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I am embarrassed to say that I vividly remembered the feeling of the merging with the male etheric form to the tiniest detail, but I could not remember my personal message from The Arcturian. Was I that desperate for love that I would disrespect the message that was given me directly from an Arcturian? Fortunately, I did not ponder that question when I first awoke. I was too weak. My etheric form had stayed out of my body for too long, and my body was going into shock.
I experienced two realities at once. I felt my etheric body desperately trying to get back into my physical shell, and I also felt my weak, cold and semi-conscious physical form try to accept its spirit. I was not dreaming or even meditating. I had a high fever and my body was turning blue. I was barely breathing and I was very, very cold.
I pulled myself into a tight a ball and pushed against the rock in an urgent and futile attempt to find warmth. I kept loosing consciousness, coming back, than passing out again. It would soon be dark, and the nights were very cold here.
I don’t know if I was conscious or unconscious when I saw a beautiful Lady of Light. She was huge and looked as though she was made of clouds and stars. I called to her to help me as she floated towards me. I don’t know if the next memory was real or a hallucination, but she floated right past me and into the rock against which I was leaning.
Blessed warmth seemed to stream from where she entered the rock, and I heard a haunting lyrical tone in my mind. Some how I found the strength to crawl towards the place where the Light Being entered the rock. I was so weak that I had to hold on to the rock to stand up, but when I did so, I feel through a slit, or was it the vortex, and into a dark cave. It was warm, and I heard running water as I fell off to sleep.
I don’t know how long I slept, but I do remember stirring to drink some water, then go back to sleep. After a while, I discovered some fungus growing by the water. I brought a piece of it to my nose and lips and sensed that it was fine to eat. I took just a few bites, then fell back to sleep, completely full.
Finally, I woke up feeling restless and saw what looked like a beam a light. Holding on to the wall of the cave to rise and to walk, I followed the beam of light to its source, which was the mouth of the cave. The air was clear and warm, and I felt better than I had in a long time. I had almost forgotten my “dream, meditation and/or vision,” but I remembered that the planet was beautiful and fertile.
I dozed in the Sun until hunger stirred me to find some edible plants or roots. The water that ran through the cave gathered in a small pond that was surrounded by plants. I recognized several plants as edible and found my one remaining bowl, filled it with water and drank while I ate the plants. When it grew cold, I went back into the cave to sleep. I’m not sure how long I lived like this, for I was so deep within my self that I often did not note the passage of days.
I lived in the now of nature. I ate when I was hungry, drank when I was thirsty, moved when I was stiff and slept when I was tired. I was outside when the weather permitted and in the cave when it was cold, raining or dark. However, sometimes I stayed up very late or got up very early to memorize stars and constellations. Then, when I was stronger, I began to wander the land to map that, as well.
I grew healthier every day and sleep soundly every night. My dreams were very vivid, but I usually forgot them in the light of day. I did not try to hold them in my memory. In fact, I did not “try” to DO anything. I lived with the land, looked up into the sky, soaked in the pond and rummaged for food. On day I found two rocks that created a spark when struck again each other, and I was able to make a fire.
In order for me to move forward into my greater expression of self, I went backward into the primitive elements of survival. After a while, even the memory of my merging with the male was lost from my memory. I could not think about what had happened before or what would happen next. I lived every breath in calm serenity. I think I could have lived my entire life that way, until I met him.
I had traveled very far that day and had found a wonderful lake with a waterfall and a lovely place to dive into the deep water. After my small pond, it was exhilarating to dive, swim and stand beneath the waterfall. I was having such a delightful time that I did not notice that night was approaching. Finally, I looked up and realized that I must hurry back to the cave. I climbed out of the water and was walking quickly toward the direction of my cave when I ran directly into someone.
I could not see his face in the dim light, but I knew instantly that it was him. It was the male with whom I had merged in the cave. But now he was physical, and so was I.
When we return, Mytre will speak of his early awakening.
Through Suzanne Lie, PhD
Posted 26th May 2012 by Shanti
Labels: ascensionMytria/Mytre from Pleiadespleyadiansspiritual awakening
I am embarrassed to say that I vividly remembered the feeling of the merging with the male etheric form to the tiniest detail, but I could not remember my personal message from The Arcturian. Was I that desperate for love that I would disrespect the message that was given me directly from an Arcturian? Fortunately, I did not ponder that question when I first awoke. I was too weak. My etheric form had stayed out of my body for too long, and my body was going into shock.
I experienced two realities at once. I felt my etheric body desperately trying to get back into my physical shell, and I also felt my weak, cold and semi-conscious physical form try to accept its spirit. I was not dreaming or even meditating. I had a high fever and my body was turning blue. I was barely breathing and I was very, very cold.
I pulled myself into a tight a ball and pushed against the rock in an urgent and futile attempt to find warmth. I kept loosing consciousness, coming back, than passing out again. It would soon be dark, and the nights were very cold here.
I don’t know if I was conscious or unconscious when I saw a beautiful Lady of Light. She was huge and looked as though she was made of clouds and stars. I called to her to help me as she floated towards me. I don’t know if the next memory was real or a hallucination, but she floated right past me and into the rock against which I was leaning.
Blessed warmth seemed to stream from where she entered the rock, and I heard a haunting lyrical tone in my mind. Some how I found the strength to crawl towards the place where the Light Being entered the rock. I was so weak that I had to hold on to the rock to stand up, but when I did so, I feel through a slit, or was it the vortex, and into a dark cave. It was warm, and I heard running water as I fell off to sleep.
I don’t know how long I slept, but I do remember stirring to drink some water, then go back to sleep. After a while, I discovered some fungus growing by the water. I brought a piece of it to my nose and lips and sensed that it was fine to eat. I took just a few bites, then fell back to sleep, completely full.
Finally, I woke up feeling restless and saw what looked like a beam a light. Holding on to the wall of the cave to rise and to walk, I followed the beam of light to its source, which was the mouth of the cave. The air was clear and warm, and I felt better than I had in a long time. I had almost forgotten my “dream, meditation and/or vision,” but I remembered that the planet was beautiful and fertile.
I dozed in the Sun until hunger stirred me to find some edible plants or roots. The water that ran through the cave gathered in a small pond that was surrounded by plants. I recognized several plants as edible and found my one remaining bowl, filled it with water and drank while I ate the plants. When it grew cold, I went back into the cave to sleep. I’m not sure how long I lived like this, for I was so deep within my self that I often did not note the passage of days.
I lived in the now of nature. I ate when I was hungry, drank when I was thirsty, moved when I was stiff and slept when I was tired. I was outside when the weather permitted and in the cave when it was cold, raining or dark. However, sometimes I stayed up very late or got up very early to memorize stars and constellations. Then, when I was stronger, I began to wander the land to map that, as well.
I grew healthier every day and sleep soundly every night. My dreams were very vivid, but I usually forgot them in the light of day. I did not try to hold them in my memory. In fact, I did not “try” to DO anything. I lived with the land, looked up into the sky, soaked in the pond and rummaged for food. On day I found two rocks that created a spark when struck again each other, and I was able to make a fire.
In order for me to move forward into my greater expression of self, I went backward into the primitive elements of survival. After a while, even the memory of my merging with the male was lost from my memory. I could not think about what had happened before or what would happen next. I lived every breath in calm serenity. I think I could have lived my entire life that way, until I met him.
I had traveled very far that day and had found a wonderful lake with a waterfall and a lovely place to dive into the deep water. After my small pond, it was exhilarating to dive, swim and stand beneath the waterfall. I was having such a delightful time that I did not notice that night was approaching. Finally, I looked up and realized that I must hurry back to the cave. I climbed out of the water and was walking quickly toward the direction of my cave when I ran directly into someone.
I could not see his face in the dim light, but I knew instantly that it was him. It was the male with whom I had merged in the cave. But now he was physical, and so was I.
When we return, Mytre will speak of his early awakening.
Through Suzanne Lie, PhD
Posted 26th May 2012 by Shanti
Labels: ascensionMytria/Mytre from Pleiadespleyadiansspiritual awakening
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ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
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“Where have your been?” I spoke gruffly, perhaps to cover up the intensity of emotion that I felt at her very touch. “Your friends are concerned for you and sent me to find you.” I said in a softer voice.
“How do you know that I am the one you seek?” she replied with a resonance in her voice that instantly calmed my demeanor.
“I am sorry I was so gruff with you. It is just that I have been searching for you such a very long time. How did you get lost way out here?”
“I am not lost. I live close by.”
“Live?” I said trying to control my intense emotions. “There is no where to live out here.”
“Follow me,” she said. “I will show you my home.”
She walked away, and I followed her without question. We walked through almost total darkness, but never hesitated. As I followed her strangely familiar form, I became more and more enchanted by her. Who was she? Why did I feel like I knew her? I had never had these feeling for anyone in my life, and I had barely seen her face.
We walked for quite a while in total silence, while I tried to contain my emotions and see in the darkness. The moons had not come up yet and the sky was hazy, yet her every step was sure as if she had made this journey many times. Meanwhile, I was trying to maintain my dignity and not trip or fall. I, who took such pride in being a leader, followed her every footstep.
As if timed by some unseen source, the moons came up just as we came around a huge rock and entered a small area filled with flowers, plants, a small pond and even flat rocks that were arranged like chairs. How did she move those rocks? However, I said nothing. I did not want to embarrass myself again by speaking rashly. However, obviously, she was NOT lost, and I had greatly misjudged her.
“It is getting cold now. Would you like to come inside?” she said as if she totally trusted me.
“Ahh, yes,” I stammered in a very undignified manner.
“Let me start a fire, so you can see inside,” she said as she moved to a collection of rocks that created a small fire pit just outside the cave in a small, sheltered area. She collected some kindling and what looked like moss, struck two stones together, and instantly a small flame ignited the kindling. She had obviously lit this fire many times. Then she took, what looked like a grid and placed it onto the rocks.
“I will make some tea to warm us.” She easily said.
“You have tea?” I said in a rudely, surprised manner.
“Oh yes,” she said as she guided me into the cave where I saw many herbs hanging upside down to dry.
“Where did you find these?” I asked, again in a voice that was too surprised.
She ignored my rude behavior and turned towards me to reply. However, when our eyes met in the flickering light, neither one of us could speak for what seemed to be forever. It was she who spoke first.
“I know you,” she said without any shyness.
“Yes.” was all I could say. I did know her, but I also knew I had never met her.
She turned again and chose some herbs, broke them up, put them into a small metal pan. She filled the pan with water from the clear creak the trickled through the cave and placed the pan on the grid.
“Would you like honey?” she said.
“You have honey?”
She smiled in response to my question.
“Ahh, sure.” I stammered again.
Rather than embarrass myself further, I looked around the small cave to get my bearings and to calm down. I could not believe my eyes. She had, indeed, created a home here, and she appeared to be alone.
“Do you live alone here?”
“Oh no! I am not alone. I live with Nature.”
I glanced around her home again. Off to the right I saw what was likely her begging. It looked old and well used.
“Yes, I see that you do. I am sorry for my rudeness. I have greatly underestimated you. I expected to find you, wounded, or worse, and in great danger. Instead, I see that you have created a lovely home. How did you do all this?”
“I asked the Great Mother for help.” She said, as if I would know what that meant.
“The Great Mother?”
“Yes, you know the Elohim Alcyone whom we met in the Core.”
“But, that was just a dream. How could you know about my dream?”
In fact, I was quite surprised that the “dream” instantly returned to my memory.
She chose to completely ignore my question and turned to create a small meal comprised of food that I had never seen. She took two half-gourds, which she used for plates and guided me to a small ledge. In front of the ledge with a small table made of intertwined twigs that served as a table.
In complete amazement, I sat where she indicated and silently watched while she put the plates on the “table” and went to gather the tea.
“I am afraid I only have one cup. Do you mind if we share?”
I silently nodded my head in amazement, as she handed me the tea.
“Oh,” she said as she walked over to another ledge where she had a small metal container. She brought it back and offered it to me saying,
“Would you like some of this honey?”
Again I silently nodded, as she poured a small amount of the sweet liquid into the steaming tea.
“Please eat,” she said and offered me my plate.
“I don’t want to be rude,” I said—to late—as I had already been incredibly rude, “but how did you know that these plants are not poisonous?”
“They told me.” She simply replied.
“Uh, how did they tell you?” I questioned.
“I merely smelled them and placed them on my heart. If they were poisonous, I felt fear, and if they were nutritious, I felt love.”
“But wasn’t that dangerous? What if you were wrong?”
“I trusted my self, and I trusted Nature.”
I said nothing more. I shared the delicious tea and ate the tasty plants. I guess if she could trust me enough to bring me into her home, I could trust her enough to eat her food. Trust? I pondered that concept, as I tried to think of the last time that I had trusted anyone.
Mytria’s awakening happened before we met, whereas my awakening started that evening. Everything that had been important in my life seemed unimportant compared to the simple peace that she shared with me that first night. I had been driven by ambition and trusted no one in my struggle to become a leader and Protector in our new world.
Interestingly, so many people trusted me, but I trusted no one. However, I did trust her. I ate her possibly poisonous food and drank her tea of an unknown “herb” without hesitation. In fact, as I sat on that small ledge, I knew that my life had changed forever. I would never be the same person again, which was a good thing. I had not been too fond of myself lately.
As if reading my mind, she looked into my eyes and said, “I was nearly dead when I came here. The Mother has healed me and has given me a wonderful life.”
She then took the plates and our one-cup and went outside to wash them. I said nothing, and didn’t even offer to help her. I had come here to save her, but it was apparent that it was she who would save me.
I, Mytre, will return to continue my story…
“Where have your been?” I spoke gruffly, perhaps to cover up the intensity of emotion that I felt at her very touch. “Your friends are concerned for you and sent me to find you.” I said in a softer voice.
“How do you know that I am the one you seek?” she replied with a resonance in her voice that instantly calmed my demeanor.
“I am sorry I was so gruff with you. It is just that I have been searching for you such a very long time. How did you get lost way out here?”
“I am not lost. I live close by.”
“Live?” I said trying to control my intense emotions. “There is no where to live out here.”
“Follow me,” she said. “I will show you my home.”
She walked away, and I followed her without question. We walked through almost total darkness, but never hesitated. As I followed her strangely familiar form, I became more and more enchanted by her. Who was she? Why did I feel like I knew her? I had never had these feeling for anyone in my life, and I had barely seen her face.
We walked for quite a while in total silence, while I tried to contain my emotions and see in the darkness. The moons had not come up yet and the sky was hazy, yet her every step was sure as if she had made this journey many times. Meanwhile, I was trying to maintain my dignity and not trip or fall. I, who took such pride in being a leader, followed her every footstep.
As if timed by some unseen source, the moons came up just as we came around a huge rock and entered a small area filled with flowers, plants, a small pond and even flat rocks that were arranged like chairs. How did she move those rocks? However, I said nothing. I did not want to embarrass myself again by speaking rashly. However, obviously, she was NOT lost, and I had greatly misjudged her.
“It is getting cold now. Would you like to come inside?” she said as if she totally trusted me.
“Ahh, yes,” I stammered in a very undignified manner.
“Let me start a fire, so you can see inside,” she said as she moved to a collection of rocks that created a small fire pit just outside the cave in a small, sheltered area. She collected some kindling and what looked like moss, struck two stones together, and instantly a small flame ignited the kindling. She had obviously lit this fire many times. Then she took, what looked like a grid and placed it onto the rocks.
“I will make some tea to warm us.” She easily said.
“You have tea?” I said in a rudely, surprised manner.
“Oh yes,” she said as she guided me into the cave where I saw many herbs hanging upside down to dry.
“Where did you find these?” I asked, again in a voice that was too surprised.
She ignored my rude behavior and turned towards me to reply. However, when our eyes met in the flickering light, neither one of us could speak for what seemed to be forever. It was she who spoke first.
“I know you,” she said without any shyness.
“Yes.” was all I could say. I did know her, but I also knew I had never met her.
She turned again and chose some herbs, broke them up, put them into a small metal pan. She filled the pan with water from the clear creak the trickled through the cave and placed the pan on the grid.
“Would you like honey?” she said.
“You have honey?”
She smiled in response to my question.
“Ahh, sure.” I stammered again.
Rather than embarrass myself further, I looked around the small cave to get my bearings and to calm down. I could not believe my eyes. She had, indeed, created a home here, and she appeared to be alone.
“Do you live alone here?”
“Oh no! I am not alone. I live with Nature.”
I glanced around her home again. Off to the right I saw what was likely her begging. It looked old and well used.
“Yes, I see that you do. I am sorry for my rudeness. I have greatly underestimated you. I expected to find you, wounded, or worse, and in great danger. Instead, I see that you have created a lovely home. How did you do all this?”
“I asked the Great Mother for help.” She said, as if I would know what that meant.
“The Great Mother?”
“Yes, you know the Elohim Alcyone whom we met in the Core.”
“But, that was just a dream. How could you know about my dream?”
In fact, I was quite surprised that the “dream” instantly returned to my memory.
She chose to completely ignore my question and turned to create a small meal comprised of food that I had never seen. She took two half-gourds, which she used for plates and guided me to a small ledge. In front of the ledge with a small table made of intertwined twigs that served as a table.
In complete amazement, I sat where she indicated and silently watched while she put the plates on the “table” and went to gather the tea.
“I am afraid I only have one cup. Do you mind if we share?”
I silently nodded my head in amazement, as she handed me the tea.
“Oh,” she said as she walked over to another ledge where she had a small metal container. She brought it back and offered it to me saying,
“Would you like some of this honey?”
Again I silently nodded, as she poured a small amount of the sweet liquid into the steaming tea.
“Please eat,” she said and offered me my plate.
“I don’t want to be rude,” I said—to late—as I had already been incredibly rude, “but how did you know that these plants are not poisonous?”
“They told me.” She simply replied.
“Uh, how did they tell you?” I questioned.
“I merely smelled them and placed them on my heart. If they were poisonous, I felt fear, and if they were nutritious, I felt love.”
“But wasn’t that dangerous? What if you were wrong?”
“I trusted my self, and I trusted Nature.”
I said nothing more. I shared the delicious tea and ate the tasty plants. I guess if she could trust me enough to bring me into her home, I could trust her enough to eat her food. Trust? I pondered that concept, as I tried to think of the last time that I had trusted anyone.
Mytria’s awakening happened before we met, whereas my awakening started that evening. Everything that had been important in my life seemed unimportant compared to the simple peace that she shared with me that first night. I had been driven by ambition and trusted no one in my struggle to become a leader and Protector in our new world.
Interestingly, so many people trusted me, but I trusted no one. However, I did trust her. I ate her possibly poisonous food and drank her tea of an unknown “herb” without hesitation. In fact, as I sat on that small ledge, I knew that my life had changed forever. I would never be the same person again, which was a good thing. I had not been too fond of myself lately.
As if reading my mind, she looked into my eyes and said, “I was nearly dead when I came here. The Mother has healed me and has given me a wonderful life.”
She then took the plates and our one-cup and went outside to wash them. I said nothing, and didn’t even offer to help her. I had come here to save her, but it was apparent that it was she who would save me.
I, Mytre, will return to continue my story…
Through Suzanne Lie, PhD
Posted 27th May 2012 by Shanti
Labels: Mytra from Pleiades
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