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When we awaken to the understanding that there is much more out there then what we are led to believe, the first thing that we always ask ourselves is how do I communicate with my guides...?
The answer is simple.. you already ARE communicating with your guides.. without even knowing that you are doing so.
Each person has at least one guide that is assigned to them. Most of the time your guides are in the shape of a blob, a sphere of light, that travels with you wherever you go. Your guides are your own personal portals, your best friend who is always there for you, loving you unconditionally NO MATTER what you do. They understand you completely, love you deeply and know you like no one else does.
So how do they communicate with you? They do that in various ways, some very subtle some very direct. If you really stop to think about it, you will quickly see what I mean. Everything, and I mean absolutely everything is a direct communication with your guides.
When you get up in the morning and rush around, have you noticed that sometimes you walk out the door and then for some odd reason you feel that you need to go back for a moment because you think you forgot to turn off the stove, light, water, whatever, and as you walk back into your house and open the door you notice that you actually forgot to take an important document, a bag, your lunch, or phone, or wallet? Or how many times have you had a moment when you are rushing about, and can’t seem to leave to already get to work, or wherever you’re going, either you can’t seem to tie your shoe, or something gets caught in the way, and you are getting frustrated, and when you finally get out of your house you find yourself seeing a terrible accident that just took place.. and you know for a fact that it could have been you!
These are the subtle ways that your guides communicate with you constantly!!! What about walking into a book store or looking online for nothing in particular stumbling across something of interest, why go that far.. reading this here right now, is a direct communication and guidance from your guides! They have brought you to my page in order for you to get in touch with me, so that you can be reading this particular text right now!
All in the hopes of getting you to understand that they area already here, that you shouldn’t feel lost or hopeless, because you’re not! In fact you’re right on track. And they truly want you to know that it is so!
They want you to know how loved and cared for you are, and how you are never alone, you are always surrounded by love
So how can you transform this communication from signs into actual conversations with your guides? There are a multitude of ways. Once again we already are conversing with them constantly, using various languages, the most prominent one is light language. But our mind is constantly doubting what we are feeling and sensing, because we were conditioned to do so. Were we conditioned to embrace all the subtle frequencies you wouldn’t be reading this text right now as you would have already been in complete understanding of everything.
So the first step is to re condition your mind! To start with, get yourself a pendulum, and when you do, completely relax let it hang in the air from your hand and start asking questions, tell yourself that if it starts to spin, the answer is “maybe” if it goes from left to right the answer is “yes” if it goes from right to left the answer is “no”.
Start asking questions that you know the answers to, and you will see that the pendulum will respond to the energy that you send out from within your heart. Its quite fascinating, lets say you know something for a fact in your gut, but your mind is conditioned to know otherwise, the pendulum will confirm what you are FEELING rather than what you Consciously know to be true. Work with the pendulum for a while and when you finally learn how to use it properly and start receiving direct answers you will then discover that it stops working! J
Why? Because your guides will start moving you onto better means of direct communication with them, and soon enough you will have absolutely no doubts in your mind, that when you are haring a thought in response to your question, that thought is actually coming from your guides! And hence you’ve established a complete two way communication with them J
It takes time and practice, the most important practice is to let go of blocking yourself, and doubting yourself. It’s just something you need to get used to. I hope that this will help you to understand everything a bit more.
Sending you lots of love and light!
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com
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~The times of change has finally arrived and we welcome each one of you to partake of the wisdom that has indeed been brought down through the central sun of Alcyone in the Pleiades. The time of change has indeed arrived, and the gates of foreclosure have indeed been lifted. Know that for the next 21 days of your earthly reality the gates of great change and tremendous opportunity to channel this energy into the type of life you wish for your selves and others shall be open to you ~
Dearly beloved children of the universe,
The time has arrived for great change that shall unfold before you in your present reality on GAIA. For the informational decree that has indeed been delivered into the sub-atomic structure of the DNA and psyche of those dwelling on GAIA, has taken place.
The time of change has indeed arrived, and upon the new moon’s energies entering your GAIA, you have an opportunity to once again take charge of your earthly selves and your reality. For the power that is ingrained within you will magnify tri-fold, which will allow the energies of those who are in the process of awakening to be transmuted much faster, and as such will allow you to tap into the source of all that is to accomplish that which you are here to do at a magnificent pace.
The great times of change are upon you. For the change that is to take place, is to take place from within the light of your own being. For through the informational decree which has been sent to you from Alcyone in the Pleiades, you are able to manipulate the data using the cortex of your subatomic structures within your psyche in order to catapult such data into the direction in which you wish your life to flow.
And so with the new powerful energies dearly beloveds, it is up to you to take one step, or a giant leap in the direction of your desires. Know that for the next 21 days of your earthly reality the gates of great change and tremendous opportunity to channel this energy into the type of life you wish for your selves and others shall be open to you.
Energies and information decree unbeknownst to you prior, knowledge, access to which has been denied to you prior, is now readily available for your taking. And so, and thus, many of you shall begin to experience much upliftment, power, freedom, more information coming your way, many more such synchronicities shall be projected onto you in order to propel you in the direction of your desires.
And so, you are no longer to wait, but act upon such desires, take every opportunity presenting itself to you, for the window of opportunity indeed is grand, the window of change is upon you. And so, for the duration of you’re the next 21 days of your present reality, you are to take charge of your lives.
Listen to the guidance, for the guidance that you shall begin to receive will become much clearer, the steps that you are to take will be outlined for you in your dream state, as well as your daily reality. Pay attention to that which your way comes, take every and all opportunities presenting themselves to you. Go where you have not gone before, allow yourself to let go of that which has been blocking yourself prior. Release your apprehensions and fears for there is no place for such energies in the new vortex of time and space. For you are the brave ones who have transverse dimensions, galaxies, universes in order to arrive in your present day reality to carry out the missions that you have come here to do.
Allow yourselves to take in all the energies of the cosmic gateways of love, for your earth, your beloved GAIA has been flooded with informational decree unavailable to most in times past.
And so and thus, understand that you will begin to see various phenomenon occurring before your eyes, understand and be ready to be visited yet again by beings of light, who will assist you in further acquiring the gifts that you have come to bring forth to humanity. Understand that each hour of every day of the window of opportunity your consciousness will expand tri-fold to allow the transformation to take place within your own selves and those around you, catapulting you into another state of being, into a higher dimension.
* * *
Know that we are standing by you ready to assist you. That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
* * *
Personal Note: I wrote an article about how to communicate with your guides, and I feel that its pertinent to this news, to give you a better grasp on this communication so that you don’t miss the signs. Please see this link to read: http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/how-to-communicate-with-your-guides-by-anna-merkaba/
Andromeda Council – Channeled by ~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
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ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
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ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
The Triumph Portal Next 21 Days Andromeda
~The times of change has finally arrived and we welcome each one of you to partake of the wisdom that has indeed been brought down through the central sun of Alcyone in the Pleiades. The time of change has indeed arrived, and the gates of foreclosure have indeed been lifted. Know that for the next 21 days of your earthly reality the gates of great change and tremendous opportunity to channel this energy into the type of life you wish for your selves and others shall be open to you ~
Dearly beloved children of the universe,
The time has arrived for great change that shall unfold before you in your present reality on GAIA. For the informational decree that has indeed been delivered into the sub-atomic structure of the DNA and psyche of those dwelling on GAIA, has taken place.
The time of change has indeed arrived, and upon the new moon’s energies entering your GAIA, you have an opportunity to once again take charge of your earthly selves and your reality. For the power that is ingrained within you will magnify tri-fold, which will allow the energies of those who are in the process of awakening to be transmuted much faster, and as such will allow you to tap into the source of all that is to accomplish that which you are here to do at a magnificent pace.
The great times of change are upon you. For the change that is to take place, is to take place from within the light of your own being. For through the informational decree which has been sent to you from Alcyone in the Pleiades, you are able to manipulate the data using the cortex of your subatomic structures within your psyche in order to catapult such data into the direction in which you wish your life to flow.
And so with the new powerful energies dearly beloveds, it is up to you to take one step, or a giant leap in the direction of your desires. Know that for the next 21 days of your earthly reality the gates of great change and tremendous opportunity to channel this energy into the type of life you wish for your selves and others shall be open to you.
Energies and information decree unbeknownst to you prior, knowledge, access to which has been denied to you prior, is now readily available for your taking. And so, and thus, many of you shall begin to experience much upliftment, power, freedom, more information coming your way, many more such synchronicities shall be projected onto you in order to propel you in the direction of your desires.
And so, you are no longer to wait, but act upon such desires, take every opportunity presenting itself to you, for the window of opportunity indeed is grand, the window of change is upon you. And so, for the duration of you’re the next 21 days of your present reality, you are to take charge of your lives.
Listen to the guidance, for the guidance that you shall begin to receive will become much clearer, the steps that you are to take will be outlined for you in your dream state, as well as your daily reality. Pay attention to that which your way comes, take every and all opportunities presenting themselves to you. Go where you have not gone before, allow yourself to let go of that which has been blocking yourself prior. Release your apprehensions and fears for there is no place for such energies in the new vortex of time and space. For you are the brave ones who have transverse dimensions, galaxies, universes in order to arrive in your present day reality to carry out the missions that you have come here to do.
Allow yourselves to take in all the energies of the cosmic gateways of love, for your earth, your beloved GAIA has been flooded with informational decree unavailable to most in times past.
And so and thus, understand that you will begin to see various phenomenon occurring before your eyes, understand and be ready to be visited yet again by beings of light, who will assist you in further acquiring the gifts that you have come to bring forth to humanity. Understand that each hour of every day of the window of opportunity your consciousness will expand tri-fold to allow the transformation to take place within your own selves and those around you, catapulting you into another state of being, into a higher dimension.
* * *
Know that we are standing by you ready to assist you. That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
* * *
Personal Note: I wrote an article about how to communicate with your guides, and I feel that its pertinent to this news, to give you a better grasp on this communication so that you don’t miss the signs. Please see this link to read: http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/how-to-communicate-with-your-guides-by-anna-merkaba/
Andromeda Council – Channeled by ~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
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