lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

Your new brainwaves

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Dec 6


As your Multidimensional Operating System comes online in your computer brain, it is your new brainwaves, which allow you to consciously understand and utilize the multidimensional light that invisibly swirls into and through the third dimension. One of these newly accessible brainwaves, Gamma brainwaves (40 cps), are associated with the brain function that creates a holographic synthesis of data stored in various areas of the brain to fuse them together into a higher perspective. It is this higher perspective that allows you to consciously perceive the fifth dimension and beyond, while still wearing a human earth vessel.

The extremely high brainwaves of Hyper Gamma (100 cps) and Lambda (200 cps) and the extremely low Epsilon brainwaves (0.5 cps) are associated with higher states of SELF-awareness. This awareness encompasses the ability to access superior levels of information through insight, psychic abilities, and out-ofbody experiences to assist in the brain’s holographic packaging of information into coherent images, thoughts, and memories.

Hyper Gamma, Lambda, and Epsilon frequencies are linked together in a circular relationship. Hyper Gamma and Lambda brainwaves are so fast that they appear to be embedded in the extremely slow Epsilon brainwaves. Simultaneously, the extremely slow Epsilon waves are so slow that they appear to be riding on the crest of the very fast Hyper Gamma and Lambda waves. In the same manner, your multidimensional senses are embedded into, and piggybacked onto, your third dimensional five senses. These brainwaves allow you to use your expanded perceptions while you are in your mundane consciousness.

The higher dimensional realities have always existed, but they were beyond the perceptions of your Third Dimensional Operating System, because the expanded states of consciousness of your Multidimensional Operating System were not yet “online.” Therefore, these dimensional realities were forgotten. Fortunately, your potential to perceive these dimensions remained latent within your biological computer brain, awaiting the activation of your Multidimensional Operating System.

At first, both the Third Dimensional Operating System and the Multidimensional Operating System will both be online. Eventually, the Multidimensional Operating System will be the main system, which means that your primary reality/consciousness will be in the fifth dimension and beyond. Yet, you will still be aware of the third and fourth dimensions. This process has already begun for those of you in our Corridor, although you may not be fully aware of it in your mundane states of consciousness. From the sixth dimension, you will be able to read the holographic projection of your current reality to assist in updating your computer/brain to the Multidimensional Operating System.


The rise of your Kundalini, Mystical Marriage, activation of your Pineal Stargate, expanded consciousness, and the recognition and integration of your Multidimensional SELF, expands your consciousness enough to encompass the sixth dimension. It is from the sixth dimension that you can write, or edit, your holographic program for your third dimensional, grounded self and/or selves. To better understand what we are saying, let us divert from our journey long enough to explain to you how a holographic projection is created.

• FIRST a single laser beam is split into two separate beams.

• The first beam is bounced off the object whose image is to be recorded.
• The second beam is recorded on a mirror and allowed to collide with the reflective light of the first beam

• THEN the interactions of the two beams are recorded on a piece of film called a holographic plate or matrix.

• The PATTERN that is recorded on the plate looks like chaotic swirls and concentric circles until another laser beam is used to illuminate the film. It is then that a hologram of the original object occurs.

In other words:

• The light of your Soul/SELF copies a portion of its light from the unity of
the ONE to become two sixth dimensional beams of light.

• This FIRST part of the sixth dimensional light beam is bounced off the object, thought-form of your Multidimensional Soul/SELF, whose image is to be recorded.

• The SECOND beam of sixth dimensional light is recorded on a mirror and allowed to collide with the reflection of light bounced off of the “object” (your Multidimensional SELF).

• Then the interaction of the two beams (light wave interference) is recorded on a piece of film called a holographic plate (matrix of third dimensional Earth)

• The pattern that is recorded on the plate looks like chaotic swirls and concentric circles until another laser beam is used to illuminate the film.

• This “other” beam is your fifth dimensional SELF’S intention to observe your physical ego/self.

• It is then that a holographic projection of your original sixth dimensional SELF occurs on the Holographic Film Plate as a physical reality.

To summarize, in order for your Multidimensional SELF resonating within the ONE to observe it’s reflection in a third dimensional form, it had to split its light into “the observer” and “that which was to be observed.” Therefore, your Multidimensional SELF needed to create a Divine Ideal for the form it wished to observe in its holographic projection of life in the lower dimensions.
Consequently, your SELF created a thought-form of a human body, which became the object off which the first beam of light would reflect.

Then, the second beam of light was infused with unconditional love and multidimensional consciousness so that once it reflected off the mirror and intermingled with the first beam (human body) on the holographic plate, the purity of the multidimensional light and unconditional love would be maintained.

Then the projections of light needed to be unified on the holographic plate (planet Earth) to manifest as a member of that physical reality. At this point, your Multidimensional Soul/SELF needed to observe you so that the swirling circles of energy could become form. In this manner, your form was held and the illusion of your physical reality was maintained.

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor IIPosted 6th December 2011 by Juan Pablo
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