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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Multidimensional Consciousness by IlliaEm
Multidimensional Consciousness
By IlliaEm, Elohim of Arcturus
Dearest Ones,
Please, take a moment of meditation before you receive my message. It is important to expand your awareness to your highest potential before receiving my communication so that your ego does not interfere with my transmission. I will assist you by leading you in a meditation to calibrate your consciousness to the higher dimensions.
Focus your attention inward into the core of your brain, the area below your crown and behind your brow. Feel the Light of Spirit flowing through your Pineal Gland and into your crown like the sunlight coming through the sunroof of your home. In front of you is the Mind Screen for your Third Eye. Settle into this area of your physical form.
Now send a root through your brain, down your spine and out your feet directly into the central core of Lady Gaia. This root will allow you to stay grounded as you assist as well as accept the assistance of Mother Earth. Now that your “launching pad” is activated, journey to your Soul Home in the fifth dimension. Feel your Divine Complement embracing you, as two merges into ONE. Together as ONE, you return your attention to me, IlliaEm.
Imagine a vortex before you.
See how the spin of vortex increases as you approach it.
Recognize your Arcturian guide as IT invites you into the vortex.
Visualize the archway to the vortex.
Raise your hands to imprint your vibrational signature upon this archway.
Feel the rush of euphoria as you make this connection.
NOW you are the vortex.
Feel how your form has become formless.
You are pure Light. Observe as you morph into an Arcturian Star being.
You are returning to the Home that you have never left.
However, you have forgotten that you are also there.
Long, long ago, in the distant past, you bi-located your great multidimensional consciousness to Gaia’s beloved sister Venus. You inter-dimensionally traveled to Venus to prepare for your mission to rescue Gaia’s planetary body Earth.
Once you had prepared your great multidimensional consciousness for the constraints of existence within a third dimensional vessel, you kept your promise to answer Gaia’s call to rescue Her from destruction. Atlantis could not be saved, but Gaia was safe. However, Her frequency was not much lower then ever intended.
Now you are returning to your Multidimensional SELF, the ONE you have always been. See your Arcturian pod before you. The other star beings in your pod are also arriving and there is a beautiful reunion. You meet again in a giant star burst of light.
Now feel your physical form that is receiving this message. Extend your consciousness to that YOU. There are many changes going on in your physical body, emotions and thoughts. It may even seem that you can’t keep up with all the new information and genetic encoding that is being activated in your earth vessel.
If you think, “I am alone on the third dimension, and I may not survive,” these changes can be frightening. You are correct. Your third dimensional self is being transmuted into a higher vibration. Therefore, all your bodily defense mechanisms are being alerted to great change, which is often perceived as danger.
Therefore, please reassure your earth vessel that these feelings are NOT dangerous. Tell your body that you are being returned to your natural state. Remind your 3D self that YOU took on an assignment in which you needed to wear a vessel made of the same elements of the planet that you were rescuing.
This vessel is much like a coat that has now become too small, and the brain of this vessel has forgotten your true SELF. Therefore, your 3D expression is having confusing thoughts, fearful feelings and unusual physical sensations. Assure your earth vessel self that YOU are on an important mission from your galactic homeworld.
Thank your earth vessel for its service to you and for its willingness to undergo such a great transformation. Tell your third dimensional thoughts and emotions that they must be still to allow the changes to take place within the physical form you are wearing.
Do not judge or condemn your self for “not doing enough” for the transition. You are in training now. When you have fully remembered your Multidimensional SELF and have incorporated this expanded SELF into the awareness of your earth vessel, you will be called upon to be of service.
For now, continue with what you are doing. You are touching people more than your give yourself credit for. Release all competition and comparison and love yourself for exactly the way you are NOW. To assist you in remembering your innate multidimensional consciousness, I NOW take your mind on a journey back to Arcturus:
Imagine that your Arcturian family is around you once again. Feel the deep sense of Unity. Is there any competition or comparison here? No, my dear, we are all ONE. We are like individual emanation from the same star.
We have all emerged from the same light, and we all live within it together as ONE. Experience the light now as it weaves each member of your pod together into a beautiful tapestry of light. Sense the pattern that is formed by your collective selves, and see how you are the whole, as well as the individual.
This Unity Consciousness is also possible on dear Earth, but many low vibrational beings also live on the Dear Lady. Sometimes you can feel them, but Gaia must always carry them on Her body. Do you realize now how Gaia needs you? Do you understand how you can assist Her by simply remembering who you are?
When you remember who you are and ground your Multidimensional SELF in Gaia’s core, you share you multidimensional consciousness with Her core. As more and more of you share your multidimensional consciousness with Gaia, you create a stairway of light leading from the heart of Gaia to the higher dimensions. With so much darkness and fear impinging on Her body, the light of your multidimensional consciousness serves to refresh, rejuvenate and heal her planetary body from the center out.
Also, as you will see, all inter-dimensional journeys must begin with a deep grounding so that you can find you way back to your third dimensional vessel. Once in the higher worlds, you may not wish to return to Earth, but your connection to Gaia’s core reminds you of the Mission you have chosen.
Also, when you travel into Earth’s core, you can merge with all the beings of light there in the same manner as you have united with the members of your pod on Arcturus. Some of the beings in Gaia’s core are human, but many are not. Since you have released the 3D illusion of separation, you can instantly join them in the unity of Multidimensional Consciousness.
Feel how this union creates a giant merkaba with the top half above Mother Earth and the bottom half embedded in Her core. See that there are many of these merkabas joined together all around the planet. Within each merkaba is a pod of like-minded multidimensional leaders who have released all competition and comparison to serve the Mother in Her hour of need.
It is for this reason that all of you have volunteered, yes volunteered, to be incarnated on Earth at this NOW. This is the cosmic opportunity for which you have prepared for millennia. ALL of you are ready NOW. Any one who can receive messages from their higher selves (or from the higher self of others) are able to actively and consciously participate in the process of planetary transformation.
There are still many beautiful light beings that choose to allow their multidimensional consciousness to slumber while they do the work in their night bodies. Some of these dear souls may even appear to be of the darkness. However, do not judge their third dimensional self, as each one has their own assignment.
Those who have chosen to display dissonance so that it can be healed are indeed brave. In their higher vibrational selves, they too are aware of their process of transformation. Send unconditional love to these beings. They have chosen a very difficult path. They have chosen to embody darkness so that it can be healed.
Remember my beloveds, there is no job too small to be of service. Embrace ALL life within your multidimensional consciousness. Feel the Unity of Purpose to the Divine Plan of planetary ascension. Be that Unity of Purpose. Know that with this knowledge comes great responsibility.
Embrace your responsibility. Remember who you are!!!!
(The next day)
I AM Illia Em, returned to complete my message,
Everyone on the third dimension has a challenge, which is the same theme for everyone. This challenge is facing FEAR! The “faces of fear” change with each person, but the lesson is the same: “Keep your consciousness above fear and in the frequency of love.”
When you remember to live within your multidimensional consciousness, I IlliaEm can constantly share your/our Oneness. Your multidimensional consciousness can be re-discovered by merging with your Mother Earth. Gaia serves as a multidimensional computer that stores every thought, emotion and action of every life form on Her planet. These “files” can be “read” by merging with Gaia.
To merge with the Mother,
Experience Her pulse as it rises up from her heart to enter your heart.
See Her Nature around you.
Listen to Her creatures, the wind through the trees and the rain on the ground.
Smell the fresh grass and feel it beneath your feet.
Feel the warm Sun and cool breeze as it caresses your face.
Hear the ocean as its waves break upon the shore.
In this manner, you commune with and become grounded in Mother Earth. Allow myriad memories to enter your multidimensional consciousness. Stay grounded in Gaia’s core while I assist your memory by surrounding you with my multidimensional consciousness.
I am with you. I am You. WE ARE ONE! Through our Oneness I can merge my multidimensional consciousness of your Multidimensional SELF so that you can consciously experience:
The cells of your first dimensional consciousness
The organs of your second dimensional consciousness
The physical body of your third dimensional consciousness
The astral body of your fourth dimensional consciousness
The Lightbody of your fifth dimensional consciousness
The Soul Fire of your sixth dimensional consciousness
The Oversoul of your seventh dimensional consciousness
The Galactics, Celestials, and Devas of eighth - tenth dimensional consciousness
The Archangels, Elohim and Ascended Masters of eleventh, twelfth and beyond dimensional consciousness
As you expand your consciousness into the higher and higher dimensions, the dimensions merge. Hence, eighth through tenth dimensions blur into ONE as does the dimensions of eleventh, twelfth and beyond. As you fully remember your multidimensional consciousness, all dimensions swim together like drops of water in a cosmic ocean.
Within this comic sea your multidimensional consciousness simultaneously experiences your myriad forms of Human, Cetacean, Galactic, Ascended Master, Angel, Archangel, Deva, Elohim, Planetary Logos, Solar Logos, Galactic Logos, and mighty Logos of Universes and Multiverses. All of these realities exist simultaneously within the NOW of the ONE.
The illusion of separation and polarity only exists in the third and fourth dimensions. Once you remember how to return to your innate fifth dimensional consciousness, all illusions shatter and you live only within the TRUTH!
The first truth that you will remember is that you are the creator of your reality. Therefore, you must take absolute responsibility for your life. Anything and anyone that is in your life is there because you have created it!
In the fifth dimension, every thought and emotion instantly creates itself in your reality. You are now learning how to be a resident of that dimension. The first thing you must learn is to be the master of every thought and emotion that you allow to linger in your consciousness.
When you experience fear, it is a natural safety mechanism to lower your consciousness back down into the fourth or third dimension where manifestation takes “longer.” Do not judge your fear. It is your friend. Fear is the brakes on your earth vessel.
Whenever you begin to go too fast and begin to feel “out of control/” you experience fear. Then the vibrational brakes go on, and your rate of progress slows or stops. Your lesson at that time is to learn to push the fear pedal slowly so that you do not slam on the brakes and go into a tailspin.
Do not be worried about the challenges ahead of you, as they are an indication that your consciousness is expanding into the higher dimensions. Therefore, you are ready to progress into a higher frequency of your service to the light.
In Love and Full Support, I AM IlliaEm.
This message came to me on 4-10-1996, but it totally applies to our life on 9-7-2014. So many of us become impatient that we have not ascended yet, but how long has dear Gaia waited for her humans to consciously participate in Her ascension?
Posted by Sue at 9:09 AM
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Greetings dear ascending ones,
We the Arcturians are here to assist you during your ascension. As we look into your aura, we see that your ego is diminishing more each day. Whereas once your ego was a dominating component of your ability to survive physical embodiment, now it is becoming a manner of functioning in a reality that is coming into completion.
Feel how your once dominant ego, with its many wounds and protective devices, has become an “old fashioned way to deal with daily life”…
Now, feel how your mind has expanded into its innate multidimensional thinking and your heart has transmuted its energy into unconditional love…
Feel how this force of unconditional love expands your consciousness beyond your third dimensional earth vessel, through your fourth dimensional aura, and into the fifth dimensional reality of your choice… Which reality do you choose to experience?
Do you wish to experience a reality of flowing, unconditional love and expanding light? Or, do you wish to experience a reality of frightening possibilities?
Can you remember that you DO have the choice?
Remembering that YOU are the creator of your reality is the means by which you can release the last remnants of your addiction to third dimensional illusion. A primary illusion of the third dimension is the illusion of polarity. The frequency of the third dimension is so slow that only the edges of an energy spectrum can be perceived. For example, your third dimensional perceptions often experience the spectrum of unconditional love as “fear” on one extreme and “conditional love” on the other.
As you know, conditional love is one of the main causes of fear because some one separate from you sets conditions under which you are “good enough” to receive their love. Trying to be good enough to receive love diminishes you to third dimensional consciousness and limits your perceptions to that of your earth vessel. Furthermore, conditional love can make you can feel as though you are a victim who can no longer find peace.
It is often true that third dimensional consciousness does not offer much peace. Fortunately, the belief in a Higher Power has offered some relief. However, this Higher Power was too often limited to a dominating and demanding force who had power-over you. Hence, this Higher Power did not provide much peace, as peace must come from within.
NOW, you have expanded your consciousness enough to perceive the fourth dimensional reality in which more of the energy in-between is perceivable around the polarized edges. From this new information, you realize that the extreme edges of any given polarity are very similar. Thus, you are realizing that conditional love and fear are very similar. When one is afraid, their love will be conditional, and when one only receives unconditional love, they are afraid.
With this realization, you become curious about what else is in-between these polarities. There must be something in-between these edges that is the Core of that polarity. Upon your deeper inspection you discover that fear and conditional love are the extreme edges of unconditional love. Unconditional love holds no fear and no conditional love. However, the edges of this spectrum become distorted in the third dimension to become fear and conditional love.
Conversely, the Core of this spectrum, unconditional love, is eternally anchored in the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. In fact, the Core of every Divine Quality is anchored in the ONE. However, as the frequency of these Qualities, such as unconditional love, lower into the of third/fourth dimensional frequencies of expression they become distorted by the lower resonance of the reality. This distortion of infinite Divine Qualities creates the illusion of separation between extremes.
Hence, the polarity of love/fear is actually the spectrum of:
conditional love --------UNCONDITIONAL LOVE----------FEAR
Unconditional Love being the Core of this polarity
As we have said many times, reality has octaves of resonance, and everything on every octave resonates to that frequency. Hence, love on the fourth dimension, with the exception of the Lower Astral Plane, is not as conditional as it is in the physical plane, and fourth dimensional fear is less toxic than in the physical plane.
http://www.multidimensions.com/Unconscious/uncon_dreams_travel.html fourth dimensional Sub-planes
As you move your consciousness beyond the Lower Astral Plane, which is even a lower frequency than the third dimension, and through the fourth dimensional realities, each fourth dimensional sub-plane has less and less polarity. The polarity diminishes because the faster spin of the molecules of the higher dimensions creates less separation and more unity.
Furthermore, the state of consciousness that allows you to visit that higher reality is infused with more spirit and less matter. It is the matter of the third dimension that creates the slower frequency of rotation, which creates the illusion of separation.
In truth, everything is connected with higher frequency molecules that cannot be perceived by your third dimensional senses. When your consciousness is resonating to higher frequencies, your multidimensional perceptions come online to reveal more and more of that which is in-between the edges of every spectrum.
The fourth dimensional sub-plane of the Lower Astral Plane, which resonates to even a lower frequency than the physical plane, reveals only the lowest frequencies of unconditional love, which are extreme fear and love that is bound by dominating conditions and rules. Then, as your consciousness rises into the next fourth dimensional sub-plane, the Emotional Plane, there is less fear and love is less conditional.
In the fourth dimensional Mental Plane, you can perceive frequencies of love that are more unconditional and fear that is more manageable. The Causal Plane exposes how fear and conditional love interact and create each other, and the Spiritual Plane guides you to your I AM Presence, who awaits you at Threshold of the fifth dimension.
This Threshold is the Rainbow Bridge, which gradually collapses all polarities of third/fourth dimensional light and earth-bound consciousness into the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. It is within this ONE that the Core, the higher frequency source/ Divine Quality, of all polarities exists. Crossing the Rainbow Bridge allows you to collapse all polarities into the Oneness of multidimensional light and unconditional love.
Once your consciousness even briefly visits this frequency of reality and experiences the FEEL of unconditional love, you will never again experience fear or conditional love in the same way. You will remember that the Core of every extreme lies not in any external source or earth-bound leader, but within your own multidimensional consciousness, which guided your inner journey into the higher frequencies of reality.
At this point you begin to realize that you can only change your physical reality in the same manner in which you changed your self, which is by infusing it with unconditional love. Unconditional love is the Core of the polarity of conditional love and fear. It was the conditional love and fear that lowered your consciousness and separated you from your own Divine Quality of unconditional love. Therefore, it is unconditional love that will heal your wounded ego and unite you with the higher expressions of you Multidimensional SELF.
You also realize that playing the Polarity Game focuses your attention on the very conditional love and fear that you wish to release from your reality. This realization is an important moment in your ascension process, for you remember that you have the power to choose to ignore whatever lowers your consciousness. Then you can decide to direct your attention onto that which you love unconditionally. In this manner, you are able to perceive and participate in higher and higher frequencies of reality.
Once you remember that you can choose your version of reality by calibrating your consciousness to the frequency of that world, you know that the only way to change any given reality is to lower or raise its resonance. This is a fact that the lost ones discovered long ago. They discovered that if love was conditional and fear was an ever-present force, that the frequency of reality would lower to the extend that the majority of those within that reality would loose connection with the their own inner Source of unconditional love.
Those who found a way to raise their resonance to the higher frequencies of reality would disappear from the 3D Game because they were no longer limited to such a low frequency expression of life. However, many former residents of third dimensional Earth chose to return again and again so that they could assist others by grounding and integrating unconditional love into that lower expression of reality.
This grounding of unconditional love is much like putting more helium in the balloon that once rose to the ceiling and has slowly fallen to the floor. With each new infusion of helium, the balloon can rise higher towards the ceiling and maintain that position for a longer period of “time.” However, the very time that allows the balloon to stay at the ceiling longer is the very reason why the balloon will, eventually, fall to the floor.
The only solution for this dilemma is to leave time and return to the NOW of the ONE in which the Core of unconditional love infinitely exists. “But what about the ones who caused us fear with their constant conditions on love,” you may ask. Our answer is, “Do you want to stay in the lower dimensions of reality so that you can hurt those who have hurt you? Or, do you want to raise the resonance of that reality into the Core of the ONE where there is NO conditions on love and NO fear?”
What is YOUR answer to that question? Some of you may say, “NO, I just want to get out of this reality NOW.” To this response we say, “Blessings on your ascension. You can assist from the higher frequencies.” Others may say, “I DO feel complete with this experience, but I know I have a responsibility to those who cannot find their inner light, as well as to Gaia who has offered me this home.”
To this second answer we say, “We are joyous that your are experiencing Unity Consciousness. Therefore, can you allow us to Unite with YOU so that, together, we can create a chain of unconditional love from the Core of the ONE into the Core of your ascending Earth? In this manner, we can supply a constant transfusion of unconditional love into your world to assist you in raising it into the fifth dimension and beyond.”
What is YOUR answer to this question? Many of your may answer, “But what about the ones who harmed us and created great fear in our world?” To this we are saying, “We are here to assist you by containing these ones so that they can no longer contribute fear to your reality.” We use the word contain, rather than imprison or arrest, because containment is not a punishment.
Containment means that these negative energies are isolated, much as a virus is isolated in a containment field. A virus, the cause of disease, is contained so that it cannot infect another. Within isolation, a virus has no “food” upon which it can feed and no way to release its “disease” out to others or to the planet. Hence, the carriers of that disease must deal with their own darkness, as they can no longer project it out to others or the planet.
As you all know, darkness can be very contagious. You may be in a very good mood, but when you enter a room in which several others are in a bad mood your good mood is quickly challenged. However, we are not interested in punishing anyone, as we see the big picture of the 3D Game of Polarities. On the other hand, we have seen that the polarities of fear and conditional love have become very extreme at the close of this cycle.
This extreme darkness is partially because there are many outside sources that are not members of the human kingdom who have taken over key positions within your reality. Hence, the disease of fear has infected many of your trusted leaders. The “carries of this disease of fear” invaded your reality without following the “rules” of the third dimension by incarnating into your world. Therefore, since they invaded your world, we can assist you and Gaia by containing them long enough for the wounded ones to regain their equilibrium and return to their true, Multidimensional SELF.
Many humans have been so down trodden that they have lost all hope for a better future. With the dark ones contained and isolated from society, those who are basically honest and loving people have a greater chance to awaken. However, once they have regained their hope and begun their ascension they will have to take full responsibility for the life that THEY have created, just as the ascending ones have done.
Becoming fifth dimensional is step one. Step two is remaining fifth dimensional. If you are unable to take full responsibility for the reality that you have created, you will not be able to maintain Mastery over your energy. In the higher frequency realities, your every thought and emotion becomes manifest. Therefore, if you have fearful thoughts that someone “else” will harm you, you will manifest the reality in which that will happen.
But, harm against another is not possible in a higher dimensional reality that is based on unity consciousness and unconditional love. Therefore, your fearful thought will lower your consciousness out of the ONE and back into the third/fourth dimension. The best protection from this fearful thinking is to remember that YOU chose your reality before you were born into your present life. That fact will give you a greater sense that you are the creator of your destiny, which is the Truth.
With the knowledge of and connection to your true, Multidimensional SELF, you will regain the higher perspective of your myriad incarnations on Earth. Then, you will likely find that you, too, have lives in which you were lost to the darkness. Therefore, heal that version of YOU before you try to heal another. In other words, “Before you try to take the twig out of another’s eye, take the log out of your own.”
Thus, before you fear (which empowers) an external foe, find the enemy within who is projecting-out the picture of external enemies. Then, you can open heartedly give detached compassion and unconditional love to those you have perceived as your enemy.
It is through inner healing of your own wounded ego and
The unity with your higher expressions of SELF
That YOU can best contribute to
The Birth of New Earth!
We the Arcturians, are with you ALWAYS
Through Suzanne Lie,PhD
Posted 11th July 2012 by Juan Pablo
Labels: a visit to New Earthastral planeawakening processcreating new earthNew Earth
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Greetings dear ascending ones,
We the Arcturians are here to assist you during your ascension. As we look into your aura, we see that your ego is diminishing more each day. Whereas once your ego was a dominating component of your ability to survive physical embodiment, now it is becoming a manner of functioning in a reality that is coming into completion.
Feel how your once dominant ego, with its many wounds and protective devices, has become an “old fashioned way to deal with daily life”…
Now, feel how your mind has expanded into its innate multidimensional thinking and your heart has transmuted its energy into unconditional love…
Feel how this force of unconditional love expands your consciousness beyond your third dimensional earth vessel, through your fourth dimensional aura, and into the fifth dimensional reality of your choice… Which reality do you choose to experience?
Do you wish to experience a reality of flowing, unconditional love and expanding light? Or, do you wish to experience a reality of frightening possibilities?
Can you remember that you DO have the choice?
Remembering that YOU are the creator of your reality is the means by which you can release the last remnants of your addiction to third dimensional illusion. A primary illusion of the third dimension is the illusion of polarity. The frequency of the third dimension is so slow that only the edges of an energy spectrum can be perceived. For example, your third dimensional perceptions often experience the spectrum of unconditional love as “fear” on one extreme and “conditional love” on the other.
As you know, conditional love is one of the main causes of fear because some one separate from you sets conditions under which you are “good enough” to receive their love. Trying to be good enough to receive love diminishes you to third dimensional consciousness and limits your perceptions to that of your earth vessel. Furthermore, conditional love can make you can feel as though you are a victim who can no longer find peace.
It is often true that third dimensional consciousness does not offer much peace. Fortunately, the belief in a Higher Power has offered some relief. However, this Higher Power was too often limited to a dominating and demanding force who had power-over you. Hence, this Higher Power did not provide much peace, as peace must come from within.
NOW, you have expanded your consciousness enough to perceive the fourth dimensional reality in which more of the energy in-between is perceivable around the polarized edges. From this new information, you realize that the extreme edges of any given polarity are very similar. Thus, you are realizing that conditional love and fear are very similar. When one is afraid, their love will be conditional, and when one only receives unconditional love, they are afraid.
With this realization, you become curious about what else is in-between these polarities. There must be something in-between these edges that is the Core of that polarity. Upon your deeper inspection you discover that fear and conditional love are the extreme edges of unconditional love. Unconditional love holds no fear and no conditional love. However, the edges of this spectrum become distorted in the third dimension to become fear and conditional love.
Conversely, the Core of this spectrum, unconditional love, is eternally anchored in the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. In fact, the Core of every Divine Quality is anchored in the ONE. However, as the frequency of these Qualities, such as unconditional love, lower into the of third/fourth dimensional frequencies of expression they become distorted by the lower resonance of the reality. This distortion of infinite Divine Qualities creates the illusion of separation between extremes.
Hence, the polarity of love/fear is actually the spectrum of:
conditional love --------UNCONDITIONAL LOVE----------FEAR
Unconditional Love being the Core of this polarity
As we have said many times, reality has octaves of resonance, and everything on every octave resonates to that frequency. Hence, love on the fourth dimension, with the exception of the Lower Astral Plane, is not as conditional as it is in the physical plane, and fourth dimensional fear is less toxic than in the physical plane.
http://www.multidimensions.com/Unconscious/uncon_dreams_travel.html fourth dimensional Sub-planes
As you move your consciousness beyond the Lower Astral Plane, which is even a lower frequency than the third dimension, and through the fourth dimensional realities, each fourth dimensional sub-plane has less and less polarity. The polarity diminishes because the faster spin of the molecules of the higher dimensions creates less separation and more unity.
Furthermore, the state of consciousness that allows you to visit that higher reality is infused with more spirit and less matter. It is the matter of the third dimension that creates the slower frequency of rotation, which creates the illusion of separation.
In truth, everything is connected with higher frequency molecules that cannot be perceived by your third dimensional senses. When your consciousness is resonating to higher frequencies, your multidimensional perceptions come online to reveal more and more of that which is in-between the edges of every spectrum.
The fourth dimensional sub-plane of the Lower Astral Plane, which resonates to even a lower frequency than the physical plane, reveals only the lowest frequencies of unconditional love, which are extreme fear and love that is bound by dominating conditions and rules. Then, as your consciousness rises into the next fourth dimensional sub-plane, the Emotional Plane, there is less fear and love is less conditional.
In the fourth dimensional Mental Plane, you can perceive frequencies of love that are more unconditional and fear that is more manageable. The Causal Plane exposes how fear and conditional love interact and create each other, and the Spiritual Plane guides you to your I AM Presence, who awaits you at Threshold of the fifth dimension.
This Threshold is the Rainbow Bridge, which gradually collapses all polarities of third/fourth dimensional light and earth-bound consciousness into the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. It is within this ONE that the Core, the higher frequency source/ Divine Quality, of all polarities exists. Crossing the Rainbow Bridge allows you to collapse all polarities into the Oneness of multidimensional light and unconditional love.
Once your consciousness even briefly visits this frequency of reality and experiences the FEEL of unconditional love, you will never again experience fear or conditional love in the same way. You will remember that the Core of every extreme lies not in any external source or earth-bound leader, but within your own multidimensional consciousness, which guided your inner journey into the higher frequencies of reality.
At this point you begin to realize that you can only change your physical reality in the same manner in which you changed your self, which is by infusing it with unconditional love. Unconditional love is the Core of the polarity of conditional love and fear. It was the conditional love and fear that lowered your consciousness and separated you from your own Divine Quality of unconditional love. Therefore, it is unconditional love that will heal your wounded ego and unite you with the higher expressions of you Multidimensional SELF.
You also realize that playing the Polarity Game focuses your attention on the very conditional love and fear that you wish to release from your reality. This realization is an important moment in your ascension process, for you remember that you have the power to choose to ignore whatever lowers your consciousness. Then you can decide to direct your attention onto that which you love unconditionally. In this manner, you are able to perceive and participate in higher and higher frequencies of reality.
Once you remember that you can choose your version of reality by calibrating your consciousness to the frequency of that world, you know that the only way to change any given reality is to lower or raise its resonance. This is a fact that the lost ones discovered long ago. They discovered that if love was conditional and fear was an ever-present force, that the frequency of reality would lower to the extend that the majority of those within that reality would loose connection with the their own inner Source of unconditional love.
Those who found a way to raise their resonance to the higher frequencies of reality would disappear from the 3D Game because they were no longer limited to such a low frequency expression of life. However, many former residents of third dimensional Earth chose to return again and again so that they could assist others by grounding and integrating unconditional love into that lower expression of reality.
This grounding of unconditional love is much like putting more helium in the balloon that once rose to the ceiling and has slowly fallen to the floor. With each new infusion of helium, the balloon can rise higher towards the ceiling and maintain that position for a longer period of “time.” However, the very time that allows the balloon to stay at the ceiling longer is the very reason why the balloon will, eventually, fall to the floor.
The only solution for this dilemma is to leave time and return to the NOW of the ONE in which the Core of unconditional love infinitely exists. “But what about the ones who caused us fear with their constant conditions on love,” you may ask. Our answer is, “Do you want to stay in the lower dimensions of reality so that you can hurt those who have hurt you? Or, do you want to raise the resonance of that reality into the Core of the ONE where there is NO conditions on love and NO fear?”
What is YOUR answer to that question? Some of you may say, “NO, I just want to get out of this reality NOW.” To this response we say, “Blessings on your ascension. You can assist from the higher frequencies.” Others may say, “I DO feel complete with this experience, but I know I have a responsibility to those who cannot find their inner light, as well as to Gaia who has offered me this home.”
To this second answer we say, “We are joyous that your are experiencing Unity Consciousness. Therefore, can you allow us to Unite with YOU so that, together, we can create a chain of unconditional love from the Core of the ONE into the Core of your ascending Earth? In this manner, we can supply a constant transfusion of unconditional love into your world to assist you in raising it into the fifth dimension and beyond.”
What is YOUR answer to this question? Many of your may answer, “But what about the ones who harmed us and created great fear in our world?” To this we are saying, “We are here to assist you by containing these ones so that they can no longer contribute fear to your reality.” We use the word contain, rather than imprison or arrest, because containment is not a punishment.
Containment means that these negative energies are isolated, much as a virus is isolated in a containment field. A virus, the cause of disease, is contained so that it cannot infect another. Within isolation, a virus has no “food” upon which it can feed and no way to release its “disease” out to others or to the planet. Hence, the carriers of that disease must deal with their own darkness, as they can no longer project it out to others or the planet.
As you all know, darkness can be very contagious. You may be in a very good mood, but when you enter a room in which several others are in a bad mood your good mood is quickly challenged. However, we are not interested in punishing anyone, as we see the big picture of the 3D Game of Polarities. On the other hand, we have seen that the polarities of fear and conditional love have become very extreme at the close of this cycle.
This extreme darkness is partially because there are many outside sources that are not members of the human kingdom who have taken over key positions within your reality. Hence, the disease of fear has infected many of your trusted leaders. The “carries of this disease of fear” invaded your reality without following the “rules” of the third dimension by incarnating into your world. Therefore, since they invaded your world, we can assist you and Gaia by containing them long enough for the wounded ones to regain their equilibrium and return to their true, Multidimensional SELF.
Many humans have been so down trodden that they have lost all hope for a better future. With the dark ones contained and isolated from society, those who are basically honest and loving people have a greater chance to awaken. However, once they have regained their hope and begun their ascension they will have to take full responsibility for the life that THEY have created, just as the ascending ones have done.
Becoming fifth dimensional is step one. Step two is remaining fifth dimensional. If you are unable to take full responsibility for the reality that you have created, you will not be able to maintain Mastery over your energy. In the higher frequency realities, your every thought and emotion becomes manifest. Therefore, if you have fearful thoughts that someone “else” will harm you, you will manifest the reality in which that will happen.
But, harm against another is not possible in a higher dimensional reality that is based on unity consciousness and unconditional love. Therefore, your fearful thought will lower your consciousness out of the ONE and back into the third/fourth dimension. The best protection from this fearful thinking is to remember that YOU chose your reality before you were born into your present life. That fact will give you a greater sense that you are the creator of your destiny, which is the Truth.
With the knowledge of and connection to your true, Multidimensional SELF, you will regain the higher perspective of your myriad incarnations on Earth. Then, you will likely find that you, too, have lives in which you were lost to the darkness. Therefore, heal that version of YOU before you try to heal another. In other words, “Before you try to take the twig out of another’s eye, take the log out of your own.”
Thus, before you fear (which empowers) an external foe, find the enemy within who is projecting-out the picture of external enemies. Then, you can open heartedly give detached compassion and unconditional love to those you have perceived as your enemy.
It is through inner healing of your own wounded ego and
The unity with your higher expressions of SELF
That YOU can best contribute to
The Birth of New Earth!
We the Arcturians, are with you ALWAYS
Through Suzanne Lie,PhD
Posted 11th July 2012 by Juan Pablo
Labels: a visit to New Earthastral planeawakening processcreating new earthNew Earth
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I had a meditation the other day. At first, all was black, and I had the impression that I was inside of my body. Then, I saw some prisoners, with old-fashion black and white stripped prison clothes. I think there were three or four of them. They were wrapped together with a heavy chain and being led away by a guard. I went to the guard to ask what he was doing. He said that they had to leave because they were the parts of me that kept me a prisoner to the third dimension. When I accepted that concept I saw many swirling beings, ghosts and illusions that flew around me. They, too, were leaving.
Finally, everything was gone, including most of my body. All that remained of my body was my spinal cord, which was surrounded by a golden light. I then looked up and saw a circle of light, which became a ball with a face. It was the face of my SELF. As I realized that, it became a head, which was put onto my spinal cord and clicked into place so that it firmly connected. I actually heard the “click.” I began to feel my resonance rise higher and higher. Then, like an old car going too fast on the freeway, my body started to shake faster and faster. Eventually, the shaking stopped and I opened my eyes. The world around me was the same, but I felt forever different.
I told the dream to quite a few people, as it seemed to fit their lives as well. In fact, I think it fits all of our lives. However, my body cannot always carry this “head.” In fact, I have been having many symptoms of transformation. I had to work the day of the meditation, but the next day and today I KNOW that I need to be still and take car of my 63 year “car.” Us vanguards that came in after WWII have had a long, hard run remembering our light and our bodies are not as adaptable as the younger models. Therefore, note to fellow baby boomers, be good to yourself and allow your earth vessel to slowly “remodel” its self. Below is the interpretation I received from the Arcturians.
Dear Arcturians, please assist me in interpreting this meditation...
Our dearest One, as you now remember, the meditation came in response to our call to you to go inside and receive a message. As we have been saying, the human language is far too limiting to fully conveying our messages. Hence, we sent you a message in image form. We also wanted you to experience the message in a kinesthetic manner, so that it could become a part of your muscle memory, as well as your mental memory. However, this was not just a message. It was a true experience.
We have been talking about “closing the gap” between your grounded self and your Multidimensional SELF, and we wanted you to have that experience. We also want you, as well as anyone who receives this message, to know that the gap between your human self and your Soul SELF is closing more and more each day. In fact, for many of you, that gap has now become a bridge. This bridge is “clicked-in” whenever you are able to enter into a higher state of consciousness, and serves as a beacon during your daily life. Therefore, when you feel overwhelmed by the daily duties and responsibilities, you can remember that you are ALWAYS connected to your SELF.
The parts of yourself that held you prisoner to the illusions of the third dimension need to be released in a moment-to-moment manner. First, you identify that which holds you back from your process of ascension. Secondly, you need to march these “prisoners” out of your life. There are many actions, jobs, people, places, things, activities and thoughts or emotions that you will release. Then, the many “ghost” of the past and “illusions” of the present lingering in your fourth dimensional aura, will also be released.
During this process of release you will feel a greater connection to your SELF. With every release, your resonance rises, at least within that moment of the NOW. We realize the great challenge that our grounded ones must face as they live amongst the many fears and illusions of a reality that appears to be crumbling before their eyes. However, this “crumbling” is actually the release of that which has held beloved Gaia a prisoner to the third dimension, as well. As each one of Her grounded ones releases their attachment to that which has limited their RETURN to SELF, they also free Gaia.
Most important of all, as you release that which restrained and imprisoned you, the vision of your SELF becomes clear and just before you.
We ask each of you who receive this message to LOOK UP to see your True SELF. The Light of your SELF is always there to guide you.
SEE the face of your SELF and allow the ball of Light to click into place.
HEAR the click.
FEEL the resonance of your higher light, as it courses up and down your spin.
ALLOW the light to grow stronger and stronger raising your resonance higher and higher.
Allow your body to SHAKE itself free of all remnents of that which have held you trapped into the illusions that float through your aura.
Shake off the past, and enter the NOW!
By Suzanne Lie, PhD
Posted 9th March 2012 by Shanti
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JUNE 8, 2014
Dear ones, again we speak to you of the many changes taking place within this present timeline as mankind ascends into a new and higher dimensional energy. There are many still unaware of what is going on and thus continue to live their lives as usual, even trying to convince awakening family and friends, to continue in the old ways. However, these dear ones are finding that to continue trying to live in energies that are quickly disappearing, does not bring the desired or familiar results. Much third dimensional energy and its manifestation has dissolved or is beginning to dissolve now.
The protests and dissatisfaction you observe among the people of many countries is because they have begun to resonate with the new and higher frequencies resulting in an awakening dissatisfaction with the old, leading them to seek change through new forms of governance, living, education, medicine etc. So called "leaders" of many of these countries feel threatened by change and do not respond, choosing instead to lash out with violence and rejection. Eventually these "leaders" must fall because the energy holding these situations in place is dissolving. Where does the shadow go when light is shown into it? In your quiet time focus on peace, not on anti-war. You see, there is a different energy in resistance to anything. Resistance gives power to something that in reality has no power, and is a facet of duality.
Old false concepts and beliefs based in duality and separation cannot be carried with you forever, and through choice and intent, must be consciously as well as unconsciously cleared from your energy field. However, being open to moving beyond what is familiar is a free will choice. There are many who are ready but unwilling, and they will continue to do what they always done, relying on what they have been told by others and looking outside of themselves believing that they already have all the answers.
Each must decide for themselves when enough is enough and this is sensed through a lack of resonance with the old ways which in turn leads to a time of questioning and seeking. At some point the spiritual student will begin to practice what he has learned and live out from a higher state of awareness, drawing to himself other seekers and spiritual students. Friends, co-workers, and family do not always recognize that an individual has changed, but will observe and often criticize his new responses to outside pressures and daily issues. Those ready will be drawn to his energy and will begin ask him about his spiritual journey.
Many of you are finding that you no longer resonate with people, ideas, entertainments, laws etc. that you previously fully embraced. This is because your vibrational resonance has shifted and is no longer aligned with them as before. That which you love and accept is that with which you are aligned--on the same frequency with. This is why most cannot see Guides or relatives that have passed on--the human eye is unable to align with the higher frequencies of the Light body. This is also the secret of happy relationships.
You may not even realize any change has taken place until you go about your day experiencing it differently. Once an individual has the intention to clear and release old energy, the deeper clearings will begin. Some clearing has already begun for everyone on whatever level they are ready to embrace, offering them an opportunity to grow. Clearing often takes place in sleep and can be experienced as a frightening dream which is simply the old energy of some past experience releasing.
At this time much of what needs to be looked at and cleared is presenting as chaos--things out of sinc, relationships no longer working, breakdowns on all levels. When these things happen, go deeper-- examine your belief system very honestly dear ones, taking time to sit quietly with paper and pen writing down; "What am I believing that is making me feel this way, experience these things, or to have these difficulties?" Be very very honest with yourself, for this is not a time to play games and make excuses. After you recognize some belief you are holding, ask yourself, "Is this true or is it simply something I have believed because I was told it was true?" This is work, dear ones because nothing will happen or change without individual effort and intention. There is no one coming with a magic wand, you are your magic wand. Those of you who resonate with these messages are already doing the work, helping to create the new world. This is ascension.
As you go about your day you will start to have seemingly irrelevant but new ideas and experiences. Never be afraid to act upon these new insights --speaking your truth and having the courage to say "no" if something feels old and finished for you.
There are still many who hunger deeply for the love and acceptance they are entitled to, but in ignorance continually look outside of themselves for that which is within. Because of this, these dear ones say "yes" to everyone and every idea no matter how personally destructive it may be and regardless of how much it may not resonate with them they believe that by saying yes they will be accepted and loved. This yearning and search for that which can only be found within, is the root of all problems and is the bottom line of all actions resulting in imprisonment.
Fear of "bucking the system" is usually the result of past life experiences in which an individual was forced to align with those in power under threat of severe punishment or death. The energy of these powerful experiences remains held in physical cellular memory as well as in the emotional body until cleared. The emotional body dictates to daily living in many ways. If the emotional body is filled with fear and other negative emotions it can influence the choice to clear the physical and mental bodies. When you experience fear emotions, recognize them for what they are--old memories (you do not need to know the exact cause), then give gratitude that now you are evolved enough to acknowledge, clear, and stop dragging these old energies with you from lifetime to lifetime.
Make it your daily intention to release and clear any old energies still resonating within your physical, emotional, or mental bodies--anything not resonating with truth and light. Consciously state your intention to release all lower resonating cellular memories stemming from old vows and promises, physical inheritance beliefs, painful experiences, diseases, etc. etc. (whatever you are guided to address).
Arcturian group wishes to speak to that which causes so many to resist change, for we see many ready for the new truths, but who consistently resist bringing truth into their lives. These dear ones believe truth to be very nice ideas, but far too impractical for actual daily living. They believe that they must get on with their lives in more practical ways, ways given them by the "experts" and familiarity. Dear ones, if you are to evolve you must begin to LIVE and practice truth until becomes your state of consciousness at which time it will become the practical every day way of living for you.
Living spiritually is the most practical way of living there is, for you begin to create from truth and not from the illusory concepts of duality and separation. Meditation is the best beauty treatment a person can give themselves. As an individual begins to understand his true essence to be completeness, harmony, wholeness and all the qualities embodied within the Divine Consciousness, he will begin to manifest this in every day living .
Resistance to change and opening to truth is always fear--fear of the unknown, fear of losing self along with all that has been held as necessary and important--the belief system that has been one's foundation. The third dimensional energy of duality and separation causes people to see themselves as separate beings who must personally struggle and strive for every good. Letting go of these beliefs means a letting go of the personal sense of self--EGO. This can feel like a death and be very scary, for one's foundation is being pulled out from under them. However you must understand that nothing real can ever be lost, only that false sense of self, SELF is forever. The real foundation will appear as the illusory one dissolves. Let go of the dream dear ones, let go.
Trust is the answer. Trust practiced through knowing that you are always being guided and helped. Try to see those times of chaos as blessings, revelations of beliefs you still hold needing to be cleared. Try not to claim any painful experiences and emotions you may be having as yours, personal to you, for this will give these clearing emotions a home once again. Instead, allow them to release and be gone through your awareness of what is happening, knowing that they are impersonal regardless of how awful you may feel as they flow through and out. Try and stay centered, rest, and drink lots of water when you are going through the deeper levels of intense clearing which many of you are experiencing right now.
Mankind over time and through ignorance , has given away personal power by believing that others know better then they about how life should be lived. Over eons of time, individuals have learned to distrust themselves allowing this belief system to become the consciousness of each following generation. There will always be those who loudly proclaim their expertise about any and all topics but the choice of believing them is up to you.
Begin to trust your intuition and act upon it for this is your connection to your Higher Self. Begin to actually accept that you are a Divine expression and that everything you need is already present within your consciousness. Know that you have access to as much and probably more information than that person loudly proclaiming their leadership and knowledge. This does not mean you cannot consult someone who specializes in the sort of help or information you may be seeking--it may be the only way you can get to a deeper understanding of something at this point in your development. However, begin to understand that those who serve in these ways are guiding you toward the answers you seek, but they are not the source of them. Your own consciousness draws to you that which you need, in the forms you can relate to.
Pull back from constant news and media hype about what you must have and need in order to be happy and healthy, along with all the self serving political nonsense you are exposed to at all levels. Question the statements of all who would have you believe they have all the answers and solutions for you and the world. It is time for mankind to put on their long pants and get "spines" so to speak for this is a vitally important time in the spiritual journey of mankind and if the opportunity is ignored, he will be left behind.
Because of the gift of free will, every individual can take as long as he wants or needs to evolve, how you use this gift is your choice. Think about what you choose dear ones, for the time is NOW.
We are the Arcturian Group 6/7/14
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