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▶ Galactic Federation of Light Jesus, Saul December-25-2013 - YouTube
Truly you can have no idea of what is coming to greet you.
December 25, 2013 by John Smallman
On this Christmas Day, as on every Christmas Day, and as in fact on every day, I offer you greetings and love because as children of God we are all brothers and sisters divinely enfolded within our Source Who is infinite unconditional Love, which we share and extend constantly because it is our will and His Will that we do so. His Will is our will. Life, existence, is as simple and as utterly profound as that. There is no part of creation of which God is ever unaware because He, Love, is infinitely aware and infinitely loving unceasingly. Consequently we are forever safely enfolded in His loving arms where there is nothing to conflict with that divine and eternal state which is forever His Will.
On awakening the beauty, the magnificence, and the wonder of Reality will transport you into a state of utter and presently unimaginable joy, which is your heritage and your destiny. Here in the spiritual realms we wait expectantly and with ever intensifying delight as we observe your continuing progress towards the moment of your awakening, knowing what wondrous and awe-inspiring amazement will engulf you as your awareness opens expansively to take in and rejoice in the immensity of God’s Love for you. What our Father has prepared for you, and, therefore, for all of us, for all of creation, is utterly beyond words, beyond pictures, and beyond description, it has to be be consciously experienced by a fully awakened being, and you are all shortly to become fully awakened and fully conscious beings enjoying the infinite wonder that is God. Truly you can have no idea of what is coming to greet you as you open your hearts to accept and receive God’s eternal gift to you.
If any of you think that this message of God’s infinite Love for you offered and delivered through me and through all the holy ones here in the spiritual realms by way of this channel is too good to be true, unreal, the wishful dreaming of an aging eccentric, then I can absolutely assure you that the wonder of what you are so soon to experience – REALITY – will mightily blow away any doubt, disbelief, bitter humor, or unhappy memories that experiences within the illusion have encouraged and supported.
As you have been repeatedly told “There will be no disappointments!” Why? Because our divine Father always delivers. He loves you all without exception and without reservation, and His Will for you is infinite joy, and His Will prevails, always. There is no opposite or alternative to His Will, there never has been, never will be, and never can be because He is All, there is nothing else, and therefore you are all essential parts or aspects of that All, eternally inseparable from It, just as He created you.
The unreal illusory state that you built, seemingly so infinitely many eons ago, is dissolving. It is but a wispy, misty, vaporous thought with which you once mistakenly engaged, and in a moment it will be gone leaving you free to engage fully with the sublime and utterly engrossing Reality that is God, All that exists, and from which you have never been separated. Your sense of yourselves as billions of small insignificant beings drifting, alone, abandoned, and of no consequence in a vast, threatening, and completely unconscious universe is fading as your collective intent to awaken strengthens and intensifies.
You are coming Home. There is nothing in your way, and your glorious arrival is, as we have so often reminded you, inevitable. Rejoice on this Christmas Day as you celebrate the anniversary of my birth into the illusion, which happened as part of God’s divine plan, in order to lead you all back to a fully awakened state of awareness in which you can enjoy eternally the wonders that our Father has created for us all simply because He loves us way beyond anything any one of us can possibly imagine, for it is only as One with Him that we can experience and engage with Reality, our true and only Home.
It seems to many of you that you have been embedded interminably in a universe that expands constantly as it continues to try and convince you that you are small and insignificant players in an environment that has come into existence as a result of an unpredictable, highly unlikely, and random occurrence for which there can never be any satisfactory explanation. Rejoice therefore as you become increasingly conscious that such a vast and complex state could never occur randomly, that in fact an incredibly complex and and powerful intelligence – YOU, the One child of God – built it, entered into it, separated yourselves into billions of separated selves, and became lost there as in an enormous maze.
Many have come over the eons of its existence to show you the way out, and slowly you have come to accept the loving guidance and help that they have offered you whatever your culture, race, or religious or atheistic beliefs may have been. Now you are moving rapidly towards the moment of your awakening from the illusion, and many of you are already sensing it very strongly because it is very near. Continue holding the intent to be only loving, to share that love unconditionally as does your heavenly Father, and absolutely know that you will soon (Yes, that word again!) awaken as divinely promised in the moment that your first thoughts of separation from your Source occurred to you.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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Many of you are feeling the stress of waiting very intensely.
December 20, 2013 by John Smallman
We are very rapidly approaching the moment for which you have all been praying while strongly holding the intent to bring it about, and your prayers and intent have been and continue to be extremely powerful. You will not be disappointed. God has promised and He always delivers. Many of you are feeling the stress of waiting very intensely, and it is causing you anxiety. Therefore you need to relax daily into your quiet inner space and allow your guides, mentors, and guardian angels to talk to you, and uplift you and inspire you as they embrace you in a loving hug.
You are the beloved children of God, eternally enfolded in His loving embrace, and that will never change. The illusion – your present state of experiencing life as humans – is not your natural state, it is unreal, it is a concept that you imagined into existence eons ago but only for a very brief instant. However, while you are within it the time element is quite overwhelming for you as you consider geological periods of time stretching back to “the big bang” and possibly even before it. In the illusion you made yourselves seemingly very small and insignificant in relation to your imaginary environment – universe upon universe without end – and so life, as you experience it, seems very fragile and insecure. Rejoice in the certain knowledge that it is unreal, and that you are in truth at Home and sleeping deeply as you dream collectively to maintain the illusion.
As I have said before it is impossible to remain asleep indefinitely, and your moment for awakening is approaching, very rapidly. Keep holding the intent to bring it about, because it is very effective and you will awaken, in fact many of you are stirring as you have had more than enough of the illusory dream and nightmare, and the energy of your stirring is nudging others into a similar state. The tipping point – the point at which the collective intent to maintain the illusion is changed to a collective intent to allow it to dissolve – is very close. Then you will move into the state that I refer to as “the happy dream” in my relatively recent book “A Course In Miracles.”
From that joyous state it is a very short journey Home to a state of Oneness with our divine Source. Remember, anything that is not actually occurring in the presence of God, the Mother, the Source, is unreal and does not last, but as you begin enjoying life, seemingly to the full in the happy dream, that really will not be an issue. You have all experienced periods as children when you were so caught up in your imaginary games that all awareness of time dissolved, and others of you have experienced that same sense as adults in moments of great creativity. You are brought out of that creative state by hunger, someone addressing you, or some other distraction only to find that hours have passed in what, to you, seems to have been but a few minutes. It is a state that you would all love to re-experience, and so you will!
The happy dream state is one in which there can be no pain, suffering, or conflict, only harmonious interaction, because all that could conflict with a state of loving harmony will have faded away into the nothingness from which you imagined it into being. You will be free to socialize in whatever way suits you from grand social occasions, to small intimate gatherings, to being quite alone while experiencing God’s loving embrace. What you are to experience will be constantly uplifting, inspiring, and utterly enjoyable because all worries and anxieties will have dissolved leaving you free to be fully yourselves, each one of you exploring and engaging with your vast creative potentials in any way that appeals to you.
Your eternal happiness is divinely assured, guaranteed, and inescapable, which is definitely the state in which you would all choose to be eternally present. You have only experienced other states or conditions because you were experimenting both with your free will and with your immense God-endowed creative powers in ways that were, to put it very mildly, rather less than wise. The choice has now been made collectively to cease following paths that lead to conflict and disharmony, and therefore suffering, pain, anxiety, and of course any forms of betrayal will no longer occur in your lives, having dissolved back into the nothingness of being neither thought of or imagined.
You truly are well on your way home to eternal joy and happiness, joy and happiness that at present you cannot even begin to imagine. You have never been truly alone, abandoned, or lost, even though it often seems to you that you are. Reality is God Who is All That Is, so each one of you is and only can be an essential aspect of that divine Source, eternally and unbreakably connected to That from which you were created for eternal joy. You are now getting ready to leave behind forever the illusion and all its misery, as you awaken into unimaginable wonder. Nothing can prevent your imminent awakening, so hold the intent ever more firmly as you shake yourselves enthusiastically awake.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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