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Last night (22/07/2012 European time) I saw white energy forms moving around myself and immediately I felt a presence around me. I called upon AA Michael who immediately reassured me that the Arcturians were present with new uploads. Numbering 20 they were with me, together with the Archangels and Saint Germain, and they started talking to me. "Méline, we come here today to measure what your lifeforce, your CHI, is. You will receive in the coming days more uploads from us and everything will be closely monitored." Suddenly I felt one half of my brain in a vibration stand, where I clearly felt that they were working on it. I immediately received the confirmation: "We are activating your inactive right brain, so that you will further take advantage of what this right brain hemisphere is all about. Your telepathic abilities will step up and become more developed, and other gifts will arrive at the forefront : this right brain hemisphere is needed for this evolution and is now led quietly to 100% of its use. Soon you will be fully exploiting this " They have such advanced technology and intelligence that they are the ones responsible for such matters, they have experience with this and are helping us with this.
The Arcturians have been so kind to announce that the entire process of Ascension is now in force at a tremendous speed on an energetic level and that manifestation in our 3rd dimensional world follows soon. Concerning Disclosure there would be a new twist. It has now started from a different approach in which the Galactic civilisations now have begun to contact humanity through their sleep and subconscious. It seems to me, and I get a strong feeling about this, that they have chosen to proceed in the most flexible manner possible because there is apparently still too much fear among humanity towards them. This is a step in the process of Disclosure for everyone to prepare for their existence. Unconsciously, the fearful amongst mankind will have a first acquaintance with the Galactic civilisations and will be informed of their good intentions on an unconscious way and in their dreams. Sometimes there will be memories that are allowed to come up, or it will be done in a more conscious way .. This way a basis for contact will be established and there is a possibility that the fear for them can even disappear, all in a unconsious way.. When the time of disclosure or contact would become reality, all can proceed more peacefully, there can be more acceptance of it, and some form of recognition.
I think this is a good approach and good news! It has become very clear to me that it really is of great importance that there should be no fear and that they do not wish to create any form of fear. It is all about: Not having fear! I want to clearly emphasize that this text are my perceptions on what I experienced with them throughout the period that I have contact with them and especially the last 3 days. I have clearly received the communication that the process has begun for Galactic civilisations to make contact with humanity through their subconscious and dreams, and that this would be a new decision. Since I was enthusiastic about these contacts and energies which I clearly feel, I asked if I could share. I have some people around me in the immediate vicinity, which told the same that in their dreams they get a lot of information and get contact with other civilisations, with images of light ships and real contacts. I've shared this now with their approval and that of my family contacts of the Light ... I feel that, we all are on the verge of a great ride with them!
With much Love,Meline Lafont.
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be
Posted 25th July 2012 by Juan Pablo
Labels: awakening processGalactic energies
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***+ + +* * *
Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Becoming Masters -- The Arcturians Speak
Becoming Masters

The Arcturians Speak
(I appear to have written, received this message on 6-12-14, but I do not see it posted anywhere, so I am posting it today.)
Dear Arcturians,
I felt your consciousness and stopped what I was doing to receive your message. For some reason I was inclined to see the numerology for today and found it is a 7 day. I am ready to receive your message.
Our dearest Suzille,
We did indeed wish to contact you in this NOW. We wish to begin with a private message, which you can rewrite for others to receive. Of course there are no “others,” as there truly is no separation between you and what on Earth is known as “others.” Others is a term that denotes that people or things are separate from you, which is not correct. More and more within your NOW this fact will become evident.
We wish to tell you that many changes are occurring on the inner levels of our grounded ones, meaning humanity. Those who are allowing their consciousness to expand beyond the illusion of time will feel these changes on a daily basis. However, those who are still bound to time, you will likely feel the changes in what they would call “later.”
Since there is no time, there is no later, except for within your third dimensional holographic projection. This holographic projection is beginning to morph and change because so many in habitants of the hologram are beginning to expand their consciousness beyond the confines of the holographic reality. Because of this expansion of consciousness, many of our away team are beginning experience another reality, which is based on truth.
This “new reality” is not new as it infinite. It is infinite because it resonates beyond the confines of time and space. We have talked much about the real world beyond the hologram many times, but there is something that we have not shared. We have hinted at what we are about to share many times, but it was not yet the NOW for it to occur.
The NOW meaning that you, and many of those with whom you share our messages, could not yet conceive of what we are about to say. This will not be shocking news, as we have said this message many times. The difference is that in the NOW more of humanity will be able to understand the core of this message rather than just the message’s lower emanation.
As we have said on myriad occasions, the reality you perceive is the reality that you life. What is occurring NOW is that there is a beautiful harvest of light. If you could see your world from our perspective, you would witness a beautiful light show much as those you might have seen at a concert.
We perceive Gaia’s Earth as a living being with different patches of light and darkness. For many eons Gaia’s body was primarily in darkness with timelines of light that were eventually snuffed out by the encroaching darkness. What we are seeing now is that there is a growing patches of light that are unconditionally loving the myriad patches of darkness free from their bondage.
These patches of darkness, which are increasingly growing smaller, are slowing, or quickly, being transmuted into light. As our awakened ones are aware, the darkness of fear can only be transmuted with the light of unconditional love. The forces of darkness have continued their fear campaigns and as many fearful confrontations as they can. However, there is a growing majority of humanity that are refusing to participate in that illusion.
Since third dimensional Earth is a hologram, every one, including animals and all of Gaia’s creatures, have the ability to participate in altering this hologram. You are ALL programmers of Gaia’s hologram. During the long Kali Yuga, Earth was furthest from the Golden Age of direct light from the Multiverse. Hence, darkness was the programmer.
However, now you are in the Golden Age in which you are in direct alignment with the light of the Multiverse. Therefore, you all, that is every creature on Earth, have access to this higher frequency of light should they choose to accept it. Before you were within the Golden Age you needed to seek out the light, which was often hidden in the darkness.
In your NOW of 2014 and beyond, you have been in direct alignment with this flow of infinite light for over two of your years. We say to you, dear humans who have lived many years in the darkest times of the Kali Yuga, that two years are not very long in your time. However, the first thing that this light streaming from the ONE of the Multiverse is doing is releasing the illusion of time.
You will all cling to the illusion of time for as long as possible. After all, time has become a habit to which you have structured your life for many incarnations. However, we observe that many of you are beginning to release the illusion of time and float into your fifth dimension and beyond.
We also see how dangerous this can be to your earth vessel. If you are to float beyond time while driving a car, crossing the street or cooking at your stove, you could harm your earth vessel. Therefore, we suggest that you put aside certain “times” in your day in which you can place your earth vessel safely in a chair and allow your SELF to visit your true, fifth dimensional HOME.
This is much like giving a child his or her “playtime,” so that the child can be patient during times of third dimensional obligations and activities. To our perspective, you all appear much as race horses waiting in the gate for the bell to sound so that they can run as fast as you can.
You all want to “run HOME” as fast as possible, but your Mother Planet Gaia needs your growing light so that She can return HOME too. We know that we are asking a lot of you. However, if one is on the cusp of personal ascension it is because they have mastered much of their physical life. Therefore, they are often quite happy with their life.
Remember, our dear Ones, that ascension is not an escape. Ascension is the Mission that you volunteered for before you took this incarnation. Of course, not all of humanity volunteered for this mission, but if you find yourself reading this message, you are likely among those volunteers.
It is a vital component of your ascension process that you remember that YOU are the creator of your reality. Therefore, you programmed every thing that occurs in your holographic reality. We feel your collective resistance to this part of our message, but we remind you that you also programed myriad parallel and alternate realities. Therefore, there are always options to every occurrence in your life.
From your perspective, death is a tragedy that creates great sorrow and loss. Conversely, from the perspective of your Multidimensional SELF who programmed your 3D life, death is a means to logout from the hologram. Also, facing death it is a deep initiation that forces you to look deeply into your life to determine what is really important and what is just a third-dimensional distraction from your mission.
In fact, many of you have programmed into your holographic life that if you become too distracted from your true reason for incarnation that you will “reset” your program by having a near death experience or an actual death experience. The third dimension teaches you that death is your enemy and you must “be the strongest ones” to survive.
That message primarily occurs in the patches of darkness that are ruled by fear. When that timeline, area and/or population evolves into a higher frequency of consciousness, they begin to realize that third dimensional life is the illusion and the LIFE they wish to experience is actually in the higher dimensions of reality.
As more and more of you become Masters of your energy field, you are remembering that YOU have control of your emotions and thoughts. Thus, it is YOU that is creating your life. While one is trapped in the areas of darkness, it is very difficult to come to that conclusion. Hence, once you regain mastery of your energy field, you remember that you have taken an earth vessel to assist dear Gaia with Her ascension.
While in the third dimensional holographic projection is it easy to believe that only humans are important and the myriad other life forms that share your planet are far beneath you. However, once you become Master of your energy you realize that the planet is alive and ALL life is of equal importance. The truth is that Earth could easily survive, and in fact prosper much better, if all humanity would leave. However, without the “insignificant” insects, the entire ecosystem for Gaia’s planet could collapse.
It is important for our human ones to remember that they are not in any manner “better” than any other component of Gaia’s immense ecosystem. We are sure that those reading this message are aware that humanity has caused great harm to their home planet and have brought Gaia to the verge of destruction on more occasions than your limited “history” reveals.
Dear human expressions of your great Multidimensional SELF walk softly on the body of your Mother. Send Her your unconditional love with your every breath. Remember that your current physical incarnation, which appears so important to you, is a mere fraction of your SELF and less than a millisecond of Gaia’s ‘time.’
As you move beyond the limitations of that illusion of time, you also move beyond the illusions that you have held as truths for myriad incarnations. When you become aware of the truth of what is occurring around you, it is a great temptation to feel fear, anger, sorrow or judgment. But, these feelings lower your frequency to the state of consciousness in which you actually contribute your own energy to the very fear, anger, sorrow and judgment that you disdain in others.
Remember that YOU are calibrating your perceptions, and thus your experiences, to the versions of reality that resonate to your state of consciousness. Ascension occurs within your consciousness and expands far beyond your earth vessel. As you continue your ascension process, you will move out of alignment with the third-dimensional holographic projection of Earth and into alignment with Gaia’s true Planetary SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond.
Ascension does not make you a Saint. Ascension merely means that you have returned your consciousness to the frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF, which resonates above the illusions of the third/fourth dimensional realities. What is so very different in your present timeline, for which you have prepared for in many incarnations, is that the third/fourth dimensional holographic projection of Earth is closing.
Gaia and all Her inhabitants are returning to their true Multidimensional SELF. Those who wish to take on a physical form to study at a “planetary school of cause and effect” will need to log into a different planet. Those humans who do not feel complete with their lessons of cause and effect will simply shift from Gaia’s holographic projection to another planetary holographic projection to complete their education.
There is not judgment by an outer source, as the concept of “outer sources” is a third-dimensional illusion. In fact, the concept of “judgment” is also a third-dimensional illusion. While one is still feeling trapped in third-dimensional illusion, they will not be able to understand this message.
However, if the “egg” that has encased their embryo self is cracking, and they are emerging as their true Multidimensional SELF, they will know that our message is real. The act of “cracking the egg” will open the window of their mind to allow the ever-expanding light of the ONE to shine into their consciousness.
In closing we remind you to withdraw ALL attention from that which you do not want to manifest, while your recognize and send gratitude to the “everyday miracles” that are increasingly blessing your life.
Blessing BE to our ascending ones,
We will keep the light on while we await your return,
The Arcturians
Posted by Sue at 11:59 AM
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Becoming Masters -- The Arcturians Speak
Becoming Masters

The Arcturians Speak
(I appear to have written, received this message on 6-12-14, but I do not see it posted anywhere, so I am posting it today.)
Dear Arcturians,
I felt your consciousness and stopped what I was doing to receive your message. For some reason I was inclined to see the numerology for today and found it is a 7 day. I am ready to receive your message.
Our dearest Suzille,
We did indeed wish to contact you in this NOW. We wish to begin with a private message, which you can rewrite for others to receive. Of course there are no “others,” as there truly is no separation between you and what on Earth is known as “others.” Others is a term that denotes that people or things are separate from you, which is not correct. More and more within your NOW this fact will become evident.
We wish to tell you that many changes are occurring on the inner levels of our grounded ones, meaning humanity. Those who are allowing their consciousness to expand beyond the illusion of time will feel these changes on a daily basis. However, those who are still bound to time, you will likely feel the changes in what they would call “later.”
Since there is no time, there is no later, except for within your third dimensional holographic projection. This holographic projection is beginning to morph and change because so many in habitants of the hologram are beginning to expand their consciousness beyond the confines of the holographic reality. Because of this expansion of consciousness, many of our away team are beginning experience another reality, which is based on truth.
This “new reality” is not new as it infinite. It is infinite because it resonates beyond the confines of time and space. We have talked much about the real world beyond the hologram many times, but there is something that we have not shared. We have hinted at what we are about to share many times, but it was not yet the NOW for it to occur.
The NOW meaning that you, and many of those with whom you share our messages, could not yet conceive of what we are about to say. This will not be shocking news, as we have said this message many times. The difference is that in the NOW more of humanity will be able to understand the core of this message rather than just the message’s lower emanation.
As we have said on myriad occasions, the reality you perceive is the reality that you life. What is occurring NOW is that there is a beautiful harvest of light. If you could see your world from our perspective, you would witness a beautiful light show much as those you might have seen at a concert.
We perceive Gaia’s Earth as a living being with different patches of light and darkness. For many eons Gaia’s body was primarily in darkness with timelines of light that were eventually snuffed out by the encroaching darkness. What we are seeing now is that there is a growing patches of light that are unconditionally loving the myriad patches of darkness free from their bondage.
These patches of darkness, which are increasingly growing smaller, are slowing, or quickly, being transmuted into light. As our awakened ones are aware, the darkness of fear can only be transmuted with the light of unconditional love. The forces of darkness have continued their fear campaigns and as many fearful confrontations as they can. However, there is a growing majority of humanity that are refusing to participate in that illusion.
Since third dimensional Earth is a hologram, every one, including animals and all of Gaia’s creatures, have the ability to participate in altering this hologram. You are ALL programmers of Gaia’s hologram. During the long Kali Yuga, Earth was furthest from the Golden Age of direct light from the Multiverse. Hence, darkness was the programmer.
However, now you are in the Golden Age in which you are in direct alignment with the light of the Multiverse. Therefore, you all, that is every creature on Earth, have access to this higher frequency of light should they choose to accept it. Before you were within the Golden Age you needed to seek out the light, which was often hidden in the darkness.
In your NOW of 2014 and beyond, you have been in direct alignment with this flow of infinite light for over two of your years. We say to you, dear humans who have lived many years in the darkest times of the Kali Yuga, that two years are not very long in your time. However, the first thing that this light streaming from the ONE of the Multiverse is doing is releasing the illusion of time.
You will all cling to the illusion of time for as long as possible. After all, time has become a habit to which you have structured your life for many incarnations. However, we observe that many of you are beginning to release the illusion of time and float into your fifth dimension and beyond.
We also see how dangerous this can be to your earth vessel. If you are to float beyond time while driving a car, crossing the street or cooking at your stove, you could harm your earth vessel. Therefore, we suggest that you put aside certain “times” in your day in which you can place your earth vessel safely in a chair and allow your SELF to visit your true, fifth dimensional HOME.
This is much like giving a child his or her “playtime,” so that the child can be patient during times of third dimensional obligations and activities. To our perspective, you all appear much as race horses waiting in the gate for the bell to sound so that they can run as fast as you can.
You all want to “run HOME” as fast as possible, but your Mother Planet Gaia needs your growing light so that She can return HOME too. We know that we are asking a lot of you. However, if one is on the cusp of personal ascension it is because they have mastered much of their physical life. Therefore, they are often quite happy with their life.
Remember, our dear Ones, that ascension is not an escape. Ascension is the Mission that you volunteered for before you took this incarnation. Of course, not all of humanity volunteered for this mission, but if you find yourself reading this message, you are likely among those volunteers.
It is a vital component of your ascension process that you remember that YOU are the creator of your reality. Therefore, you programmed every thing that occurs in your holographic reality. We feel your collective resistance to this part of our message, but we remind you that you also programed myriad parallel and alternate realities. Therefore, there are always options to every occurrence in your life.
From your perspective, death is a tragedy that creates great sorrow and loss. Conversely, from the perspective of your Multidimensional SELF who programmed your 3D life, death is a means to logout from the hologram. Also, facing death it is a deep initiation that forces you to look deeply into your life to determine what is really important and what is just a third-dimensional distraction from your mission.
In fact, many of you have programmed into your holographic life that if you become too distracted from your true reason for incarnation that you will “reset” your program by having a near death experience or an actual death experience. The third dimension teaches you that death is your enemy and you must “be the strongest ones” to survive.
That message primarily occurs in the patches of darkness that are ruled by fear. When that timeline, area and/or population evolves into a higher frequency of consciousness, they begin to realize that third dimensional life is the illusion and the LIFE they wish to experience is actually in the higher dimensions of reality.
As more and more of you become Masters of your energy field, you are remembering that YOU have control of your emotions and thoughts. Thus, it is YOU that is creating your life. While one is trapped in the areas of darkness, it is very difficult to come to that conclusion. Hence, once you regain mastery of your energy field, you remember that you have taken an earth vessel to assist dear Gaia with Her ascension.
While in the third dimensional holographic projection is it easy to believe that only humans are important and the myriad other life forms that share your planet are far beneath you. However, once you become Master of your energy you realize that the planet is alive and ALL life is of equal importance. The truth is that Earth could easily survive, and in fact prosper much better, if all humanity would leave. However, without the “insignificant” insects, the entire ecosystem for Gaia’s planet could collapse.
It is important for our human ones to remember that they are not in any manner “better” than any other component of Gaia’s immense ecosystem. We are sure that those reading this message are aware that humanity has caused great harm to their home planet and have brought Gaia to the verge of destruction on more occasions than your limited “history” reveals.
Dear human expressions of your great Multidimensional SELF walk softly on the body of your Mother. Send Her your unconditional love with your every breath. Remember that your current physical incarnation, which appears so important to you, is a mere fraction of your SELF and less than a millisecond of Gaia’s ‘time.’
As you move beyond the limitations of that illusion of time, you also move beyond the illusions that you have held as truths for myriad incarnations. When you become aware of the truth of what is occurring around you, it is a great temptation to feel fear, anger, sorrow or judgment. But, these feelings lower your frequency to the state of consciousness in which you actually contribute your own energy to the very fear, anger, sorrow and judgment that you disdain in others.
Remember that YOU are calibrating your perceptions, and thus your experiences, to the versions of reality that resonate to your state of consciousness. Ascension occurs within your consciousness and expands far beyond your earth vessel. As you continue your ascension process, you will move out of alignment with the third-dimensional holographic projection of Earth and into alignment with Gaia’s true Planetary SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond.
Ascension does not make you a Saint. Ascension merely means that you have returned your consciousness to the frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF, which resonates above the illusions of the third/fourth dimensional realities. What is so very different in your present timeline, for which you have prepared for in many incarnations, is that the third/fourth dimensional holographic projection of Earth is closing.
Gaia and all Her inhabitants are returning to their true Multidimensional SELF. Those who wish to take on a physical form to study at a “planetary school of cause and effect” will need to log into a different planet. Those humans who do not feel complete with their lessons of cause and effect will simply shift from Gaia’s holographic projection to another planetary holographic projection to complete their education.
There is not judgment by an outer source, as the concept of “outer sources” is a third-dimensional illusion. In fact, the concept of “judgment” is also a third-dimensional illusion. While one is still feeling trapped in third-dimensional illusion, they will not be able to understand this message.
However, if the “egg” that has encased their embryo self is cracking, and they are emerging as their true Multidimensional SELF, they will know that our message is real. The act of “cracking the egg” will open the window of their mind to allow the ever-expanding light of the ONE to shine into their consciousness.
In closing we remind you to withdraw ALL attention from that which you do not want to manifest, while your recognize and send gratitude to the “everyday miracles” that are increasingly blessing your life.
Blessing BE to our ascending ones,
We will keep the light on while we await your return,
The Arcturians
Posted by Sue at 11:59 AM
Translate /traducir/ Vertaal / ♪ → → → ► → → →
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переводити/Traduire/ переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
***+ + +* * *
Galactic energies are coming in, can YOU feel it too?
Méline Lafont
Just wanted to share something today that has to do with the Arcturians .. No channeling but some new information and a personal experience in this area. I have permission from them to share it and as it can mean good news and can flare up hope again, I have chosen to share this with you.
Since a few days I feel huge energetic shifts. I felt an enormous presence of Galactic light beings and Galactic energies. Flashes of light ships in my mind, of various types of Galactic brothers of the Light, whom presented themselves to me 1 by 1. Before I go any further with the information I received and my personal experience of the last 3 days, I will first explain a bit more about the band that I've created with them from the beginning until now ...It all started with my first TAUK sessions.TAUK is a way to communicate with the higher world through a letter board and a pendulum. In the very beginning I made my way through some short channelings which could take hours sometimes, but I enjoyed those hours of talking with my new friends. In the midst of a channeling with Saint Germain, I felt a lot of tingling in my 3rd eye and crown chakra, it gave me a feeling that both chakra’s were fully open. I asked what this was and was told that it were the Arcturians who were helping me with my telepathic gifts so I will be able to utilize and to develop them. Saint Germain asked me to close my eyes and to try to write the sentences that came into my mind. Suddenly I noticed that the inside information flowed and I could finish the sentences and soon could automatically write down what was coming. I checked everything out with the pendulum on the TAUK board and it seemed to be fully correct. That way my channel established through telepathic communication.
Further on I even went on 1 of the ships and I received a tour. Unfortunately, I have either not received the images of the view from the inside of the vessels, or they have been erased ... but I was allowed to see different types of ships, the outside shape, from different civilisations. I heard 1 of my 2 guides, whom were giving me a tour, say: "And this is now an Arcturian ship (which is a kind of a round form) this is a Pleiadian ship of your family (more like a saucer shape) and this is a ship of the Sirians (which appeared to be some sort of triangle ). " Afterwards I was introduced to the civilisations themselves including relatives of mine. "These are the Pleiadians, your family." (They were very humanly like just as we are). "These are the Arcturians (then there appeared a flash of a beïng that had a thin face but a very broad occiput with some light green-white-like color of skin) and these are the Sirians . "I have no images of the latter nor can I see or remember them because I was apparently startled by their appearance, as has been informed to me. I apparently had a tour of a ship where several civilisations were working closely together. I have experienced this in a conscious way in the Alpha state I was in, so just before falling asleep. I especially heard a lot and explanations that were given to me with occasional flashes of images but unfortunately the tour was largely without residual images. A few weeks later I was in a kind of consciousness where some sort of language was taught to me, it proved to be a light language or another civilisation's language..I know absolutely nothing of how it sounded or what it was, but I was consciously experiencing a language that was taught to me … again I heard voices talking to me and explaining everything and I got images of light sources and light patterns.
As 1 of my children is from the Arcturian civilisation, I now and then get visits from them and I'm also starting to see them as an energy form around me .. I am regularly scanned by them and I get lots of uploads and this is always accompanied by these procedures of explanation as it always happened in a conscious way. They let me know exactly what they do and why ... and what the result is. So the last 3 days I got a lot of geometric patterns and a kind of movie that flashes before my eyes. These patterns consist of different shapes and colors, and they alternate with crystal patterns, patterns of light and lightwaves, rays and even something resembling wormholes. Egyptian symbols were also amongst them.. I received from them the guidance and explanation for each pattern of what it was and why I've received these. I did not have to try to remember them or write them down, just letting them flow and pick them up . My brain and light body would know what should be done with it. It turned out to be my personal light codes of my blueprint, my Merkabah which were now included in my light cells of my Crystalline body and they were constantly updated.This is all necessary for me to convert into an energy form and to be able to manifest myself again, the Arcturians told me.These are images I found that are very similar to the images I got imprinted of geometric codes and codes of light. Since I can not properly describe and draw them myself, I find these pictures very very similar, to give as an example ... They are not the exact same patterns and codes that I have received, but similar ...
Galactic energies are coming in, can YOU feel it too?
Méline Lafont
Just wanted to share something today that has to do with the Arcturians .. No channeling but some new information and a personal experience in this area. I have permission from them to share it and as it can mean good news and can flare up hope again, I have chosen to share this with you.
Since a few days I feel huge energetic shifts. I felt an enormous presence of Galactic light beings and Galactic energies. Flashes of light ships in my mind, of various types of Galactic brothers of the Light, whom presented themselves to me 1 by 1. Before I go any further with the information I received and my personal experience of the last 3 days, I will first explain a bit more about the band that I've created with them from the beginning until now ...It all started with my first TAUK sessions.TAUK is a way to communicate with the higher world through a letter board and a pendulum. In the very beginning I made my way through some short channelings which could take hours sometimes, but I enjoyed those hours of talking with my new friends. In the midst of a channeling with Saint Germain, I felt a lot of tingling in my 3rd eye and crown chakra, it gave me a feeling that both chakra’s were fully open. I asked what this was and was told that it were the Arcturians who were helping me with my telepathic gifts so I will be able to utilize and to develop them. Saint Germain asked me to close my eyes and to try to write the sentences that came into my mind. Suddenly I noticed that the inside information flowed and I could finish the sentences and soon could automatically write down what was coming. I checked everything out with the pendulum on the TAUK board and it seemed to be fully correct. That way my channel established through telepathic communication.
Further on I even went on 1 of the ships and I received a tour. Unfortunately, I have either not received the images of the view from the inside of the vessels, or they have been erased ... but I was allowed to see different types of ships, the outside shape, from different civilisations. I heard 1 of my 2 guides, whom were giving me a tour, say: "And this is now an Arcturian ship (which is a kind of a round form) this is a Pleiadian ship of your family (more like a saucer shape) and this is a ship of the Sirians (which appeared to be some sort of triangle ). " Afterwards I was introduced to the civilisations themselves including relatives of mine. "These are the Pleiadians, your family." (They were very humanly like just as we are). "These are the Arcturians (then there appeared a flash of a beïng that had a thin face but a very broad occiput with some light green-white-like color of skin) and these are the Sirians . "I have no images of the latter nor can I see or remember them because I was apparently startled by their appearance, as has been informed to me. I apparently had a tour of a ship where several civilisations were working closely together. I have experienced this in a conscious way in the Alpha state I was in, so just before falling asleep. I especially heard a lot and explanations that were given to me with occasional flashes of images but unfortunately the tour was largely without residual images. A few weeks later I was in a kind of consciousness where some sort of language was taught to me, it proved to be a light language or another civilisation's language..I know absolutely nothing of how it sounded or what it was, but I was consciously experiencing a language that was taught to me … again I heard voices talking to me and explaining everything and I got images of light sources and light patterns.
As 1 of my children is from the Arcturian civilisation, I now and then get visits from them and I'm also starting to see them as an energy form around me .. I am regularly scanned by them and I get lots of uploads and this is always accompanied by these procedures of explanation as it always happened in a conscious way. They let me know exactly what they do and why ... and what the result is. So the last 3 days I got a lot of geometric patterns and a kind of movie that flashes before my eyes. These patterns consist of different shapes and colors, and they alternate with crystal patterns, patterns of light and lightwaves, rays and even something resembling wormholes. Egyptian symbols were also amongst them.. I received from them the guidance and explanation for each pattern of what it was and why I've received these. I did not have to try to remember them or write them down, just letting them flow and pick them up . My brain and light body would know what should be done with it. It turned out to be my personal light codes of my blueprint, my Merkabah which were now included in my light cells of my Crystalline body and they were constantly updated.This is all necessary for me to convert into an energy form and to be able to manifest myself again, the Arcturians told me.These are images I found that are very similar to the images I got imprinted of geometric codes and codes of light. Since I can not properly describe and draw them myself, I find these pictures very very similar, to give as an example ... They are not the exact same patterns and codes that I have received, but similar ...
Last night (22/07/2012 European time) I saw white energy forms moving around myself and immediately I felt a presence around me. I called upon AA Michael who immediately reassured me that the Arcturians were present with new uploads. Numbering 20 they were with me, together with the Archangels and Saint Germain, and they started talking to me. "Méline, we come here today to measure what your lifeforce, your CHI, is. You will receive in the coming days more uploads from us and everything will be closely monitored." Suddenly I felt one half of my brain in a vibration stand, where I clearly felt that they were working on it. I immediately received the confirmation: "We are activating your inactive right brain, so that you will further take advantage of what this right brain hemisphere is all about. Your telepathic abilities will step up and become more developed, and other gifts will arrive at the forefront : this right brain hemisphere is needed for this evolution and is now led quietly to 100% of its use. Soon you will be fully exploiting this " They have such advanced technology and intelligence that they are the ones responsible for such matters, they have experience with this and are helping us with this.
The Arcturians have been so kind to announce that the entire process of Ascension is now in force at a tremendous speed on an energetic level and that manifestation in our 3rd dimensional world follows soon. Concerning Disclosure there would be a new twist. It has now started from a different approach in which the Galactic civilisations now have begun to contact humanity through their sleep and subconscious. It seems to me, and I get a strong feeling about this, that they have chosen to proceed in the most flexible manner possible because there is apparently still too much fear among humanity towards them. This is a step in the process of Disclosure for everyone to prepare for their existence. Unconsciously, the fearful amongst mankind will have a first acquaintance with the Galactic civilisations and will be informed of their good intentions on an unconscious way and in their dreams. Sometimes there will be memories that are allowed to come up, or it will be done in a more conscious way .. This way a basis for contact will be established and there is a possibility that the fear for them can even disappear, all in a unconsious way.. When the time of disclosure or contact would become reality, all can proceed more peacefully, there can be more acceptance of it, and some form of recognition.
I think this is a good approach and good news! It has become very clear to me that it really is of great importance that there should be no fear and that they do not wish to create any form of fear. It is all about: Not having fear! I want to clearly emphasize that this text are my perceptions on what I experienced with them throughout the period that I have contact with them and especially the last 3 days. I have clearly received the communication that the process has begun for Galactic civilisations to make contact with humanity through their subconscious and dreams, and that this would be a new decision. Since I was enthusiastic about these contacts and energies which I clearly feel, I asked if I could share. I have some people around me in the immediate vicinity, which told the same that in their dreams they get a lot of information and get contact with other civilisations, with images of light ships and real contacts. I've shared this now with their approval and that of my family contacts of the Light ... I feel that, we all are on the verge of a great ride with them!
With much Love,Meline Lafont.
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be
Posted 25th July 2012 by Juan Pablo
Labels: awakening processGalactic energies
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