ella… la podemos, a “voluntad”, acelerarla, o volverla mas lenta, tanto como
nuestra practica nos lo permita… al acelerarla, también lo podemos hacer, hasta
donde lo permita nuestro entrenamiento… sin embargo, esto tiene sus limites:
acelerar la respiración quiere decir mas entrada de aire, de oxigeno… y si esto
se lo hace en exceso, la autodefensa del cuerpo, la autoconservación,
simplemente actúa y hace que nos desmayemos… en casos extremos podríamos caer
en coma, y llegaríamos hasta la muerte… conozca un “estudiante” de estos
sistemas, hace muchos años, que falleció por una practica equivocada de la inhalación/exhalación… así que, mucho
cuidado y prudencia… debo añadir que, en adición a tener tendencia a respira
mas profundo cuando nos concentramos en la inhalación/exhalación, el aire puede
ir directamente hacia abajo, o hacia arriba de los pulmones… mas tarde veremos
la respiración diafragmática y otras… lo importante aquí es que Uds. Pueden
controlar a donde va el aire: arriba de los pulmones? Abajo de ellos? Esto es muy importante tener en cuenta,
debido a que por nuestra forma de respirar, ineficiente y “moderna”, sedentaria
mayormente, los pulmones se llenan de aire “basura”, sucio, negro, viciado,
especialmente en la gente que hemos fumado alguna vez, y los que aun son
fumadores empedernidos… así que controlando la inhalación, llevándola consciéntemente
a la parte baja de los pulmones, comenzaremos a limpiar todo ese aire
enrarecido… hagámoslo tres veces la primera vez; descansamos unos tres minutos,
y lo hacemos por 5 veces mas; descansamos tres minutos, y luego lo hacemos por
7 veces… otra vez descansamos tres minutos, y hacemos una ultima serie de 9
repeticiones… después de esto, dejamos pasar un día completo, y repetimos otra
vez toda la serie de 3,5,7,9... Luego de hacer esto por una semana,
concentrados en la parte baja de los pulmones, la semana siguiente lo haremos
casi igual, con la diferencia que esta vez, el aire lo llevamos a la parte alta
de los pulmones… al llevar el aire a la parte baja de los pulmones, se va ha “inflar”
el estomago…
No se vaya...esto, continua...
16th October 2013
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
Before we begin we ask that each one of you take that nice deep
breath in for yourself, allowing the air the surrounds you to fill your
lungs. Allow it to infuse greater level of oxygen into your body, yet
understanding always that it is your breath, which is your connection
between your spirit and your human existence. For when your spirit no
longer animates your human existence, the breath stops. Or if the breath
stops the spirit, the soul, loses its connection with the physical
body. So understanding that your breath is integral to your incarnation,
and it’s also integral to your connection with the spiritual realms and
the realms beyond.
Now that you’ve taken that moment to take some nice beautiful breaths
for yourself we ask you to tune in at the moment with how you feel as
you allow yourself to breathe into your presence. Breathe into the
current moment in which you exist. We’re going to talk more about the
breath today and your connection with your awareness of the Now, your
breath as your ability to help you stay in your current moment, your
breath as an exercise or expression of your ability to actually bring
new information in. So this is a fun and exciting exploration that we
have not brought through before.
As we mentioned a moment ago the breath is this connection between
Soul and human experience. When you look at them as interconnected they
are also interdependent. For those many of you who are looking to the
realms beyond wanting to reach out to receive more from Spirit, from
higher sources, if you will, we ask you to do that by bringing awareness
to your breath. So as you wish to connect through by thinking, through
prayers, through meditation, through journaling, whatever it is, we ask
that you begin to be attention to your breathing and your breath. Before
you ask, before you tune in, before you begin to write, allow yourself
to really become present to your breathing. Allow yourself to feel your
breathing in its fullest expression. For if you have been in your mind,
if you’ve been in your everyday world, you may find that you’re
breathing gets very shallow, as many say very much “chest breathing”. So
the breathing we ask you to do is that breathing into your abdomen,
breathing into the belly, so that they are the full breaths that as you
breathe in you imagine the air flowing all the way down into the lowest
parts of your abdomen. Clearly, within your physicality, it’s limited to
your lungs, but the idea that as you envision it filling your entire
torso you are expanding the fullness of the lungs and you transcend the
stress, if you will, of the “mind breathing”: the shallow breathing.
Just bring yourself to the awareness of the shift in the energy
within your physical body as you begin to breathe deeply that way. The
breathing is always present. It’s always gentle. It’s not a forced deep
breath. It’s a gentle breath and as you practice this in any given
session, if you will, the breathing might be a little bit shallower, in
the next breath a little bit deeper, in the next breath as you feel more
relaxed it’s deeper and deeper until those belly breaths, the ones that
fill your torso, come more easily and naturally to you. As you move to
that place bring your awareness to how your body feels.
Then begin the point of asking for guidance, asking for connection
and inspiration, again through prayer, through meditation, through
journaling, in whatever way you connect with and receive your messages.
Allowing those moments where you are deepening that exchange and
interchange between the interface of the Soul and the human experience
through the breath opens up your energetic field to allow for more. As
you practice this breathing experience observe the shifts and changes in
the messages you receive, the connection you feel, the inspiration you
believe that you are receiving. Then, as you move throughout your day
where you might not be in those conscious moments of asking for guidance
and inspiration and information, allow yourself to consistently come
back into awareness of your breathing even when you’re in your workaday
world. Take that moment to shift your breathing and move to that place
of ease. For as you shift your awareness and begin to increase the way
that you breathe and shift the way that you breathe, to allow those
fuller breaths, you are increasing and expanding your connection with
your Soul, your connection to the higher realms, your connection to
higher-level inspiration.
Have fun with this!
And as always…Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion
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