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Translate /traducir/ Vertaal / ♪ → → → ► → → →
Terjemahan/μεταφράζω / übersetzen / ♪ → → → ► → → →
переводити/Traduire/ переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
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When Mytre ran away from me, I was sure my heart would break. When I mentioned the Vision Quest I had spoken from within, without hesitation. And now, I have lost him. How could I have used such harsh words? I spent the rest of day inside the cave feeling worse than I could ever remember. How could I go from such wonderful heights of ecstasy and then plummet into deep despair. Had I lost all touch with my inner peace just because I had lost a man? However, he was not just any man. He was my Divine Complement, my Twin Flame. That is what the inner voice said, and my heart agreed.
I tortured myself through the entire day and into sunset, when I suddenly had a feeling of deep urgency and pending disaster. Something was about to happen or had just happened to Mytre. I calmed my mind and went inside to speak to the Mother. All I heard was “Send him healing love.” Then, I became terrified for that clearly meant that he was injured. But, where was he injured, and how? It was too late to follow his tracks, and I would only get lost myself. All I could do was spend most of the night worrying.
Then, I heard the Mother saying, “Drink some calming tea and sleep. You must be alert for tomorrow.” I did what she said and finally fell into a fitful sleep. I do not remember any dreams, nor did I get much rest. However, I woke up knowing that he had been injured, and I knew that I must find him. At sunrise, I packed all my healing herbs, poultices, more clothes, food and water. My pack was heavy, and I would not able to run. Therefore, I had to bring some kindling and my fire stones. He had walked off in the direction where the forest ended, and there could be nothing to burn.
As soon as it was light enough I started my journey. My pack was heavy and I had to go slowly to read his tracks. Some times there seemed to be no tracks, and I had to stop to consult the Mother. I walked all day, and almost till dark. I had never been to this area, so I had to stop and set up camp. There would be no use in both of us becoming injured. After I had eaten a small meal, I tried to go within, buy my growing fear for his safety did not allow me any information or much sleep.
It was mid-day, and I had to find a way to get off this ledge. Another night in the cold without food or water would be far too dangerous for my leg. I had not noticed the large gash in my leg, which was now infected, and I knew I had a fever. If I didn’t move, I would pass out again. I had to trust the Inner Voice. I could not abandon Mytria in this way, I could not abandon my duty, and I could not abandon my self.
As I looked around, I could see no means of escape. Therefore, I looked inside to ask the Inner Voice. Perhaps I was hallucinating, but as soon as I closed my eyes, I saw the image of my SELF in my Vision Quest. “Follow me and listen to the Mother,” he said as he moved along the ledge to my right. I would have to crawl and drag my right leg, as I could not damage it more by putting weight on it.
After what seemed like forever, I found a space between the edge of the ledge and a bolder that I could—very carefully—crawl along. Once I went around the bolder, I found a gentler incline toward the top. The ground here was more stable, and there was even some foliage to grab onto. The Inner Voice reminded me to listen to the Mother again, and so I did. I touched the earth in the manner which Mytria had taught me and asked for Her guidance.
Instantly, I had a feeling to follow a certain trough in the earth, which afforded be enough security to frequently rest. I fought off my dizziness from my fever and lack of water, and contacted the Mother with my every choice of movement. My progress was very slow, but I was gradually moving up the side of the cliff. However, it was getting dark. I had to get to the top while there was enough light to see what I was doing.
I realized that I was going slowly for the sake of my leg, but I had to move more quickly to reach the top before dark. I closed my eyes for a moment to remember my vision. This version of me could move without even touching the ground. If I could BE that me, I could trust my every movement without hesitation. It took a while to envision my self in that manner, but I gradually began to feel a light about my form. I slowly opened my eyes to see that my body and the cliff around me were glowing.
I pushed aside my doubts of “hallucination” and chose to believe my experience. Now, I knew exactly where to place my hands and my good leg. There was no hesitation, no fear, no adrenalin, and no pain. I was in some sort of trance that allowed me to become ONE with the cliff. It almost felt as if the cliff was assisting my movement. When I looked up and saw an overhanging ledge, I did not fear.
Instead, I easily found an alternate route that allowed me to easily crawl over the top and onto flat ground. I rolled away from the cliff and I pulled myself over to a huge rock that held the heat of the day. I pushed myself against the warm rock and patted it to thank the Mother. Then, I looked up into the starry sky under which Mytria and I had fallen asleep many times and saw my body of light embracing hers. With this image in my mind, I fell into a deep sleep.
We realized later that we were very close to each other, but did not know it. However, this physical distance was necessary for us to bridge the etheric gap that still existed between us. We both looked into the starry sky and thanked the Mother for assisting us. Even though our bodies were apart, our hearts and minds were joined as we fell asleep. In fact, we had the same dream, or was it a vision.
We found ourselves back in the Core of the Mother, at the exact moment of our “accidental” merging. Now, after all we had been through, being merged into one person felt even stronger. We were both different people now. We had both survived and successfully completed our Initiations and had conquered our inner demons, which made our love even stronger.
As we stood as one, looking into each other’s eyes, the Mother came to us. We thought it was to bless us, but it was actually to give us our next assignment.
“My beloved children,” She said to us both, “You may think your long journey has ended, but it has actually just begun. I need you both to help me, as you have both become my allies of transmutation. You have transformed yourselves, and now I must ask you to assist me to transmute my Planet.”
We were both deeply honored, but somehow worried. Was there something in Her voice that made us concerned that we could not stay together? NO, we would not allow that to happen. After all we had been through, we would never part again—NEVER!
We both awoke to the hint of dawn. There was not enough light for Mytria to read the tracks, but we were joined into one being again. Therefore, she simply followed the call of my love. It was mid day when we rejoined again.
When I awoke from my dream/vision, I knew Mytria was near. I touched the land to call her through the earth and sent my love out to her direction. In fact, I could see in my mind exactly where she was, just as she told me later that she could see me in the same way. I pulled my self up the hill a bit so that I could more easily she her approach. I found a strong stick and some how got myself to my feet. I would not greet her lying on the ground like a wounded animal.
It was then that I saw her walking towards me. When she saw me, she laid down her heavy pack and ran to me as fast as she could. When we met our hearts burst with the love that we thought we had lost, only to regain—stronger than ever. We held each other so tight that we seemed to be one body, as Mytria sobbed onto my chest. I tried not to cry, but my joy could only be expressed in the manner.
We stood there for a long time. All my pain was temporarily gone within the merging of our bodies. In fact, I felt a great healing force coming from her and into my body. As she held me and wept, I felt my fever diminish and my leg begin to heal. Then, I realized that she was draining herself too much in her effort to heal me. I lovingly pushed her away, keeping my hands on her shoulders.
“Thank you Beloved, I can heal myself the rest of the way. If you could just assist me to that shady tree…”
“Yes,” she spoke as she looked into my eyes.
Between her support and the stick I had found, I was able to hobble over to the tree and sit down on the earth between two large roots. Mytria kissed me on the forehead and ran up to get her pack.
“I will have to set this leg before I dress it,” she said apologetically.
“I am ready,” I replied.
Before I knew it, the leg was set, my wound was cleaned, wrapped in herbs, which where covered with a tree bark, and the sticks I had found were replaced and held in place by a clean sash.
“When we get back to OUR camp, I can make you a proper cast,” she said as she gently patted my leg.
We decided to stay there for the remainder of the day and take off to OUR home at sunrise the next day. It was an excellent decision, for that night under the stars was beyond words. Some how we managed to make love. In fact, we made love again and again, each time going deeper and deeper into each other’s very Soul, in fact, into our joint Soul.
Mytria had heard of Divine Complements during her Temple studies, and told me all she knew. And then, we had to make love again, which is when it happened. Mytria tried to keep it from me, but I knew we made a child then. How could we not? The heavens almost opened and sent her down. Yes, it would be a daughter, our daughter, our love-child.
When morning came, I felt almost healed. That is until I tried to walk.
Through Suzanne Lie, PhD
Posted 31st May 2012 by Shanti
Labels: Mytria/Mytre from Pleiadestheir awakening process
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Channeled by Sheldan Nidle
8 Eb, 10 Pop, 11 Ik
Dratzo! We arrive! Your world continues to move toward her goal of a massive transformation of your reality. Our liaisons and diplomatic corps report that a number of key decisions were made and quickly followed by some noticeable action. We are grateful to our Earth allies for what they are currently accomplishing. The foundation is set for a new world, which is to be populated with prosperity and an end to your long period of servitude to your dark masters. This great opening to the Light is to bring you a vast growth in your consciousness, new governance, and finally, full disclosure of our existence. We welcome these ongoing changes and prepare in earnest for our arrival. We understand the full significance of what is to precede our arrival on your most beautiful shores. This requires an end to the haughty indifference of the dark cabal. You next need time to get used to your newfound prosperity and your reacquired freedoms and personal rights. Then you are ready to accept the lessons of your Ascended Masters. Finally, you are indeed ready for us to carry out a special global mass landing. This is to bring your much-needed individual mentors!
The mentors we have trained for you are a special group. Each has completed a long course, which readied them to help you prepare for full consciousness. Your Ascended Masters went through many lifetimes before they could have a special ceremony. This ceremony anointed them with the magnificent abilities they now possess. See what is about to happen to you as the means to recreate what each of them has accomplished. You are to be given a path by which you can also return to a special state of grace. Our task is to take what Heaven supplies and forge the pathway to achieve this remarkable goal. Look upon your crystal Light chambers as a unique heavenly gift. This gift is to transform you and permit you to join us. We rejoice in this! Returning to your former status as galactic humans is to open up a realm that has been beyond your ken for the past 13 millennia. Our arrival completes a welcoming home, which began when the Anunnaki rejoined the Light and asked their earthly minions to comply with this demand. This, your dark cabal refused to do.
The present reality, in which you reside, is becoming a mere transition between the third and the fifth dimensions. The dark cabal realizes what Heaven is doing and how irreversible it truly is. The time for the dark ones has passed. The moment for change is approaching. Heaven decrees that we use these special moments to remind you that this transformation is reaching a truly magical time. This is the moment when we can easily get to know one another and understand what the first Agarthans came to realize. Wisdom is part of this land. You are sitting in a place which can no longer remain what it was. There is too much energy, too many prayers and blessings from Heaven. The dark can no longer hold you as it once did. This is why you are experiencing the beginnings of ideas and principles that are to transform your world and end the poverty and fear of this age. You are, in reality, leaving a long childhood and taking up maturity, which is to thrust you into the ways of this galaxy and indeed the whole of physicality. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna to all!
This period is therefore to become the time when you complete your metamorphosis and leave behind your childhood ways. Limited consciousness taught you many things. Now, it is for you to use this wisdom and fashion a galactic peace. This galactic peace is to allow the Anchara continuum to alter itself and be the vessel, with Heaven, to spread Light throughout this galaxy. This Light affects not only this galaxy but also the whole of this section of Creation. Imagine yourselves as visionary creators of the multitude of realities which are nested around you. This is what you actually are. Each of you was specially selected to embody in this reality. You are the reality shifters and the galaxy shifters. You come to bring your pallets of rainbows and spread the Joy of Light around. You are here to launch a new epoch of surface humanity. You are to unite this humanity and lead it back to wonders long forgotten. We are here to join you and manifest Heaven’s decrees. Together, we are to bring in a new reality and spread the coming of the grand time of full consciousness.
Blessings, we are your Ascended Masters! We come this time with good news. The programs which have waited for many years to play out are finally ready to begin a unique distribution process. The dark and its earthly minions have prevented this by the simple fact that they retained absolute power over the world’s major governments. Our earth and space allies have blessedly come together to remedy this situation. The first part is based on the great courage of our earthly associates. Despite continual threats from the dark, these blessed women and men dedicated their lives to the success of this last part of their mission. This part was to establish a new banking and monetary system while also creating a global common law network. This sacred mission is now to bear its fruit by bringing prosperity to you and true justice to the dark. The new banking system is to be precious metal-based and the support for your growing prosperity. We bless Heaven for what is now to be done!
We are preparing in glee for the various lessons which we are to give you. These lessons are to cover your beginnings on this world 900,000 years ago; the joy of full consciousness and the falseness of the dark realm that you lived in for the past 13 millennia. We especially want to focus on the events of the past two and one-half millennia. You need to understand what the dark has long told you, as well as the truth behind the histories of Europe, Asia and the Americas. You are to know in detail why you are here and what to expect. Gaia has a vast Spiritual Hierarchy and we are a part of this sacred entourage. You need to discover how to contact and converse with your various spiritual and physical guardians. In these conversations, you are to learn much about yourself and be able to expand what we have already explained in our several lessons to you.
The coming times excite us! Many events are to unveil the great prosperity and immense freedoms that are yours. The new governance is also to unveil a great many suppressed inventions. These are to enable you to clean up Mother Earth’s air, water and ground. In doing this, you are to start to fulfill your divine stewardship of Gaia. This is a living universe. Life and the energy to sustain it are everywhere. You are to join us in divine service to the Creator and to physicality. Out of this service there comes an inner satisfaction which embraces the core of who you really are! Assisting the work of Heaven in physicality is at the very heart of who we are. Soon, we are to serve this entire solar system and the Beings who reside here. When you first come into full consciousness, you go through a short apprenticeship. We have learned much from this initial time. Together, we are all to do great things!
Today, we continued our series of messages with you. Great events are occurring. Take this time to enjoy them and ready yourselves for our arrival. The bad times that you experienced since childhood are really over. Love and Light are truly triumphant. Enjoy! And be ready to celebrate this grand set of victories! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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When Mytre ran away from me, I was sure my heart would break. When I mentioned the Vision Quest I had spoken from within, without hesitation. And now, I have lost him. How could I have used such harsh words? I spent the rest of day inside the cave feeling worse than I could ever remember. How could I go from such wonderful heights of ecstasy and then plummet into deep despair. Had I lost all touch with my inner peace just because I had lost a man? However, he was not just any man. He was my Divine Complement, my Twin Flame. That is what the inner voice said, and my heart agreed.
I tortured myself through the entire day and into sunset, when I suddenly had a feeling of deep urgency and pending disaster. Something was about to happen or had just happened to Mytre. I calmed my mind and went inside to speak to the Mother. All I heard was “Send him healing love.” Then, I became terrified for that clearly meant that he was injured. But, where was he injured, and how? It was too late to follow his tracks, and I would only get lost myself. All I could do was spend most of the night worrying.
Then, I heard the Mother saying, “Drink some calming tea and sleep. You must be alert for tomorrow.” I did what she said and finally fell into a fitful sleep. I do not remember any dreams, nor did I get much rest. However, I woke up knowing that he had been injured, and I knew that I must find him. At sunrise, I packed all my healing herbs, poultices, more clothes, food and water. My pack was heavy, and I would not able to run. Therefore, I had to bring some kindling and my fire stones. He had walked off in the direction where the forest ended, and there could be nothing to burn.
As soon as it was light enough I started my journey. My pack was heavy and I had to go slowly to read his tracks. Some times there seemed to be no tracks, and I had to stop to consult the Mother. I walked all day, and almost till dark. I had never been to this area, so I had to stop and set up camp. There would be no use in both of us becoming injured. After I had eaten a small meal, I tried to go within, buy my growing fear for his safety did not allow me any information or much sleep.
It was mid-day, and I had to find a way to get off this ledge. Another night in the cold without food or water would be far too dangerous for my leg. I had not noticed the large gash in my leg, which was now infected, and I knew I had a fever. If I didn’t move, I would pass out again. I had to trust the Inner Voice. I could not abandon Mytria in this way, I could not abandon my duty, and I could not abandon my self.
As I looked around, I could see no means of escape. Therefore, I looked inside to ask the Inner Voice. Perhaps I was hallucinating, but as soon as I closed my eyes, I saw the image of my SELF in my Vision Quest. “Follow me and listen to the Mother,” he said as he moved along the ledge to my right. I would have to crawl and drag my right leg, as I could not damage it more by putting weight on it.
After what seemed like forever, I found a space between the edge of the ledge and a bolder that I could—very carefully—crawl along. Once I went around the bolder, I found a gentler incline toward the top. The ground here was more stable, and there was even some foliage to grab onto. The Inner Voice reminded me to listen to the Mother again, and so I did. I touched the earth in the manner which Mytria had taught me and asked for Her guidance.
Instantly, I had a feeling to follow a certain trough in the earth, which afforded be enough security to frequently rest. I fought off my dizziness from my fever and lack of water, and contacted the Mother with my every choice of movement. My progress was very slow, but I was gradually moving up the side of the cliff. However, it was getting dark. I had to get to the top while there was enough light to see what I was doing.
I realized that I was going slowly for the sake of my leg, but I had to move more quickly to reach the top before dark. I closed my eyes for a moment to remember my vision. This version of me could move without even touching the ground. If I could BE that me, I could trust my every movement without hesitation. It took a while to envision my self in that manner, but I gradually began to feel a light about my form. I slowly opened my eyes to see that my body and the cliff around me were glowing.
I pushed aside my doubts of “hallucination” and chose to believe my experience. Now, I knew exactly where to place my hands and my good leg. There was no hesitation, no fear, no adrenalin, and no pain. I was in some sort of trance that allowed me to become ONE with the cliff. It almost felt as if the cliff was assisting my movement. When I looked up and saw an overhanging ledge, I did not fear.
Instead, I easily found an alternate route that allowed me to easily crawl over the top and onto flat ground. I rolled away from the cliff and I pulled myself over to a huge rock that held the heat of the day. I pushed myself against the warm rock and patted it to thank the Mother. Then, I looked up into the starry sky under which Mytria and I had fallen asleep many times and saw my body of light embracing hers. With this image in my mind, I fell into a deep sleep.
We realized later that we were very close to each other, but did not know it. However, this physical distance was necessary for us to bridge the etheric gap that still existed between us. We both looked into the starry sky and thanked the Mother for assisting us. Even though our bodies were apart, our hearts and minds were joined as we fell asleep. In fact, we had the same dream, or was it a vision.
We found ourselves back in the Core of the Mother, at the exact moment of our “accidental” merging. Now, after all we had been through, being merged into one person felt even stronger. We were both different people now. We had both survived and successfully completed our Initiations and had conquered our inner demons, which made our love even stronger.
As we stood as one, looking into each other’s eyes, the Mother came to us. We thought it was to bless us, but it was actually to give us our next assignment.
“My beloved children,” She said to us both, “You may think your long journey has ended, but it has actually just begun. I need you both to help me, as you have both become my allies of transmutation. You have transformed yourselves, and now I must ask you to assist me to transmute my Planet.”
We were both deeply honored, but somehow worried. Was there something in Her voice that made us concerned that we could not stay together? NO, we would not allow that to happen. After all we had been through, we would never part again—NEVER!
We both awoke to the hint of dawn. There was not enough light for Mytria to read the tracks, but we were joined into one being again. Therefore, she simply followed the call of my love. It was mid day when we rejoined again.
When I awoke from my dream/vision, I knew Mytria was near. I touched the land to call her through the earth and sent my love out to her direction. In fact, I could see in my mind exactly where she was, just as she told me later that she could see me in the same way. I pulled my self up the hill a bit so that I could more easily she her approach. I found a strong stick and some how got myself to my feet. I would not greet her lying on the ground like a wounded animal.
It was then that I saw her walking towards me. When she saw me, she laid down her heavy pack and ran to me as fast as she could. When we met our hearts burst with the love that we thought we had lost, only to regain—stronger than ever. We held each other so tight that we seemed to be one body, as Mytria sobbed onto my chest. I tried not to cry, but my joy could only be expressed in the manner.
We stood there for a long time. All my pain was temporarily gone within the merging of our bodies. In fact, I felt a great healing force coming from her and into my body. As she held me and wept, I felt my fever diminish and my leg begin to heal. Then, I realized that she was draining herself too much in her effort to heal me. I lovingly pushed her away, keeping my hands on her shoulders.
“Thank you Beloved, I can heal myself the rest of the way. If you could just assist me to that shady tree…”
“Yes,” she spoke as she looked into my eyes.
Between her support and the stick I had found, I was able to hobble over to the tree and sit down on the earth between two large roots. Mytria kissed me on the forehead and ran up to get her pack.
“I will have to set this leg before I dress it,” she said apologetically.
“I am ready,” I replied.
Before I knew it, the leg was set, my wound was cleaned, wrapped in herbs, which where covered with a tree bark, and the sticks I had found were replaced and held in place by a clean sash.
“When we get back to OUR camp, I can make you a proper cast,” she said as she gently patted my leg.
We decided to stay there for the remainder of the day and take off to OUR home at sunrise the next day. It was an excellent decision, for that night under the stars was beyond words. Some how we managed to make love. In fact, we made love again and again, each time going deeper and deeper into each other’s very Soul, in fact, into our joint Soul.
Mytria had heard of Divine Complements during her Temple studies, and told me all she knew. And then, we had to make love again, which is when it happened. Mytria tried to keep it from me, but I knew we made a child then. How could we not? The heavens almost opened and sent her down. Yes, it would be a daughter, our daughter, our love-child.
When morning came, I felt almost healed. That is until I tried to walk.
Through Suzanne Lie, PhD
Posted 31st May 2012 by Shanti
Labels: Mytria/Mytre from Pleiadestheir awakening process
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Translate /traducir/ Vertaal / ♪ → → → ► → → →
Terjemahan/μεταφράζω / übersetzen / ♪ → → → ► → → →
переводити/Traduire/ переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
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Galactic Federation of Light Update – August 5, 2014
Channeled by Sheldan Nidle
8 Eb, 10 Pop, 11 Ik
Dratzo! We arrive! Your world continues to move toward her goal of a massive transformation of your reality. Our liaisons and diplomatic corps report that a number of key decisions were made and quickly followed by some noticeable action. We are grateful to our Earth allies for what they are currently accomplishing. The foundation is set for a new world, which is to be populated with prosperity and an end to your long period of servitude to your dark masters. This great opening to the Light is to bring you a vast growth in your consciousness, new governance, and finally, full disclosure of our existence. We welcome these ongoing changes and prepare in earnest for our arrival. We understand the full significance of what is to precede our arrival on your most beautiful shores. This requires an end to the haughty indifference of the dark cabal. You next need time to get used to your newfound prosperity and your reacquired freedoms and personal rights. Then you are ready to accept the lessons of your Ascended Masters. Finally, you are indeed ready for us to carry out a special global mass landing. This is to bring your much-needed individual mentors!
The mentors we have trained for you are a special group. Each has completed a long course, which readied them to help you prepare for full consciousness. Your Ascended Masters went through many lifetimes before they could have a special ceremony. This ceremony anointed them with the magnificent abilities they now possess. See what is about to happen to you as the means to recreate what each of them has accomplished. You are to be given a path by which you can also return to a special state of grace. Our task is to take what Heaven supplies and forge the pathway to achieve this remarkable goal. Look upon your crystal Light chambers as a unique heavenly gift. This gift is to transform you and permit you to join us. We rejoice in this! Returning to your former status as galactic humans is to open up a realm that has been beyond your ken for the past 13 millennia. Our arrival completes a welcoming home, which began when the Anunnaki rejoined the Light and asked their earthly minions to comply with this demand. This, your dark cabal refused to do.
The present reality, in which you reside, is becoming a mere transition between the third and the fifth dimensions. The dark cabal realizes what Heaven is doing and how irreversible it truly is. The time for the dark ones has passed. The moment for change is approaching. Heaven decrees that we use these special moments to remind you that this transformation is reaching a truly magical time. This is the moment when we can easily get to know one another and understand what the first Agarthans came to realize. Wisdom is part of this land. You are sitting in a place which can no longer remain what it was. There is too much energy, too many prayers and blessings from Heaven. The dark can no longer hold you as it once did. This is why you are experiencing the beginnings of ideas and principles that are to transform your world and end the poverty and fear of this age. You are, in reality, leaving a long childhood and taking up maturity, which is to thrust you into the ways of this galaxy and indeed the whole of physicality. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna to all!
This period is therefore to become the time when you complete your metamorphosis and leave behind your childhood ways. Limited consciousness taught you many things. Now, it is for you to use this wisdom and fashion a galactic peace. This galactic peace is to allow the Anchara continuum to alter itself and be the vessel, with Heaven, to spread Light throughout this galaxy. This Light affects not only this galaxy but also the whole of this section of Creation. Imagine yourselves as visionary creators of the multitude of realities which are nested around you. This is what you actually are. Each of you was specially selected to embody in this reality. You are the reality shifters and the galaxy shifters. You come to bring your pallets of rainbows and spread the Joy of Light around. You are here to launch a new epoch of surface humanity. You are to unite this humanity and lead it back to wonders long forgotten. We are here to join you and manifest Heaven’s decrees. Together, we are to bring in a new reality and spread the coming of the grand time of full consciousness.
Blessings, we are your Ascended Masters! We come this time with good news. The programs which have waited for many years to play out are finally ready to begin a unique distribution process. The dark and its earthly minions have prevented this by the simple fact that they retained absolute power over the world’s major governments. Our earth and space allies have blessedly come together to remedy this situation. The first part is based on the great courage of our earthly associates. Despite continual threats from the dark, these blessed women and men dedicated their lives to the success of this last part of their mission. This part was to establish a new banking and monetary system while also creating a global common law network. This sacred mission is now to bear its fruit by bringing prosperity to you and true justice to the dark. The new banking system is to be precious metal-based and the support for your growing prosperity. We bless Heaven for what is now to be done!
We are preparing in glee for the various lessons which we are to give you. These lessons are to cover your beginnings on this world 900,000 years ago; the joy of full consciousness and the falseness of the dark realm that you lived in for the past 13 millennia. We especially want to focus on the events of the past two and one-half millennia. You need to understand what the dark has long told you, as well as the truth behind the histories of Europe, Asia and the Americas. You are to know in detail why you are here and what to expect. Gaia has a vast Spiritual Hierarchy and we are a part of this sacred entourage. You need to discover how to contact and converse with your various spiritual and physical guardians. In these conversations, you are to learn much about yourself and be able to expand what we have already explained in our several lessons to you.
The coming times excite us! Many events are to unveil the great prosperity and immense freedoms that are yours. The new governance is also to unveil a great many suppressed inventions. These are to enable you to clean up Mother Earth’s air, water and ground. In doing this, you are to start to fulfill your divine stewardship of Gaia. This is a living universe. Life and the energy to sustain it are everywhere. You are to join us in divine service to the Creator and to physicality. Out of this service there comes an inner satisfaction which embraces the core of who you really are! Assisting the work of Heaven in physicality is at the very heart of who we are. Soon, we are to serve this entire solar system and the Beings who reside here. When you first come into full consciousness, you go through a short apprenticeship. We have learned much from this initial time. Together, we are all to do great things!
Today, we continued our series of messages with you. Great events are occurring. Take this time to enjoy them and ready yourselves for our arrival. The bad times that you experienced since childhood are really over. Love and Light are truly triumphant. Enjoy! And be ready to celebrate this grand set of victories! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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