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▶ Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle May 06 2014 - YouTube
8 Imix, 4 Moan, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We come again with more good news!
Everywhere on your planet, events are manifesting that are to bring you
freedom, prosperity and new governance. When this wondrous cycle is
completed, there is to be disclosure. We welcome what is happening on
your world and how it so gloriously fits into the divine plan for this
solar system. Changes are omnipresent. Mercury is literally exploding
with one active volcano creating another. Venus, Gaia and Mars are now
in the midst of a spectacular number of climate changes, which are to
lead to these orbs returning to their pristine realities. Our part in
this is to mentor your grand transformation into fully conscious Beings
of Light. These tasks are underway as Heaven is preparing you for the
reception of this new consciousness. Meanwhile, the dark and its minions
are reeling as one plan after another fails to stop this inevitable
transformation. You are meant to alter yourselves into a galactic
consciousness, which is to spread swiftly across this solar system and
forge a new and magnificent star nation.
Your world is actually two. One is Inner
Earth and the home of your Agarthan cousins. They are the last remnant
of the colonists that seeded Gaia some 900,000 years ago. At first, they
occupied the continent that most of you call Lemuria. Eventually, they
moved a part of their colony to inner Earth. It is this latter group
that became the last vestige of what Lemuria was about. The Atlanteans
attacked and claimed the surface realm for themselves. This eventually
led to a simmering conflict, which boiled over some 13 millennia ago.
The Atlantean attack on ancient Ionia (southern Europe) backfired and
caused the ancient gas chambers that held up the land to explode.
Atlantis sank beneath the sea. What was left after a grand migration by
the Atlanteans to another star system was your limited-conscious
ancestors and the Atlantean's successors, the Anunnaki. These two groups
forged the next 13 millennia of your history. The "Golden Ages" were
your first set of experiences with the Anunnaki as your new masters.
Even the ancient Chinese, Mesopotamians,
Indians and Egyptians knew just how long ago this happened. Our assigned
task was to watch over you and intervene only when Heaven so agreed.
This policy led to a number of messianic missions and the rise of
numerous religions, which the Anunnaki and their minions altered to what
they thought was fully acceptable for their evil purposes. The
consequences of their actions developed into the hatred and divisions
that continue to plague humanity even to this day. This history is vital
for you to understand what is occurring. Your world woke up and is
currently working diligently to correct the major errors of the past.
The most important of these is obeying an authority that wishes harm to
its people and to the world. Further, humanity is learning how it can
assist, instead of continue to harm Mother Earth. This enlightened
action is causing reactions that are leading to a new epoch for
humanity. It is also preparing you for disclosure.
Disclosure can permit us to move quickly to
the next step, a massive global first contact with you. We have watched
previously as the dark ones dashed the beginning of new governance! We
knew, despite these early difficulties, that you were to triumph over
the dark. The past two years have seen a final holding action by the
dark's minions to keep their ground. This last series of actions failed.
What is now happening is the final step between what was to occur and
our arrival. We have had discussions with those who desire to topple the
dark and have seen them grow. They have thrown off their hate and wish
only to push them out of power. The rest is to follow as needed. New
governance is to set the stage for our arrival. Surface humanity has
been cut off from its extraterrestrial origins for far too long. It time
to reconnect. It is time for a grand reunion that returns you to your
original state of full consciousness. It is time for you to reunite with
your Lemurian cousins and together forge a new star nation.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We
bless and praise Heaven for all its glories and wisdom. The moment for a
grand celebration has come. Our beloved associates are finishing off a
most marvelous set of enterprises that are to terminate the power and
the lies of the dark ones and their endless minions who seem to be ready
to delay our sacred tasks. Heaven and her emissaries arrive. The dark
is now to allow all that has been given us to appear. The Light is
indeed triumphant! The path to Truth, Prosperity and Redemption is at
hand. This path is to lead you first to facts and realities that set the
table for the arrival of our space and spiritual families! Their
arrival is to signal that it is time to begin to learn and understand
the wonders inherent in full consciousness. We accept you as our
enthusiastic children. There is much to learn, do and understand in this
new and divine dimension!
We are all to live in a world filled with the
essence of Heaven and cloaked in the joy that comes from Oneness with
the Creator! You are to experience rapture and feel your Soul filled
with the celestial and cleansing music of Love and of Light! Here you
are in bliss and you use this to unfold the divine plan in the various
physical realms. This is ahead for you. We as an Ascended collective are
here to help you through the first moments of this endless glory. Long
ago, we began to pass through the spiritual veil and rediscover exactly
what full consciousness was about. We know much. Yet, we understand
that full knowledge of this realm takes more than a moment to master. It
takes lifetimes that are each literally more than a millennia in
length. Together, we are to take our joint knowledge and produce a new
star nation.
As you pass through the limitations of your
current life and reach the infinite, you change. You become one that has
moved beyond the ways of this present world and learned what Heaven
desires from us all. In this light, you can see what is needed and what
needs to be sloughed off by you. You are to learn why you are here and
what is expected of you. Your life contract becomes visible to you, as
does all the contents of your personal Akashic records. You become able
to converse easily with your spiritual guides and discover those who can
advise you in the physical. This revelation opens up a torrent of
wisdom, and gives you a guide as to how best to live your life and aid
your fellows. You are able to accept new responsibilities and learn how
to forge a true society based upon your abilities and those of others.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we further explored the
wonderful events of the day. We examined the changes taking place and
discovered where they are leading. The long awaited point of joy is
nigh! Soon, the full extent of this is to manifest! Know, dear Ones,
that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are
indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One!
and Be in Joy!)
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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Creating Your Own Reality Part 1
Creating Your Own Reality #1
Dr. Suzanne Lie and Mary Perricone
May 1, 2014
Hello everyone and welcome back. I’m Mary Perricone and I’m here with Dr. Suzanne Lie for our continuing conversations. Today we’re going to begin by talking about Creating Your Own Reality. Hello Sue, how are you?
Suzanne Lie: I’m fine. I’m just going to go into the ONE who is here more than me, the Arcturians.
The Arcturians
We are the Arcturians and we wish you all to take a moment to feel how bright the Light has become. We are asking now to begin to recalibrate your sensory perceptions to the expanding frequencies of Light that have not been able to pierce the density of Gaia’s aura since before the fall of Atlantis.
However, above the Cities of Light which are expanding more and more there is a portal through which this higher Light can enter in to the beings who are able to receive it as well as to the areas and the portals of Gaia.
MP: Well that is a message that I would never have expected this morning. Thank you Sue and thank you to the Arcturians - that more Light than in the last 10 to 50 thousand years is being infused into this planet through portals that are above the Cities of Light. And, we have access to that Light and those portals.
SL: And to the Cities of Light.
MP: Yes, and to the Cities of Light. And, those portals throughout the planet are being infused with a greater saturation and a higher infusion of Light is coming through. That’s great news.
Arcturians: It’s not just that more Light is coming in, but more Light at a higher frequency is coming in. It is through these higher frequencies of Light that those who have expanded their consciousness can perceive the holographic matrix of Earth.
Before - when that matrix was perceived - primarily it was the third/fourth dimensional matrix. I it was much like a darkened room where only one Light was on.
You could see the area in which that Light had illuminated, however around that small area of illumination there was darkness.
Now what is beginning to occur is that whereas before you could only see that area in which you held your third-dimensional form and your fourth dimensional astral dream body – now those who have been doing the work shall we say, those who have been clearing and meditating and reaching up into their higher selves and moving down into their sub-conscious to clear and clear and clear again – those ones are coming into this awareness of the next level of the third-dimensional matrix.
That level of the third-dimensional matrix is the entrance way into the fifth-dimensional New Earth. So we ask all of you who find yourself having the ability to hear or to read these words to take a long slow deep breath. Pull in that higher light into your Pineal Gland and imagine that matrix before you.
Mary would you like to share with others how you perceive that third dimensional matrix for you.
MP: I see unlimited potential in these portals and I would interpret it by saying that there is a portal on the fifth-dimension that we have access to that brings us into those higher frequencies of Light that the Arcturians are referring to right now. So that accessing those energies – those fifth-dimensional energies - allow us and call us to create reality from the higher dimensions into the fifth-dimension.
Now it’s all a spiral. It’s not 1,2,4,5 – 10,11,12 – it’s all occurring simultaneously. But, the access to those energies that are coming is available to us. One of the things that come to mind are the different types of Ascension symptoms then we were experiencing one or two years ago. There is, for me, a greater awareness of the compression of time, or no time.
I would say that most of the time I feel like I’m out of time. I can no longer keep track of time within that third-dimensional matrix. So there isn’t any other option for me than to go with this flow of energy. It gives a new meaning to the phrase: Go with the flow, or let it happen. Because when you are in it, you can only be it.
A: Yes, that is very true. The being and the doing are beginning to merge for those who have allowed themselves to let go of the third dimensional restrictions. Now this is a selective process for there are certain third-dimensional restrictions, third dimensional rungs of the third dimensional matrix that are vital for the support of the physical earth vessel. Those are components of your Earth vessel that you will need to continue. You will need to continue feeding your Earth vessel until the time in which you are able to eat pure Light.
This needs to be a long slow process for if it is too sudden you can destroy your physical vessel as you would experience from your third-dimensional mind as a starving and dying from not getting enough nutrition. Now the issue is that in order to switch over from eating from the third dimension which is the food that is grown on the planet and the animals that come from the planet.
Switching from that third-dimensional perception, moving into that imagination that fourth-dimension when you have dreams and you are at a great celebration and everyone is eating - and you might wake up hungry because you have not fed your physical body, but those dreams are beginning to teach you how to feed yourself Light.
Now, the process of feeding yourself Light needs to be a slow exchange where the food that you take into your body has higher and higher Light quotients. Basically what that means is that to your particular body, and everyone’s body is different, as everyone is supporting different galactic versions of themselves.
So it begins by the food that it is easy for you to digest. If the food is difficult for you to digest then your consciousness is lowered while you are in the process of digesting your food. However as you begin to realize the food that is easily digested then that third-dimensional process of keeping your third-dimensional earth vessel fueled is much like going to a gas station and filling up your car. And, it will be less of a distraction to the you who is wearing this third-dimensional vessel.
MP: I think many of our listeners use a process or a mantra when they are eating. Just recently I was guided to infuse the food that I eat with sheer energy. When I do this, the food tastes different. I am filled after only a few mouthfuls of the food. Indeed our food is infused with Light through our intent.
So in fact we create that integration of the infusion of Light into the planet, into food, into Gaia, into the individual because we are one, we are all integrated and it creates an expansion of our awareness and our perception and our intent – and taking responsibility for doing it.
The Arcturians framed it so beautifully and so simply in a way that hopefully every listener or reader of this program can understand and begin to apply.
Now I know that over the past few years I have changed the way I bless my food. If I take a glass of water I write Love on the outside of the glass. If take a piece of fruit to eat I hold it in my hands and write Love on that piece of fruit. So my intent is for that food to be infused with Light and for my highest good.
The Arcturians also said something that we have heard before but I think they said it a little bit differently. They said that this is an ongoing process. It doesn’t happen all at once. It’s not a flash. But as our bodies expand through our awareness, as the Light within our bodies expand – the vibrational frequency expands and then we are able to experience and integrate that infusion of Light. It’s a step by step process – not all at once.
I’ve read many comments and articles within the Light worker community where there is impatience. When is it going to happen? It hasn’t happened. But, I believe that what I hear the Arcturians saying is that it has happened, it is happening and it will continue to happen. And, that is the Ascension process - the expansion and the infusion of Light on a personal and a planetary level.
Arcturians: Yes, and it is a matter of connecting with the impatience of the third-dimensional self which is built by time. Then, as soon as one says: when will it happen – they have just decreed that it has not happened yet. So the very question of saying: when will it happen pushes it into the perceivable future because you have just pushed your consciousness into time.
Then when we say: I’m so sick of this, I want it to happen now – you have decreed that you are sick and that you are impatient and that you are unhappy, so that is exactly how you will feel. It is so important that we listen to our thoughts and emotions.
I know with myself from listening to my thoughts and emotions that I hear a lot of thoughts and emotions that shock me because they are coming from me and they are living in me. But how can I clean them out if I don’t look at them?
Now I wanted to say something about the eating Mary, because you were talking about the high road and that you were doing meditations and writing Love and putting things into Light. That’s wonderful.
I on the other hand have taken this other track where I’m just listening to my body. My body has taken over. My body says: Sue, don’t eat that or you need to eat this. My body says: no if you eat now you are not going to be happy about this. So I’ve taken this other track. Whereas you’ve gone up into your super consciousness, I’ve gone down into my sub consciousness and just let the body take over the process.
We are an example of that entire process because of course I’m still meditating and of course Mary you are still listening to your body, but it’s interesting that we are representing two different ways of doing the same thing. Sometimes we might feel in a high state of consciousness and be able to bless our Light onto whatever it is we partake of.
On the other hand, sometimes we may just be about life and we can just develop a new relationship with our Earth vessel instead of us being the boss over our body – realize that our body is the vessel that we’re wearing. Within this vessel it’s like with your car – there are certain things you need to do to your car. Your car will beep and leave messages to let you know that your tire is flat or that you need gas or need oil. You just listen to your car.
As we listen to our bodies we realize that this is our vessel – we are not this vessel, we are not our car and we have planted ourselves inside of our vessel and we can put it on automatic and the vessel will say: this is the type of fuel I need.
MP: That’s a wonderful analogy and thank you for that. We are all very conscious now. To continue the analogy of the car – we are advised to be pro-active and have the car serviced before the car tells us that it is time for service. We do that through being mindful and being aware and listening to our bodies and knowing through good sense how to feed our bodies and creating that muscle memory where we automatically know if the food is good for our body.
There is a lot of science behind this with foods that are appropriate for certain blood types. There is a whole science being developed around this as well as the science of energy medicine. We can use all of the above or some of the above. And, as you were talking Sue I remembered an exercise that I have used a number of times. It’s just a simple technique we can use in case we are not practiced in listening to our bodies.
The exercise is: hold the food that you are going to eat in your hands and place the food where the rib cage meets under the breast bone. Place it there while standing and if the food is compatible with your body, your body will rock forward in a rocking motion. If the food is not suitable for your body, your body will move or rock backwards.
You can test this by taking a piece of fruit and placing it the area under your breast bones and see whether you rock forward. Then take a food item that you know is not in your best interest to eat and place it in the same place. Invariably the food that is not suitable for my body will cause me to rock backward. This is one of the ways that you can begin to develop an intuition about what is good for your body.
Of course if you are in a restaurant you are not going to stand up and test the plate of food. You shouldn’t have to do this because we would automatically know what the best food is to put into our bodies.
A: That’s a great exercise. I will definitely try that. Now I’d like to speak about this other end of moving in to the vessel that we are wearing and realizing that the vessel that we are wearing is actually an animal. When you look at animals in nature they can tell what is good for the body to eat or this is something that is poisonous.
I am thirsty and I will have this amount of water, but I won’t have more than that because it would not be good for me. I am hungry and I will eat this amount and that’s how much I will eat and I will stop.
We respect what our body has to say to us because our consciousness has already transmuted into its multi-dimensional self. As our body has transmuted, now we can learn to unconditionally Love what our body is and what out body is telling us.
So with our higher sense of consciousness we can move into the vessel in which we are living and say: okay vessel, I live inside of you and I appreciate that you have offered me a portal through which I can experience this marvelous time of planetary Ascension. Please help direct how I need to care for you and know that the answer is there.
MP: The phrase that we use so often in our society that something “starts at home”. Ascension starts at home. It starts within our own bodies. Our bodies must be prepped, or prepared to receive the higher vibrational frequencies of Light. I don’t mean to downplay this at all because it is an upgrade in our electrical systems. Every system within our physical body has to be realigned, re-communicated with and our conscious mind helps facilitate the integration of the upgrade.
It happens first by accepting the reality that our bodies are being upgraded. We’ve heard a lot about upgrades in our DNA. We’ve also heard about the children that are being born in this timeframe coming in being fully wired to the vibrational frequency.
Now, I live in an older home and over the years we’ve have had our electrical system upgraded our plumping - upgraded all of the infrastructure. We are very aware that we need to remember and have regular maintenance on different systems just as you do to your car.
You home, your physical home is the place where you abide and reside, is a representation of your physical body. So, you take care of your home within and without in order to move forward in your life. So the upgrades are occurring and our responsibility is the awareness and the development of our intuition. So, in the instance of food, we know what the best intake is for us.
SL: Yes, and if we are living in an older home/body we have had lots of “time” to gain wisdom, however our body that we live in is not going to upgrade in the same manner as those new bodies that have just been inhabited that are already updated. So, we are like the old automobile that you have to keep taking care of over and over again because the automobile is updated. In other countries, in Cuba for example, they have cars from the 1950’s and they just keep them up and running and they are like brand new cars because they aren’t getting new cars.
So, those of us of a mature age that have been in our homes longer have to develop a continuous upgrade that goes with the cars that we are driving, our homes that we are wearing, and our bodies that are older. What I have been experiencing a lot is that because it is an older body, there are a lot of things that I have to let go of.
There are many habits that were developed over the long dark cycle. And, the United States had a long dark cycle with people believing the most ridiculous things and letting horrible things go through and never changing and pretending as if it never happened. So for those who know, that built up a lot of – what is wrong with this place. Now this has to be released along with all of the myriad experiences.
Children come in new and they don’t have to release yet because they are just pulling in. But as you are in an older vehicle you have to release. There are a lot of parts that need to be taken out and replaced. I know from having an older car that if you just replace one part the whole car gets messed up and you have to replace that whole system.
Those of us that have been wearing our bodies longer are having system upgrades on a regular basis.
MP: Yes, exactly – I love the analogy. I’m having a system upgrade. I’ll take it.
SL: Yes, it’s a system upgrade.
MP: We’re adding more Ram to our internal computer.
SL: Yes we are definitely doing that through connecting our physical brain to our fifth-dimensional multi-dimensional mind and we can often feel that like a golden cloud that mimics our brain, but is above our brain.
Now of course that above/below is in physical terms but when we are feeling it we can imagine how the aura of our physical body has moved up to the frequency in which it can overlap with the frequency of our multi-dimensional mind. And our aura’s are beginning to expand out further into our daily life and in deeper into our kundalini – which is our own Light body living within the core of our spine.
MP: Just beautiful and thank you for that. Well, I think we are out of time for today. Time flies when you have fun, doesn’t it?
SL: Time flies when you’re in the Now.
MP: Thank you everyone for listening and we’ll be back very soon with another chapter in these ongoing conversations. Have a great day everyone.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Creating Your Own Reality Part 1
Creating Your Own Reality #1
Dr. Suzanne Lie and Mary Perricone
May 1, 2014
Hello everyone and welcome back. I’m Mary Perricone and I’m here with Dr. Suzanne Lie for our continuing conversations. Today we’re going to begin by talking about Creating Your Own Reality. Hello Sue, how are you?
Suzanne Lie: I’m fine. I’m just going to go into the ONE who is here more than me, the Arcturians.
The Arcturians
We are the Arcturians and we wish you all to take a moment to feel how bright the Light has become. We are asking now to begin to recalibrate your sensory perceptions to the expanding frequencies of Light that have not been able to pierce the density of Gaia’s aura since before the fall of Atlantis.
However, above the Cities of Light which are expanding more and more there is a portal through which this higher Light can enter in to the beings who are able to receive it as well as to the areas and the portals of Gaia.
MP: Well that is a message that I would never have expected this morning. Thank you Sue and thank you to the Arcturians - that more Light than in the last 10 to 50 thousand years is being infused into this planet through portals that are above the Cities of Light. And, we have access to that Light and those portals.
SL: And to the Cities of Light.
MP: Yes, and to the Cities of Light. And, those portals throughout the planet are being infused with a greater saturation and a higher infusion of Light is coming through. That’s great news.
Arcturians: It’s not just that more Light is coming in, but more Light at a higher frequency is coming in. It is through these higher frequencies of Light that those who have expanded their consciousness can perceive the holographic matrix of Earth.
Before - when that matrix was perceived - primarily it was the third/fourth dimensional matrix. I it was much like a darkened room where only one Light was on.
You could see the area in which that Light had illuminated, however around that small area of illumination there was darkness.
Now what is beginning to occur is that whereas before you could only see that area in which you held your third-dimensional form and your fourth dimensional astral dream body – now those who have been doing the work shall we say, those who have been clearing and meditating and reaching up into their higher selves and moving down into their sub-conscious to clear and clear and clear again – those ones are coming into this awareness of the next level of the third-dimensional matrix.
That level of the third-dimensional matrix is the entrance way into the fifth-dimensional New Earth. So we ask all of you who find yourself having the ability to hear or to read these words to take a long slow deep breath. Pull in that higher light into your Pineal Gland and imagine that matrix before you.
Mary would you like to share with others how you perceive that third dimensional matrix for you.
MP: I see unlimited potential in these portals and I would interpret it by saying that there is a portal on the fifth-dimension that we have access to that brings us into those higher frequencies of Light that the Arcturians are referring to right now. So that accessing those energies – those fifth-dimensional energies - allow us and call us to create reality from the higher dimensions into the fifth-dimension.
Now it’s all a spiral. It’s not 1,2,4,5 – 10,11,12 – it’s all occurring simultaneously. But, the access to those energies that are coming is available to us. One of the things that come to mind are the different types of Ascension symptoms then we were experiencing one or two years ago. There is, for me, a greater awareness of the compression of time, or no time.
I would say that most of the time I feel like I’m out of time. I can no longer keep track of time within that third-dimensional matrix. So there isn’t any other option for me than to go with this flow of energy. It gives a new meaning to the phrase: Go with the flow, or let it happen. Because when you are in it, you can only be it.
A: Yes, that is very true. The being and the doing are beginning to merge for those who have allowed themselves to let go of the third dimensional restrictions. Now this is a selective process for there are certain third-dimensional restrictions, third dimensional rungs of the third dimensional matrix that are vital for the support of the physical earth vessel. Those are components of your Earth vessel that you will need to continue. You will need to continue feeding your Earth vessel until the time in which you are able to eat pure Light.
This needs to be a long slow process for if it is too sudden you can destroy your physical vessel as you would experience from your third-dimensional mind as a starving and dying from not getting enough nutrition. Now the issue is that in order to switch over from eating from the third dimension which is the food that is grown on the planet and the animals that come from the planet.
Switching from that third-dimensional perception, moving into that imagination that fourth-dimension when you have dreams and you are at a great celebration and everyone is eating - and you might wake up hungry because you have not fed your physical body, but those dreams are beginning to teach you how to feed yourself Light.
Now, the process of feeding yourself Light needs to be a slow exchange where the food that you take into your body has higher and higher Light quotients. Basically what that means is that to your particular body, and everyone’s body is different, as everyone is supporting different galactic versions of themselves.
So it begins by the food that it is easy for you to digest. If the food is difficult for you to digest then your consciousness is lowered while you are in the process of digesting your food. However as you begin to realize the food that is easily digested then that third-dimensional process of keeping your third-dimensional earth vessel fueled is much like going to a gas station and filling up your car. And, it will be less of a distraction to the you who is wearing this third-dimensional vessel.
MP: I think many of our listeners use a process or a mantra when they are eating. Just recently I was guided to infuse the food that I eat with sheer energy. When I do this, the food tastes different. I am filled after only a few mouthfuls of the food. Indeed our food is infused with Light through our intent.
So in fact we create that integration of the infusion of Light into the planet, into food, into Gaia, into the individual because we are one, we are all integrated and it creates an expansion of our awareness and our perception and our intent – and taking responsibility for doing it.
The Arcturians framed it so beautifully and so simply in a way that hopefully every listener or reader of this program can understand and begin to apply.
Now I know that over the past few years I have changed the way I bless my food. If I take a glass of water I write Love on the outside of the glass. If take a piece of fruit to eat I hold it in my hands and write Love on that piece of fruit. So my intent is for that food to be infused with Light and for my highest good.
The Arcturians also said something that we have heard before but I think they said it a little bit differently. They said that this is an ongoing process. It doesn’t happen all at once. It’s not a flash. But as our bodies expand through our awareness, as the Light within our bodies expand – the vibrational frequency expands and then we are able to experience and integrate that infusion of Light. It’s a step by step process – not all at once.
I’ve read many comments and articles within the Light worker community where there is impatience. When is it going to happen? It hasn’t happened. But, I believe that what I hear the Arcturians saying is that it has happened, it is happening and it will continue to happen. And, that is the Ascension process - the expansion and the infusion of Light on a personal and a planetary level.
Arcturians: Yes, and it is a matter of connecting with the impatience of the third-dimensional self which is built by time. Then, as soon as one says: when will it happen – they have just decreed that it has not happened yet. So the very question of saying: when will it happen pushes it into the perceivable future because you have just pushed your consciousness into time.
Then when we say: I’m so sick of this, I want it to happen now – you have decreed that you are sick and that you are impatient and that you are unhappy, so that is exactly how you will feel. It is so important that we listen to our thoughts and emotions.
I know with myself from listening to my thoughts and emotions that I hear a lot of thoughts and emotions that shock me because they are coming from me and they are living in me. But how can I clean them out if I don’t look at them?
Now I wanted to say something about the eating Mary, because you were talking about the high road and that you were doing meditations and writing Love and putting things into Light. That’s wonderful.
I on the other hand have taken this other track where I’m just listening to my body. My body has taken over. My body says: Sue, don’t eat that or you need to eat this. My body says: no if you eat now you are not going to be happy about this. So I’ve taken this other track. Whereas you’ve gone up into your super consciousness, I’ve gone down into my sub consciousness and just let the body take over the process.
We are an example of that entire process because of course I’m still meditating and of course Mary you are still listening to your body, but it’s interesting that we are representing two different ways of doing the same thing. Sometimes we might feel in a high state of consciousness and be able to bless our Light onto whatever it is we partake of.
On the other hand, sometimes we may just be about life and we can just develop a new relationship with our Earth vessel instead of us being the boss over our body – realize that our body is the vessel that we’re wearing. Within this vessel it’s like with your car – there are certain things you need to do to your car. Your car will beep and leave messages to let you know that your tire is flat or that you need gas or need oil. You just listen to your car.
As we listen to our bodies we realize that this is our vessel – we are not this vessel, we are not our car and we have planted ourselves inside of our vessel and we can put it on automatic and the vessel will say: this is the type of fuel I need.
MP: That’s a wonderful analogy and thank you for that. We are all very conscious now. To continue the analogy of the car – we are advised to be pro-active and have the car serviced before the car tells us that it is time for service. We do that through being mindful and being aware and listening to our bodies and knowing through good sense how to feed our bodies and creating that muscle memory where we automatically know if the food is good for our body.
There is a lot of science behind this with foods that are appropriate for certain blood types. There is a whole science being developed around this as well as the science of energy medicine. We can use all of the above or some of the above. And, as you were talking Sue I remembered an exercise that I have used a number of times. It’s just a simple technique we can use in case we are not practiced in listening to our bodies.
The exercise is: hold the food that you are going to eat in your hands and place the food where the rib cage meets under the breast bone. Place it there while standing and if the food is compatible with your body, your body will rock forward in a rocking motion. If the food is not suitable for your body, your body will move or rock backwards.
You can test this by taking a piece of fruit and placing it the area under your breast bones and see whether you rock forward. Then take a food item that you know is not in your best interest to eat and place it in the same place. Invariably the food that is not suitable for my body will cause me to rock backward. This is one of the ways that you can begin to develop an intuition about what is good for your body.
Of course if you are in a restaurant you are not going to stand up and test the plate of food. You shouldn’t have to do this because we would automatically know what the best food is to put into our bodies.
A: That’s a great exercise. I will definitely try that. Now I’d like to speak about this other end of moving in to the vessel that we are wearing and realizing that the vessel that we are wearing is actually an animal. When you look at animals in nature they can tell what is good for the body to eat or this is something that is poisonous.
I am thirsty and I will have this amount of water, but I won’t have more than that because it would not be good for me. I am hungry and I will eat this amount and that’s how much I will eat and I will stop.
We respect what our body has to say to us because our consciousness has already transmuted into its multi-dimensional self. As our body has transmuted, now we can learn to unconditionally Love what our body is and what out body is telling us.
So with our higher sense of consciousness we can move into the vessel in which we are living and say: okay vessel, I live inside of you and I appreciate that you have offered me a portal through which I can experience this marvelous time of planetary Ascension. Please help direct how I need to care for you and know that the answer is there.
MP: The phrase that we use so often in our society that something “starts at home”. Ascension starts at home. It starts within our own bodies. Our bodies must be prepped, or prepared to receive the higher vibrational frequencies of Light. I don’t mean to downplay this at all because it is an upgrade in our electrical systems. Every system within our physical body has to be realigned, re-communicated with and our conscious mind helps facilitate the integration of the upgrade.
It happens first by accepting the reality that our bodies are being upgraded. We’ve heard a lot about upgrades in our DNA. We’ve also heard about the children that are being born in this timeframe coming in being fully wired to the vibrational frequency.
Now, I live in an older home and over the years we’ve have had our electrical system upgraded our plumping - upgraded all of the infrastructure. We are very aware that we need to remember and have regular maintenance on different systems just as you do to your car.
You home, your physical home is the place where you abide and reside, is a representation of your physical body. So, you take care of your home within and without in order to move forward in your life. So the upgrades are occurring and our responsibility is the awareness and the development of our intuition. So, in the instance of food, we know what the best intake is for us.
SL: Yes, and if we are living in an older home/body we have had lots of “time” to gain wisdom, however our body that we live in is not going to upgrade in the same manner as those new bodies that have just been inhabited that are already updated. So, we are like the old automobile that you have to keep taking care of over and over again because the automobile is updated. In other countries, in Cuba for example, they have cars from the 1950’s and they just keep them up and running and they are like brand new cars because they aren’t getting new cars.
So, those of us of a mature age that have been in our homes longer have to develop a continuous upgrade that goes with the cars that we are driving, our homes that we are wearing, and our bodies that are older. What I have been experiencing a lot is that because it is an older body, there are a lot of things that I have to let go of.
There are many habits that were developed over the long dark cycle. And, the United States had a long dark cycle with people believing the most ridiculous things and letting horrible things go through and never changing and pretending as if it never happened. So for those who know, that built up a lot of – what is wrong with this place. Now this has to be released along with all of the myriad experiences.
Children come in new and they don’t have to release yet because they are just pulling in. But as you are in an older vehicle you have to release. There are a lot of parts that need to be taken out and replaced. I know from having an older car that if you just replace one part the whole car gets messed up and you have to replace that whole system.
Those of us that have been wearing our bodies longer are having system upgrades on a regular basis.
MP: Yes, exactly – I love the analogy. I’m having a system upgrade. I’ll take it.
SL: Yes, it’s a system upgrade.
MP: We’re adding more Ram to our internal computer.
SL: Yes we are definitely doing that through connecting our physical brain to our fifth-dimensional multi-dimensional mind and we can often feel that like a golden cloud that mimics our brain, but is above our brain.
Now of course that above/below is in physical terms but when we are feeling it we can imagine how the aura of our physical body has moved up to the frequency in which it can overlap with the frequency of our multi-dimensional mind. And our aura’s are beginning to expand out further into our daily life and in deeper into our kundalini – which is our own Light body living within the core of our spine.
MP: Just beautiful and thank you for that. Well, I think we are out of time for today. Time flies when you have fun, doesn’t it?
SL: Time flies when you’re in the Now.
MP: Thank you everyone for listening and we’ll be back very soon with another chapter in these ongoing conversations. Have a great day everyone.
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