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Who Shot Down the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 17 Over Ukraine?
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Who Shot Down the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 17 Over Ukraine?
by Georgi Stankov Posted on July 20, 2014
A Cause For World War Three or the Begin of the Final Phase of Ascension? – A Documentary
by Georgi Stankov, July 20, 2014
We have entered the final phase of the interdimensional splitting of the new Golden Galaxy with Gaia as its crystalisation point, as announced by the 6D space fleet yesterday. For this final phase they predicted the following major events:
“Noticeable, immediately noticeable is the new increase in vibration and the new intensification of all geopolitical events….
At the same time a renewed escalation of all individual, still unredeemed and unrecognized internal processes take place in all of the people. A new vibrational frequency that reaches this earth causes this effect and the latter vibrates much higher than any previous, already perceived as very intense vibration conditions.
This also means: The creative power of the Light Warriors grows exponentially, while the power of the dark ones to exercise the de facto power on this planet, radically decreases. There is no energetic basis any more for the survival of these sluggish structures, and it is precisely for this reason why the Orion warriors try to bring this world under their control before the final curtain falls.
This causes ill-considered power games and the loss of a realistic assessment of the situation. The complexity of all the events that affect this world is little familiar to the dark warriors. Too much are they confronted with their own survival. The world has slipped away from their grip as humanity awakens to a sufficient extent.
An “act of desperation” to give the game a U-turn fails, and the essence of a capital crime is revealed to mankind. The assignments are made and the dark ones are recognized as dark. By a sufficient number of people.”
Could then the shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over Ukraine by the rogue Nazi Putsch government in Kiev be the cause for a Third World War – the “final act of desperation” of the Western cabal to strengthen their eroding power, before they are ousted from their ruling positions by the light warriors of the first and the last hours, the Guardians of the New Galaxy, in the process of the interdimensional splitting of Gaia and the New Galaxy?
I personally know that this tragic accident is another major crime on humanity perpetrated by the world conspiracy of the criminal Western Cabal against the last citadel of light – Russia – and has all the ingredients to unleash such a futile dark attempt to destroy Gaia and humanity, before they are removed to the super-dark 3D planet and before the “Big Dying” will sweep them away from power and reveal to the masses their heinous nature and the Great Illusion of this 3D reality.
Below I have summarized several important investigative sources, revealing that the Western backed, Nazi putsch government in Kiev is behind the shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 over the military zone of Donetsk in order to blame Russia and trigger a new world war. Please observe that the Western cabal shot the second Malaysian airplane in less than two months and then ask yourselves why. The answer is self-evident.
Kuala Lumpur is the site of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCT), also known as the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal. It is a Malaysian organisation established in 2007 by Mahathir Mohamad to investigate war crimes. The KLWCC was instigated as an alternative to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which Mahathir accused of bias in its selection of cases to cover.
In November 2011 the tribunal purportedly exercised universal jurisdiction to try in absentia former US President George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, convicting both for crimes against peace because of what the tribunal concluded was the unlawful invasion of Iraq.[7][8][9]
In May 2012 after hearing testimony for a week from victims of torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the tribunal unanimously convicted in absentia former President Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, former Deputy Assistant Attorneys General John Yoo and Jay Bybee, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, and former counselors David Addington and William Haynes II of conspiracy to commit war crimes, specifically torture.[10] The tribunal referred their findings to the chief prosecutor at the International Court of Justice in the Hague.[11]
In November 2013, the tribunal convicted State of Israel guilty of genocide of the Palestinian people and convicted former Israeli general Amos Yaron for crimes against humanity and genocide for his involvement in theSabra and Shatila massacre.[12]
These activities of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal have enraged the dark, criminal ruling Western cabal and the deadly retaliation has been prompt and repeated.
The shooting down of flight MH17 happened only one day after the EU countries opposed the US to announce tougher sanctions against Russia during their summit in Brussels on July 16th. The retaliation of the CIA came promptly – a deadly accident, in which almost 280 European citizens were killed in order to force the EU vassals to confront Russia more seriously – to start a new war, which the USA is not able to finance as it is broke.
Since then the war propaganda machinery of the West is running with full force and all Western heads of state were very quick to condemn Russia for this accident against all known facts so far and without waiting for an independent investigation to find the cause for the crash, which by the way is already clearly established as the renowned scientist Prof Michel Chossudovsky and other sources clearly prove below.
“The ascending ones will see the events approaching and will recognize these projects long before the broad masses of the people.“
The 6D Fleet
Was Ukraine’s Ministry of Interior behind the Downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17?
Professor Michell Chossudovsky, July 18, 2014
Update: The later part of this article refers to information provided by the Kiev Spanish air controller. Since posting this article, we have received reports to the effect that the twitter report of the Spanish Air controller at Kiev Borisol airport is “fake” and that the twitter message were sent out of London.
Upon further investigation, the Spanish Air Controller conducted several media interviews in the last 2-3 months, including RT: See his May interview in Spanish http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/127516-amenazar-controlador-espanol-ucrania-crisis
A division of Buk missile systems of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was, according to Pravda, deployed to the Donetsk Oblast on July 15, two days before the downing of the Malaysian airlines MH17 flight. The Buk missile system has the capabilities of downing an aircraft flying at 35,000 feet.
While the Pravda report remains to be confirmed, Russian Defense sources confirm the presence of several missile batteries in the Donesk oblast operated by the Ukraine armed forces:
‘The Ukrainian military has several batteries of Buk surface-to-air missile systems with at least 27 launchers, capable of bringing down high-flying jets, in the Donetsk region where the Malaysian passenger plane crashed, Russian Defense Ministry said” (RT, July 17, 2014)
Of significance, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Vitaliy Yarema confirmed that the Donesk rebels do not have Buk or S 300 ground to air missiles which could have downed the plane.
According to the Kiev Post report: “Ukrainian prosecutor general says militants did not seize Ukrainian air defense launchers”
Members of illegal armed units have not seized air defense launchers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donetsk, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Vitaliy Yarema said. (Kiev Post)
Yarema also confirmed that according to military sources:
“After the passenger airliner was downed, the military reported to the president that terrorists do not have our air defense missile systems Buk and S-300,” (quoted by Itar-Tass).
This disclaimer is pro forma. It comes from official sources and can easily be reversed at a later date as part of the propaganda campaign directed against the Donbass rebels.
Yet what appears to be contradictory in these various statements is that immediately after the downing of MH17, an adviser to the Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Mr. Anton Gerashchenko stated categorically that the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 MH17:
“had been downed by an air defense missile system Buk” (without however mentioning who was behind the missile operation)
According to the Ukraine Interfax News Agency Anton Gerashchenko, “said on Facebook that the plane was flying at an altitude of 33,000 feet when it was hit by a missile fired from a Buk launcher.” According to the Strait Times:
Mr Gerashchenko was quoted as saying: “A civilian airliner travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur has just been shot down by a Buk anti-aircraft system… 280 passengers and 15 crew have been killed.”
How could he have known what type of missile system had brought down the plane? His statement contradicts that of the Ukrainian military.
Gerashchenko runs a ministry of interior propaganda program at the www.stopterror.in.uawebsite. See also http://uacrisis.org/anton-gerashhenko/
How could he have been privy to this information of a military nature prior to the conduct of an investigation on the ground? Unless the Ministry of the Interior was directly involved.
It should be noted that the Ministry of Interior, largely under the control of the two Neo-Nazi parties Svoboda and Right Sector is responsible for “internal” military operations directed against rebel forces in Lugansk and Donbass, in coordination with the Armed Forces. The Ministry oversees both The Interior Troops of Ukraine (Внутрішні війська України, Vnutrisni Viys’ka Ukrayiny (VVU )) as well the National Guard (integrated by Right Sector militia).
The Spanish Air Controller’s Report at Kiev Borisol Airport
According to the controversial report of the Spanish air controller at Kiev Borisol airport there was an unexplained change of course of the Malaysian MH17 flight which took the aircraft directly over the Eastern Ukraine warzone.
The Spanish air controller intimates that the order to down the aircraft came from the Ministry of the Interior (Ministry of Internal Affairs) and not from the Military.
He also said that the MH17 flight was escorted by Ukrainian fighter jets minutes before it was downed.
“The fighters flew close to 777, up to 3 minutes before disappearing from the radar, just 3 minutes”
It is worth noting that the presence of the Ukraine fighter jets reported by the Spanish air traffic controller was confirmed by eyewitness reports in the Donetsk region.
What is of significance is that the announcement of the downing of the aircraft (by a missile) by Kiev was almost immediate.
According to the Spanish air controller, the air control tower was informed of the downing of the aircraft at 12.00 hours, approximately ten minutes after it disappeared from the radar screen (11.50 hours). How could they have known unless they had concrete details on how it was shot down?
“Malaysia Airlines B777 plane just disappeared [from the radar] and Kiev military authority informed us of the downing, How they knew?”
According to air traffic controller, the information did not emanate from the Ministry of Defense:
“Interior Minister knew what the fighters were doing in the area, the defense minister didn’t.”
“Members of the Military confirm. It was Ukraine, but still do not know where the order came from”
“For those who do not know, Let’s say, there are military under the orders of the defense minister and military under the orders of Interior Minister”
The Spanish air traffic controller intimates that there were members of the military who were taking orders from the Ministry of the Interior:
“The military under the orders of Interior Minister knew what happened all the time .”
“Military commanders here (ATC) control tower, confirm that the missile is from the Ukrainian army,”
Despite Washington’s accusations, pointing a finger at Russia and the “pro-Russian rebels”, the facts point to The Ministry of Interior’s VVU.
From official statements one has the distinct impression that there are profound divisions both within the government and the Ukraine Armed Forces as well as between various factions within the military.
The truth is being suppressed. The Spanish Air Traffic Controller has the object of death threats. He and his family were deported from Ukraine on orders of the Kiev regime.
Below we indicate relevant sections of the Spanish Air Traffic Controller’s Twitter messages:
11:48 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El avión B 777 voló escoltado por 2 cazas de ukraine hasta minutos antes, de desaparecer de los radares,
The B777 plane flew escorted by Ukraine jet fighter until 2 minutes before disappearing from the radar,
11:54 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Sí las autoridades de kiev, quieren decir la verdad, esta recogido 2 cazas volaron muy cerca minutos antes , no lo derribo un caza
“If kiev authorities want to tell the truth, It´s gathered, 2 jet fighters flew very close minutes before, wasn’t downed by a fighter”
12:00 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nada más desaparecer el avión B 777 de Malaysia Airlines la autoridad militar de kiev nos informo del derribo, como lo sabían?
“Malaysia Airlines B777 plane just disappeared and Kiev military authority informed us of the downing, How they knew?”
12:00 – 17 de jul. de 2014 A los 7:00 minutos se notificó el derribo, más tarde se tomó la torre nuestra con personal extranjero q siguen aquí
“7:00 minutes after [plane disappeared], the downing was notified, later our tower was taken with foreigner staff, they still here ”
12:01 – 17 de jul. de 2014 En los radares esta todo recogido, para los incrédulos, derribado por kiev, aquí lo sabemos y control aéreo militar también
“all this is gathered in radars, to the unbelieving, shot down by kiev, here we know it and military air traffic control also”
13:15 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Aquí los mandos militares manejan y admiten que militares a otras órdenes, pudieron ser, pero no, los pro-rusos
“Here the military commanders are in control and admit that the military could be following other orders , but not the pro-Russians”
13:29 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El ministro del interior si conocía que, hacían los cazas en la zona, el ministro de defensa no, .
“Interior Minister knew what the fighters were doing in the area, the defense minister didn’t.”
13:31 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Militares confirman que fue ukraine, pero se sigue sin saber de donde vino la orden
“Members of the Military confirm It was Ukraine, but still does not know where the order came from”
13:36 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Hace dias lo dije aquí, militares de kiev querían alzarse contra el actual presidente, esto puede ser una forma, a las órdenes de timoshenko
“Days ago I said here, kiev military wanted to rise against the current president, this may be a way, ordered by timoshenko [following timishenko orders]”
13:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los cazas volaron cerca del 777, hasta 3 minutos antes de desaparecer de los radares, solo 3 minutos
“The fighters flew close to 777, up to 3 minutes before disappearing from the radar, just 3 minutes”
13:43 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Se cierra el espacio aéreo
“Airspace closed”
13:45 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Se cierra el espacio aéreo, por miedo a más derribos
“Airspace is closed, more downings feared”
15:17 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Control militar entrega ahora mismo de forma oficial que el avión fue derribado por misil
“military control now officially [say] the plane was shot down by missile”
15:23 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El informe oficial firmado por las autoridades militares de control de kiev ya lo tiene el gobierno,,,, , derribado
“Government has the official report signed by the control military authorities in Kiev,,,, [plane] shot down”
15:26 – 17 de jul. de 2014 En el informe se indica de donde abría salido el misil, y se especifica que no proviene de las autodefensa en las zonas rebeldes
“The report indicates where the missile had come out [from], and specified is not from the selfdefence in rebel areas”
15:34 – 17 de jul. de 2014Los radares militares si recogieron los datos del misil lanzado al avión, los radares civiles no
“Military radar collected data from missile fired to the plane, civilian radars didn’t”
15:36 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los altos mandos militares no ordenaron el lanzamiento del misil, ,,alguien se le fue la mano en nombre de ukraine
“military high command did not gave the order to fire the missile, someone screw it ine the name of ukraine”
15:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Para el que no lo sepa, digamos así, hay militares a las órdenes del ministro de defensa y militares a las órdenes del ministro del interior
“For those who do not know, Let’s say, there are military under the orders of the defense minister and military under the orders of Interior Minister”
15:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los militares a las órdenes del ministro del interior conocían en cada momento lo que sucedió, .
“The military under the orders of Interior Minister knew what happened all the time .”
16:06 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Mandos militares aquí (ATC) torre de control, confirman que el misil es del ejercito de ukraine,
“Military commanders here (ATC) control tower, confirm that the missile is from the ukranian army,”
[we are informed that the Spanish Air controller's Twitter account has been suspended]
And here the background of the shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 from the Russian perspective.
Putin Warns Obama Of “Catastrophic War Game” Minutes Before Malaysian Jet Destroyed, July 18, 2014
The Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) is reporting today that within 5-minutes of President Putin warning his US counterpart, President Obama, that “war games” being carried out by NATO member Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) forces over Romania could lead to a “potential catastrophe”, Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was destroyed over the eastern conflict region of Ukraine.
According to this report, Putin was in flight during his call to Obamareturning to Moscow aboard his presidential aircraft from Brazil when he was notified that there were a number of “critical radar anomalies”occurring over EUROCONTROL zones in Central Europe.
EUROCONTROL, which boasts that it has a “unique approach to civil-military aviation coordination in Europe”, this report says, is solely responsible for determining civil aircraft flight paths over European airspace and had previously, along with NATO forces, been accused by Slovakian authorities of being a part of the massive radar blackouts occurring over Central Europe between 5-10 June causing planes to disappear from their air traffic controllers screens.
Even though the Slovak state Air Traffic Services company said that the disappearance of these planes from radar screens was connected to a military exercise whose goal was “the interruption of radio communication frequencies”, this report continues, NATO denied being involved stating that their AWACS surveillance aircraft that had been flying regular missions over Europe to monitor Russian activities near Ukraine and did not have a radar jamming capability.
This GRU report, however, states that NATO was being “highly deceptive” in their denial as no one had identified, indeed even mentioned, AWACS aircraft as being a part of the June radar blackouts over the heart of Europe, but instead had named NATO-RCAF CF-18 Hornets based in Romania as potentially being the cause.
The RCAF CF-18 Hornets belong to the 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron and began arriving in Romania in the days prior to the 5-10 June where they began engaging in “highly provocative war games”, this report says, which included electronic jamming of civilian flight radars.
So “provocative” have RCAF pilots been, GRU experts in this report note, last week they were tasked by NATO to begin “direct confrontations” along the Russia border with Lithuania against Russian Air Force pilots beginning in August.
As to why the RCAF has been so “provocative” in their war games over Romania-Ukrainian skies, this report says, is “directly related” to the ongoing controversy in Canada relating their intended purchase of US F-35 fighter jets as opposed to upgrading their current CF-18’s into what are called Super Hornets.
Specifically being tested by RCAF CF-18 Hornets over Romania and Ukraine since early June, GRU experts in this report further states, were those aircraft having completed the Incremental Modernization Project Phase II which equipped them with an Integrated Electronic Warfare Support Station and what is called the Electronic Warfare Test Equipment Project.
Now upon Putin being advised yesterday of the “critical situation” over Ukraine relating to these RCAF “war games”, this report says, he immediately contacted Obama where he related to him the “grave consequences” that could occur if these “activities” weren’t immediately halted.
Specifically concerning Putin, which this report says was also related to Obama, was the 3 July accusation by Ukraine that three helicopters bearing the markings of the Russian armed forces had violated Ukrainian airspace several times.
Five days later, on 8 July, the Ukrainian State Aviation Service announced that they shut down their airspace in the southeast of the country, but curiously further stated it would “remain closed to civilian aircraft for security reasons with the exception of transit flights at altitudes of above 7,900 m until the situation fully normalizes”.
Following their 8 July airspace shutdown, this report continues, the Defense Ministry warned that Ukrainian battalions of 27 Buk-M1 missile systems able to hit targets across the entire altitude range were then deployed near the city ofDonetsk in the region where Malaysia Airlines MH17 was destroyed.
Important to note about the Buk missile system, this report says, is that its technological sophistication seriously impacts its battlefield use as this weapon as used in a battalion consists of a command vehicle, a target acquisition radar (TAR) vehicle, six transporter erector launcher and radar (TELAR) vehicles and three transporter erector launcher (TEL) vehicles.
As to the exact and tragic destruction of Malaysia Airlines MH17 yesterday, this report concludes, the “electronic war games” being conducted by the RCAF in some way altered the course of this civilian plane [photo bottom left] putting it on a flight path it had never taken before in its previous 10 flights to the Russian Air Base in Morozovsk located in the Rostov Oblast close to the border with Ukraine, and which in normalized times was the accepted route to this destination for Russian military flights.
To if the Ukrainian forces working in concert with the RCAF deliberately attempted to confuse the radar of what they believed was a Russian military flight causing it to over fly this conflict region this report doesn’t say. But then again, with the world being the way it is, anything is possible.
Bloodstained CIA Hands All Over Malaysian Plane Destruction Reports Russia, July 20, 2014
A grim new report prepared by The Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) relating to the tragic destruction of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over the skies of the eastern Ukrainian conflict region on 17 July, which killed all 298 passengers and crew, states that the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) now has“bloodstained hands” due to their disappearance of key witnesses and the destruction of vital evidence relating to this tragedy.
As we had previously reported, within 5-minutes of President Putin warning his US counterpart, President Obama, on 17 July that “war games” being carried out by NATO member Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) forces over Romania could lead to a “potential catastrophe”,Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was destroyed after “suddenly” leaving its assigned flight path putting it on a course leading to the Russian Air Base in Morozovsk located in the Rostov Oblast close to the border with Ukraine.
In Putin’s conversation with Obama, the GRU reported, the US leader was warned of a “potential catastrophe” due to Ukraine’s 3 July accusation that Russian military helicopters had crossed its borders, and then 5 days later, on 8 July, closing its airspace above this conflict region, but for still unknown reasons gave an “exception of transit flights at altitudes of above 7,900 m until the situation fully normalizes”.
Putin’s greatest concern, this report continues, was that immediately after Ukraine’s 8 July closing of their airspace over the conflict region, their military forces then deployed one of their two operational Buk-M1 air defense systems for unknown reasons as the separatists they have been battling with have no air force, a critical point even the New York Times was forced to question.
Important to note, GRU experts in this report say, are that the seven Buk-M1 air defence systems that Ukraine sold to Georgia in 2007 comprised almost half of Ukraine’s total arsenal of these sophisticated weapons which as of 17 July numbered 8, and with 5 of them currently undergoing upgrade/repair at UKROBORONSERVICE which is a subsidiary of a the state company Ukrspecexport.
Even more critical to note, this report says, was that flight MH 17 “electronically intersected” with Putin’s presidential plane, which was returning to Moscow from Brazil, over Poland, with Putin’s plane continuing towards Moscow, and MH 17 continuing its flight path towards eastern Ukraine.
Prompting Putin’s urgent call to Obama, GRU experts in this report say, were radio intercepts relayed to military security analysts aboard the presidential plane showing that MH 17 was being ordered by Ukrainian ground controllers to descend from their 10,668 meter (35,000 feet) flight path to10,000 meters (33,000 feet) just skimming 304 meters (1,000 feet) above the restricted altitude limits of this conflict zone.
What caused the greatest alarm, however, for the security analysts aboard Putin’s presidential plane, this report says, was when further Ukrainian ground controller instructions to MH 17 ordered it deviate nearly 321 km (200 miles) north from its assigned flight path putting it on a course normally taken by Russian Air Force cargo flights to their Morozovsk air base.
Western propaganda media reports, it should be mentioned, state that MH 17’s flight diversion was due to thunderstorms, a claim quickly discounted by Malaysia Airlines director of operations Izham Ismail who said they had no reports from the pilot to suggest that this was the case.
GRU experts in this report surmise (but with limited circumstantial evidence) that Ukrainian military ground controllers were confusing MH 17 with Putin’s presidential plane believing that its intended course was Morozovsk and that this tragedy could indeed have been an assassination attempt.
Ukraine’s military air defense forces, it’s critical to note, is better known for its misfires than its bulls eyes. In two years alone, their troops accidentally fired missiles at an apartment complex and a passenger ship, and in its most notorious disaster of all, downed Siberia Airlines Flight 1812 over the Black Sea in the fall of 2001, killing 78 people and which drew international ridicule and repulsion.
Of the most shocking information related to Obama by Putin in the minutes prior to MH 17 being destroyed, this report continues, were from security analysts aboard the presidential plane who were monitoring ETN Global Travel Industry News (eTurboNews) where continuous messages were being posted from an air traffic controller at Boryspil International Airport in Kiev.
According to ETN relating to these messages they state:
“ETN received information from an air traffic controller in Kiev on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.
This Kiev air traffic controller is a citizen of Spain and was working in the Ukraine. He was taken off duty as a civil air-traffic controller along with other foreigners immediately after a Malaysia Airlines passenger aircraft was shot down over the Eastern Ukraine killing 295 passengers and crew on board.
The air traffic controller suggested in a private evaluation and basing it on military sources in Kiev, that the Ukrainian military was behind this shoot down. Radar records were immediately confiscated after it became clear a passenger jet was shot down. Military air traffic controllers in internal communication acknowledged the military was involved, and some military chatter said they did not know where the order to shoot down the plane originated from.
Obviously it happened after a series of errors, since the very same plane was escorted by two Ukrainian fighter jets until 3 minutes before it disappeared from radar. Radar screen shots also show an unexplained change of course of the Malaysian Boeing. The change of course took the aircraft directly over the Eastern Ukraine conflict region.”
As to the exact and real-time messages being posted to ETN [see in English or Spanish] by this air traffic controller in Ukraine, this report says, Putin’s security detail became “gravely concerned” due to their detailed knowledge about what was occurring with MH 17, including its being followed by Ukrainian fighter jets and then its destruction on a flight path it shouldn’t have been on in the first place.
Most ominous about the information being relayed to ETN by this Ukrainian air traffic controller, GRU intelligence experts in this report say, was “nearly immediately” after they were posted, CIA “resources” took command of Boryspil International Airport, and had all of them deleted, and the blog and Twitter account associated with them shut down.
This report further notes that the air traffic controller posting the information relating to the destruction of MH 17 has been identified as being a Spanish national named Carlos, a claim denied by the Spanish government, but since confirmed by ETN who stated: “The information in this article is independently confirmed and based on the statement of one airline controller and other tweets received.”
Also contradicting the Spanish governments denial of their citizen Carlos working as an air traffic controller in Ukraine, this report says, was his 8 May interview [see in English or Spanish or view video (in Spanish) HERE] wherein he stated not only his profession, but further noted his fears about the right-wing revolutionaries who had taken control in Kiev.
With Ukrainian security services under CIA direction having confiscated all of the air traffic radar recordings of MH 17, this report concludes, and with the Obama regimes propaganda machine now in high gear, it now appears that the US-EU agenda regarding this tragedy is less than finding its true perpetrators, and instead as using it as a context for war.
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Mar 5
Diálogo con los Arcturianos
Jefferson – Queridos Arcturianos, ha sido un largo tiempo, si entendemos la idea del tiempo que no hemos hablado entre nosotros...
Desde ese tiempo hasta ahora, saben de alguno de los Arcturianos 3 D que están en la Tierra y se conectan con Suzille o conmigo, pueden hablar o qué pueden decir sobre ellos?
Arcturianos – Querido Jefrees, estamos muy felices de hablar contigo nuevamente. Suzille, tuvo que reflexionar sobre tu pregunta toda la noche para estar segura de que se había calibrado a nuestra frecuencia. Si ella sostenía algo de su energía personal, la comunicación no es totalmente nuestra.
Cuando despertó esta mañana, encontró que había recibido nuestra respuesta en su sueño y la respuesta es:
“ Tenemos muchos Arcturianos en la tercera dimensión, pero la humanidad no está conciente de ellos ya que han tomado la forma humana de la tercera dimensión. Esto es la razón por la que hay muchos “canales” para nuestras palabras. TODOS estos canales son expresiones en Tierra de nuestra Familia Arcturiana ( para claridad nos referiremos a ellos como los nuestros en Tierra, cuando ellos son realmente NOSOTROS). También hay muchos otros Arcturianos en “vestiduras humanas”.
Pensamos en la parábola que ustedes tienen sobre el lobo con vestiduras de oveja. En este caso es un Arcturiano en vestiduras humanas. Muchos de ellos, en efecto, son solitarios, ya que una vez que despertaron a su verdadera naturaleza, se sienten muy solos. De hecho, muchos de ellos han pasado décadas de profunda soledad y oscuridad al estar desconectados de nuestra mente grupal. Sí, ellos no permanecerán desconectados por siempre, pero no se pueden comunicar con nosotros instantáneamente y siempre, así como lo hacemos en nuestra verdadera forma, porque la frecuencia de la Tierra ha sido muy , muy baja. Estos bravos Arcturianos dieron su último sacrificio de dejar el confort y amor incondicional de nuestro conciencia grupal para entrar en la forma de Gaia como uno de sus Portales humanos.
Oímos tu pregunta, querido Jefrees, con respecto a esta última oración , de manera que explicaremos: “entrar en la forma de Gaia como uno de sus Portales humanos”.
Cada persona, lugar y cosa es un componente de la forma de Gaia. Los Humanos, que son realmente los descendientes de nuestra Federación Galáctica, iban a estar entre las formas físicas más evolucionadas en la Tierra. Desafortunadamente, hubo una gran involución de la humanidad desde la caída de la Atlántida, lo cual es el por qué estos bravos Arcturianos tomaron forma humana. En la caída de la Atlántida, la oscuridad fue tan intensa que Gaia estuvo al borde de la muerte. En respuesta a su llamada de auxilio, nosotros, así como otros miembros de la Federación Galáctica, enviamos miembros de nuestra sociedad para tomar formas humanas de manera de asistir a Gaia. Los Sirianos enviaron varios miembros en las formas de cetáceos que eran originalmente de Sirio B. Todos estos voluntarios votaron por quedarse en la Tierra hasta el tiempo de su Ascensión, que es AHORA. Ellos permanecieron para ser, consciente o inconscientemente, portales, a través de los cuales los mundos elevados pudiésemos enviar nuestra luz multidimensional y amor incondicional.
Por muchas, muchas vidas, los nuestros en Tierra lucharon a través de los desafíos de la vida en la tercera dimensión. Estuvieron tan sobrepasados por la dureza del sobrevivir que olvidaron completamente su verdadera naturaleza. Afortunadamente, tuvieron algunas vidas en las cuales fueron capaces de despertar lo suficiente para recordar su verdadero SER, pero frecuentemente retornaron a la amnesia en otras encarnaciones.
Les recordamos nuevamente que el tiempo es específico de la tercera y la cuarta dimensiones. Por lo tanto, lo que perciben como muchas y separadas encarnaciones a través de muchas líneas de tiempo, nosotros percibimos como muchas expresiones ocurriendo en el AHORA. Queremos agregar para todos los humanos que leen esto, que hay aún una unión con la ilusión del tiempo y el espacio. Queremos recordarles nuevamente que liberen esa ilusión del tiempo, la cual después crea el espacio, y es la precursora de su ascensión planetaria y personal. Estas ascensiones están ocurriendo en su “presente” y su AHORA. Por lo tanto lo que parece estar comenzando para ustedes, ya ha tenido su complexión exitosa desde nuestro punto de vista.
Sin embargo, nos hemos desviado de nuestra historia prevista. Cuando hablamos a través de uno de los nuestros en Tierra, podemos sentir sus cerebros humanos trabajando para traducir el mensaje, el cual es recibido como un flash desde el UNO, en la secuencia del lenguaje humano. Pronto, no estarán limitados por la comunicación, ya que instantáneamente recibirán toda la comunicación de la misma manera en la que es enviada. Sin embargo, como les dijimos, debido al Flujo del UNO desde el Centro Galáctico que está perneando el cuerpo de Gaia, los nuestros en Tierra están despertando en masa. Por esta razón, hay tantos humanos “canalizando” nuestros mensajes.
Realmente están canalizando su/nuestro mensaje, porque son UNO con las Familias Galácticas de las cuales han venido. Decimos “familias”, porque todos somos UNO en esta frecuencia de realidad. Por lo tanto, no estamos “separados” en miembros de “diferentes” Seres Galácticos. Algunos de nuestros despiertos no son comunicadores. Son científicos, legisladores, artistas, granjeros, sanadores, etc., etc. En otras palabras, los nuestros en Tierra están en todos los aspectos de su sociedad para dar un mejor servicio en el proceso de ascensión.
A medida que la luz crece más y más brillante, nuestros innumerables seres humanos ascendentes liberarán sus disfraces, y revelarán su verdadera LUZ a toda la humanidad.
Por lo tanto ves, querido Jefrees, estamos en todos lados, pero escondidos en formas tridimensionales, incluyendo tu propio manto de humanidad. Una vez que la frecuencia del mundo sea liberada de la ilusión de la tercera/cuarta dimensión, los disfraces caerán para revelar su verdadera forma de Luz. “
A través de Suzanne Lie, PhD
Traducción al español para Memorias de Arcturus y Andrómeda – Shanti
Publicado 5th March 2012 por Juan Pablo
Etiquetas: Arcturianosconciencia grupal arcturianadespertar de las semillas Estelares
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