miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

sharing.:::SaLuSa .:::..▶ How to Create Handwritten Text in Photoshop - MASTER EL MORYA - Illusion And Beyond

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MASTER EL MORYA - Illusion And Beyond

I am Master El Morya, Chohan and overseer of the First Ray of Light upon the inner planes of the Creator’s universe.

It is my purpose to decipher and distribute the will of the Creator into the many levels of the Earth and consciousness of humanity.

You may call upon my energies to aid you in understanding and deciphering the will of the Creator for your own being, reality and purpose upon the Earth. I am here to be of service, I am already assisting you in receiving the divine will of the Creator but you may call upon my energies to aid you in truly understanding the guidance and insights that flow to you and activate from within you always.

I ask in this moment that you allow my energies and the vibration of the first ray of light to flow down into your soul star chakra above your head activating the divine will of your soul to step forth and illuminate your entire being. Let the light flow into your crown chakra and throughout your entire chakra column finally entering into your earth star chakra below your feet thus allowing the divine will of the Creator and your soul to be present and in action within your entire being, grounded especially into the physical level of your being and reality.

As you breathe the divine will repeatedly through your chakras from top to bottom allow the energy to fill your entire being, emanating into your auric field and beyond.

You may wish to notice the energies, emotions or thoughts the divine will of your soul and the Creator stirs from within your being. Understanding how you react to the divine will of the Creator and your soul will offer insights of self-realisation maybe also offer insights as to how you block or hinder the divine will in flowing through your being as well as ways in which you can understand the guidance more clearly.

With practice and experience of the divine flow of the will of the Creator and soul slowly moving through your being you may then wish to hold the understanding that when the divine will of the Creator is present illusions of any form whether created by you, others or through generations can no longer exist. Illusions begin to unravel allowing the truth of the Creator, your soul and entire being to be seen with greater clarity and ease. Imagine that from every aspects of your being and chakras you emanate the glowing light of the divine will of the Creator and your soul into your reality and surroundings.

Hold the intention and the knowingness that through this process you are unravelling, removing and dispersing all illusions, imagining clarity forming within all aspects of your being.

Existing in a physical reality there can be less remembrance of the Creator and so many beliefs are created from past experiences and the advice or opinion of others, rather than flowing from the Creator. The Creator can be recognised within your being through your intuition, inner knowing and inner presence. When you are in contact with your intuition, inner knowing and inner presence you are able to project truth from within your being from the Creator. The truth of the Creator may be unlike anything else you have previously discovered and accepted but it will come forth in a way that you are able to comprehend whatever your level of awareness of the truth of the Creator. Each person can also interpret the truth of the Creator in different ways, both are appropriate for the individual and do not require any judgment from others.

Sometimes illusions within your reality are beliefs or perspectives that you have built your reality upon and therefore feel supported by the illusions. To see through your illusions can then be a powerful process that alters your reality, perspective, awareness and beliefs completely. This process can occur instantly or over a gradually period of time but ultimately brings greater love, bliss, peace and joy into your reality. Simply connecting with, aligning or understanding the truth of the Creator allows your soul to be awake and vibrant within your being improving the health and vitality of your entire being. The practice of allowing the divine will of your soul and the Creator to flow through your being, emanating the energy outwards with the intention of dissolving all illusions will encourage the Creator to be in action and flow into your entire being and reality with your greater awareness. It is a powerful tool to practice over a period of time purifying and energising your being and reality.

When illusions come evident to you, they can be laughed at or cast aside, with recognition, there is no need to hold on to the illusion but to let it go creating a space for truth to emerge. With more space for truth to blossom within your being you will notice the same is projected into your reality.

Peace will emerge within your reality and many things or situations that acted as a distraction will disperse leaving time to appreciate the truth and presence of the Creator more fully.

While there may always be some form of illusion present that you may be holding onto, this is due to the fact that we move through numerous levels of realisation of the Creator, you may find that recognising illusion becomes easier, as you are recognising that which doesn’t resonate with the divine will of your soul and the Creator.

Moving beyond illusion is an illusion in itself because all that is the truth and will of the Creator already exists within your being with the only need of being recognised and consciously acknowledged by you. When we do move away from attachments to illusions we are then faced with the will, light, love and truth of the divine Creator. Embodiment and expressing of the Creator through your being and reality actually allows you to exist as the truth of the Creator within your being, therefore ensuring your alignment and connection with the Creator while allowing the wisdom of the Creator to unfold through your intuition. In truth when you move beyond illusion you move into acceptance of the divine will of the Creator and your soul.

With this manifestation the possibilities, opportunities and potentials of experiencing the Creator are enhanced tremendously. Not only are you experiencing all that is the Creator within you but also around you.

Gradually guided by your soul you move into oneness with all that is the Creator, a deep and absolute unity which is every growing and present.

Rather than seeking illusion within your reality in order to erase it, you may wish to work with the first ray of light and my energies, Master El Morya, to bring forth a greater realisation and awareness of the divine will of your soul and the Creator within your being and reality. Through recognition of the divine will you will naturally erase illusions often without realising. If illusions are challenged then you will be so in contact and connected to the divine will of the Creator that it will share with you pristine clarity to bring forth illumination and enlightenment upon any situation or belief.

Many illusions are focused upon lack, limitations and fear while the truth of the Creator is often focused upon love, empowerment and expansion.

Even calling upon the first ray of light to surround you with the divine will of the Creator throughout your day will allow for you to recognise the divine will of the Creator within your being as the energy surrounding you acts as a mirror to the vibrations deep within your being. The presence of the divine will of your soul and the Creator will allow for much suffering and pain to be dissolved supporting the manifestation of the Era of Love within your being and reality.

Please know that I, Master El Morya, am here to assist and support you as you move through numerous processes of shifts.

The first ray of light will also offer to you courage to walk as your truth; the divine will of the Creator and your soul upon
the Earth.

Remember that it is not for you to impose your interpretation of the divine will of the Creator and your soul upon others but to allow it to integrate and weave throughout your reality bringing forth greater experiences of the Creator within and
around your being.

In the Divine Will and Love of the Creator,

I am Master El Morya

Through Natalie Glasson

www.omna.org / link to original article
Posted 13th December 2013 by LUZ ZOHAR

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– March 6, 2015 

Posted on Mar 12, 2015
by cosmicgaia
in Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa
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Galactic Federation of Light

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

I bring greetings from the Galactic Forces who follow your progress with great interest, having accompanied you through many lives. However, our involvement with you has never been more intense than it is now, as you approach the end of your experiences in the old paradigm. We have come a long way together, and we admire your determination to stick to your tasks and achieve victory over the dark Ones. The fact that you have effectively already won that battle does not mean you have no further work to do, and the emphasis is now upon maintaining your position in the higher vibrations. They are your future and also protection while you keep focussed on your present role assisting the Light. We have spoken previously about your ability to stand within your own Light, and not be affected by anything going on around you. Now that you have come this far, you have created an aura that is potentially impregnable, but it does depend on you being able to keep it intact. It means not being distracted or mislead by any attempts to divert your attention elsewhere. Keeping calm in the face of situations that are a test of your strength, is the challenge that you face.

Remember that you have come through the trials and tribulations that the 3rd. dimension has thrown at you. You have won the battle yet you still have to lift yourselves up to the higher dimensions. The dark Ones will make their last attempts to distract you but with little effort you should overcome them. By now your awakening should have enabled you to look beyond the programming that has tied you down, to see the deception that has been placed upon you. We tell you again that you are far greater than you imagine or have been led to believe. You are in reality great Beings of Light which you will again be when you merge with your Higher Self. So tell yourself that you have the full potential to be great once more, and nothing is beyond your capabilities. For too long you have laboured under the impression that you are lowly Beings and have suffered in consequence. Now you are beginning to understand why you have been held back through the actions of the dark Ones, but now their power has been diminished and you are regaining yours.

While you are spreading the Light we as always keep a watchful eye on you, and will not allow any interference with your progress that will affect the outcome. We can do much to prevent any attempt to delay or intervene in your work, and often you are unaware of such attempts. Bear in mind that the end times are such that a lot of karma or unfinished work is carried out. Often it is left until this period of time as when you have raised your vibrations, your ability to deal with outstanding issues is that much higher. Do not belittle yourselves as you have immense potential and by projecting such a belief you empower yourselves. The Law of Attraction is powerful and a true reality but works in ways that you may not realise. You must be positive at all times, as a negative attitude will attract more of the same. By making the affirmation that you can do something rather than asking for help to do it, you will advance much quicker. Results may not always happen as quickly as you would like, but will come in good time.

God does not play games with you but there are other Beings that for different reasons will masquerade as God and try to lead you in a different direction. Your intuitive powers should make you suspicious of such entities, particularly if you are enticed by attractive propositions. However, if you have come to terms with your ego you should recognise attempts to mislead you. Until you have fully returned to the Light you will encounter various obstacles on your path at different times. Be alert and know that God and the Higher Beings do not play games with you, and are all Love and you will know them by their Light. You may have been cut off from us, but now that the veils that have hidden the truth are being removed, you will gradually regain full understanding. Be ready to learn the greater truths about yourselves and be ready to take your place amongst us.

Some souls are not yet ready to learn about the truth of your existence or indeed your past history, but that is not going to hold back their progress. They will be guided to a path that will take them forward and lessons will be learnt regardless of how long it takes. This is why we ask you to see the Light in all souls and never prejudge them, as you do not know what challenges they have undertaken. Coming out of the darkness into the Light is a powerful experience and souls doing so need compassion and help to be successful. Have you not been told by the great Teacher Jesus, to be careful who you entertain as you will not know when you are in the company of an Angelic Being. If you treat all people with respect and kindness you will be doing the best you can for them and yourself.

In reality life is not complicated but in your present dimension there is a continuous battle with the lower vibrations. At every turn there is the potential challenge that may catch you off guard, yet if you are strong in your beliefs they cannot cause you any harm. There is only the one great power that is immutable and above all else and that is Love, and all you need to sail through your experiences. Love every soul and if their demeanour is such that you find it repulsive you clearly do not have to strike up a friendship with them. You have a saying “that if you cannot say anything good about someone do not say anything bad” and that is a good way of life. Like will attract like, which you have surely found and you should already have a circle of friends who you are in harmony with.

We of the Galactic Fleets are ready to arrive on Earth within a short time of being given the command. So be assured that there will be no delay on our part once the situation is such that we can safely visit you. We do not want to directly interfere with your progress, but will follow orders given to us for you betterment. Be assured we are here for you and look forward to meeting you in peaceful circumstances.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and represent the Light forces that care for you. I send you Love and best wishes for a successful end to your sojourn.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


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