lunes, 31 de octubre de 2022

Melchizedek: Faith and Love are Intertwined

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Melchizedek: Faith and Love are Intertwined


Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ February 23 – March 03, 2014
Received by Julie Miller
February 23, 2014

Each of you understands that there is a positive side to all the effort taken to improve one’s self, unfortunately the amount of stress you go through in a single day can be enough to deter you from such a goal that would have you on the path of great joy, peace and happiness which will also serve as your outcome. When your minds are overtaxed, your mental and physical bodies are in jeopardy. It is essential to clear out your thinking, to become relaxed enough within your mind to develop a plan that would positively benefit every part of your life, including those that are closest to you. Yet in order to begin executing such a plan and direction it is vital that you clear out your mental clutter and reduce your stressful thoughts. Make a date with yourself where you can be completely alone, allow yourself to relax; not just within the body, but within the mind as well. When your mind is at a place of calm, inner peace is able to be reached.
We understand how busy your day may be and some days seem to go in a blink of an eye, but when it comes to making decisions, don’t allow other people to choose for you. Even if you are busy at work and come home late, make yourself clear that decisions that impact the home are to include you as well. This way you are not missing out on any opportunities that life has gifted you. And when it is time to make any decision regardless if its life changing or something small, do not be afraid. Even if you don’t have all the facts, trust in your heart that you are making the best decision at the time.
Understand dear ones; you will miss out opportunities that are meant for you to develop personally if you always allow other people to choose for you, or if you choose to avoid making decisions. We understand some decisions can be quite difficult, but they still require an action from you. By not deciding, in truth you have made a decision, not necessarily a good one, but one that you are still responsible for. Comprehend dear ones, even when you make a wrong choice, the wrongs are just as useful as the right choices you make because they allow you to learn to become a better decision maker. A wrong choice doesn’t need to lead you to a dead end, it could be the choice needed in order to get you on the right path next time.
When you are on the path to improve yourself, understand there are a few things for you to determine the success of your self-improvement. This preliminary process before you set out upon your self-improvement path can be very difficult for many people because they have to uncover many truths that they have allowed to be hidden. You will be required to overcome some hurdles in order to clear your own path. By taking the time to learn what could become an obstacle that would prevent your success at improving various areas of your Self, you are giving yourself what it will take to eliminate any obstacle that will hinder your success and of the future you have envisioned.
During this time you will become more acutely aware of your weaknesses, everyone has them, it’s just some are not as noticeable simply because you have chosen not to notice. As you move along the path of self-improvement always be ready for sudden and spontaneous thoughts and ideas that are helpful and make a note of them for you to look into a little deeper. Sometimes your inspiration to go further and try a little harder will come from a couple of words that are suddenly caught in your mind.
Because so many of you come from many different backgrounds and beliefs, establishing who you are from the inside will never be boring. Every niche you unfold, every pebble you turn over will be your encouragement as you step-by-step uncover your true self…the self we see, the self God sees.
To give yourself encouragement it is also important to put some time aside just for you. It is okay to give yourself little pep talks now and then. Be proactive upon this path, upon your life. Get yourself a postcard that is visually appealing and make a little list of all the positive attributes you have and keep this card tucked away but with you. Whenever you are doubting yourself and when your ego has you second guessing your decisions, pull this card out and read them. Reminding yourself of your positive attributes will help to diminish any self-defeating thoughts you may have developed as a result.
Become accustomed to talking to others about any achievements you have made, even if that achievement is simply getting out of bed and putting on normal clothes, getting out of your pajamas. We have witnessed many dear souls that are known for their self-defeating thoughts to be sad and a little depressed and may not want to get dressed or do normal functioning things; therefore an achievement like getting dressed is huge and positive. A positive change from the norm that can easily become dull is a step in the right direction. Learn to direct your focus on others and by observing them, you will be able to recognize the potential in them and realize simply from watching that you also have potential to become more each day than you were yesterday.
When you focus on others, you begin to see so much and from what you observe respect for each person also develops. Regardless of status, treat each person with equal respect and appreciation, regardless if each person you observe comes from a different background or culture. Your demonstration of respect and appreciation is never a reflection of their character but of your own.
Learning to overcome self-defeating thoughts and ways of being will take time. It is important to find someone to talk to that you can trust and who will be non-biased and not judgmental or critical. There are many excellent listeners that are in your own community that you will benefit from. Build yourself a new support circle of loving and caring friends that have your best interests and love you for being you. When a troubling issue is presented and you must make a decision, focus on the positive energy and learn to shut out the negative and you will be able to make a decision and remain at peace with your inner self. Listen to your heart and trust where it is taking you. Always ask yourself with love which decision is best, remember when doubt enters the mind that is your ego talking, attempting to prevent you from going in that direction. Your heart will not create second guessing. The more you believe in yourself the more you will progress along your path of self-improvement and the more you will discover of your own capabilities.
If you have had goals before not meet the expectations you have envisioned, their failure holds precious information for you to learn what went wrong. When you analyze the situation do this without your emotions or feelings present, take an indifferent stance, but one that is open to see. Within the errors of other goals you will learn what is needed that will help you succeed in current and future goals. Never quit dear ones, just change your ways here and there, learn to accommodate and give room for changes.
Part of life in general is about taking risks, going into areas that you don’t have all the answers, or all the information. Understand taking certain risks could very well be helpful on your path of self-improvement and towards a life filled with happiness, joy and peace. We know you don’t want to risk failure, you have met failure before and it leaves a nasty taste in the mouth, but without mistakes there would be no learning, no growing and definitely no becoming. When you go beyond your comfort zone, taking courageous and brave steps forward you are moving forward with a positive mind-set that can still be a little unsure but you are listening to your heart and following its direction.
When you are on this path of self-improvement and you are working at diminishing your self-defeating thought forms, you may discover it is time to re-evaluate your values and beliefs. Reflection is not just something you do when you are feeling sad, it is something you do that is healthful and beneficial for the growth and development of your inner self and you do this many times throughout your life. From exploring your values and beliefs you will quickly come to realize that some of your values and beliefs have changed, and the ones that are no longer serving their purpose because you have changed are to be let go. Some dear souls actually give their old ways a burial, saying good-bye to them, thanking them for what they have given for the time they were a part of the person. How you let go of your old values and beliefs is up to you as long as you do. Remember you are clearing a path to your own success.
This is a long and arduous journey; it never stops because there is always something new to learn that will benefit your own personal growth and development. And part of your personal development, it is essential dear ones that you love the passion that is behind all you do and that you have faith in everything you are trying to accomplish. Remind yourself faith and love are intertwined. Never stop doing things that will strengthen your own faith and love. Make use of this vital energy by helping others and by doing so you are demonstrating quietly that your faith and love does mean something, and that you do have a purpose and your purpose is positive, it is helpful and compassionate. Put your faith dear ones into action not just with others but with yourself as well.
Before you reach the goals you have set out for yourself to reach understand even when you move past every possible obstacle you may face a wall or divide that will try to prevent you from moving past from where you currently are to where you wish to be. Acknowledge this, don’t let it hinder you or slow you down. Continue moving forward, one step at a time, be aware of sudden distractions or situations that may arise; don’t let them rattle you, remain on course and you will reach your destination.
When you make plans and goals for yourself always keep track of your progress. Don’t guess how you are doing… KNOW. It may easier to stay on track if you break down the points in between into smaller components. Developing into your best and authentic self is not something that will be done a single day, it will take several days, possibly years to achieve and just when you think you have gotten everything in place, something will come into play that will have you tidying bits and pieces up. There will not be a time when learning and changing will not occur, as learning and changing is part of your journey. It’s how you approach the new that will make the difference. As you progress along, you will gain valuable knowledge from the experiences you will encounter. Embrace each step, each process and allow yourself to become the person, the being we know you can be. Don’t be your own obstacle with self-defeating thoughts and ways, become your best friend and help yourself to become. Remind yourself ten small baby steps can be much better than three or four giant ones.
I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller

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