miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

sharing.:::. How to Dramatically Improve Dark Images in Photoshop (4K) - We the People - MITOCHONDRIA ACTIVATION

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By annamerkaba on April 17, 2015

Greetings everyone! A few days ago I have received an amazing download of information which I would like to share with you today. Before I begin the channeling and show you the new tool that we have received I would like to add a personal note.

I am told by my guides that our Mitochondria is presently being cleansed out. This will continue for roughly another 9 months or so but to help speed it along I was shown a beautiful meditation complete with a mandala and a specific mudra to help us cleanse it out much faster. I am told it is possible to cleanse it and balance it within just 21 days.

Just as the previous tool that I have shared with you about activating your supreme atom, if you’ve missed that channeling please visit my blog at www.SacredAscensionMerkaba.com.

I would also like to point out that all of us here on earth are at different levels of awakening which means that for some of you this may be yesterday’s news, but for others it may be something that you are seeing for the first time. So having said that today I will share the “Mitochondria activation and balancing technique from both Melchizedek and Metatron”.

Why is it important to balance out our Mitochondria? To answer this question I must first remind you what mitochondria is.

According to http://www.umdf.org/ Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouses of the cells. They generate the energy that our cells need to do their jobs. For example, brain cells need a lot of energy to be able to communicate with each other and also to communicate with parts of the body that may be far away, to do this substances need to be transported along the cells, which needs lots of energy. Muscle fibres also need a lot of energy to help us to move, maintain our posture and lift objects.

Goddess Vortex Disc – Is said to cleanse out our DNA, corrects energy flow, reduces EMF damage to our cells, reduces pain and so much more! For more information please see: www.NatalyaAnkh.Myshopify.com

Mitochondria generate chemical energy, similar to the type of energy you get from a battery. Mitochondria are responsible for creating more than 90% of the energy needed by the body to sustain life and support growth. When they fail, less and less energy is generated within the cell. Cell injury and even cell death follow. If this process is repeated throughout the body, whole systems begin to fail.

Misbalance of the mitochondria appear to cause various misbalance to occur within the body causing various damage to cells of the brain, heart, liver, skeletal muscles, kidney and the endocrine and respiratory systems.

Depending on which cells are affected, symptoms of Mitochondria misbalance may include loss of motor control, muscle weakness and pain, gastro-intestinal disorders and swallowing difficulties, poor growth, cardiac disease, liver disease, diabetes, respiratory complications, seizures, visual/hearing problems, lactic acidosis, developmental delays and susceptibility to infection.

Seeing how we are constantly told that we are being upgraded and uplifted and how our DNA is being changed through various light codes as we move through ascension into our crystalline selves, I feel that with this particular meditation and others to follow our bodies are truly being prepared step by step to function on a new frequency. The old energies, influence and interferences are being erased and we proceed into a new state of BEIng.

Thus, balancing out the energy within our mitochondria and strengthening its function through meditation should assist our bodies and help us lead a happier, healthier lives which in turn will assist us in truly connecting to that which we are. This is not to say that this particular meditation will take care of all issues associated with Mitochondria. It is to say that mediation should be used in conjunction with other healing modalities to keep our mitochondria and cells healthy, happy and vibrant. After all everything that we perceive to be in one piece is made out of cells, a chain of cells joint together to form various parts of our bodies. Even our bones, are just cells. That is why taking care of our cells is highly important and when I do healing sessions I am always guided to various remedies to assist our cells in functioning at their best capacities.

Having said this, here is a channeling that I have received in regards to the Mitochondria Meditation that you will see (hear) further below.

“The heavenly abodes of the creator bring forth the music of the ages. The tones of ascension and the music of the ages to have come and gone, are aligning to bring forth the necessary decrees of change and benevolence, benevolence and peace, peace and harmony, harmony and abundance for all of mankind, for all of creation.

For the harmonic tones of ascension, and the beautiful melodies of the creator have indeed reached the earthly shores of your hearts codices. Have indeed ignited the past memories and have indeed proposed all of you to reexamine the past behavior patterns of your ancestors, of whom your DNA has been acquired.

And so and thus, comes a moment in time, when the necessary adjustment of your heavenly bodies have indeed been prepared in order to unify with your presently occupied vessels of time and space, with the vessels of time and space from the dimensional degree of righteousness. Form the dimensional degree of righteousness through the fifth constellation of the divinely aligned accords. Through the fifth constellation of the divinely aligned accords, to deliver a new magnanimous encounter of the fifth dimensional kind.

And so and thus, the heavenly abodes are presenting themselves rapidly to you now and are anchoring the fruitful encounters with that which indeed you are to become. Are allowing you to glimpse into the future whilst clearing the past energies of your chosen momentum.

For the future of your earthly path, shall be fruitful indeed, shall ring true to all the hearts who are here anchoring said energies of the cosmic convergence, anchoring said energies of the cosmic convergence of the heart spectrum of BEing. For thorough the heart spectrum of BEing, comes the benevolent creation of all the intricacies of your desires. For all that you are and all that you are yet to become is already encoded within the spherical understanding of time and space. For you have chosen to walk through the densities of yesteryear to arrive at the chosen momentum of remembrance. Remembrance that indeed you are a mighty powerful being of light and love!

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that the energetic upliftments are coherently manifesting a new era of incredible might, and of incredible proportion. A new era, where your vehicles shall be able to perform a variety of fiestes unknown in eons past, a variety of fiestes and transformations which shall leave your scientist in awe up until a moment in time when they allow said frequencies and information into their own psyche and from therein, they shall be able to decode the messages that all of you are already understanding and are decoding through your heart and through your solar plexus.

The scientific community of the now moment in time shall rapidly approach a cognizant understanding of all the structural components of your DNA, RNA and Mitochondria. And as they do, as they unleash the true understanding of that which is. They shall be able to tap into the interdimensional sources of life, and bring forth the unification of and correction mechanisms necessary to take humanity an octave higher, whereby they shall be able to unlock and explain to the masses that which you already know within your hearts. That which indeed you are experiencing daily. And that is the codes of ascension, the harmonious codes and tones of ascension.

And so, the informational decree that which we bring forth to you now, which has not yet been understood by many on the earthly panes of existence, but indeed is understood by your very own hearts, shall speed up the processes necessary in order to unify your etheric bodies with the present vessel of time and space.

Meditate upon said frequencies trice daily, allowing ample room for contemplation of the images and thoughts that you shall receive through the downloads and adjustment sent into your vessel during said meditation principle. “

HOW LONG TO DO THIS FOR: To clarify spend 5 minutes a day, for the duration of 21 days. With 7 days break in between. So you would do it for one week, stop, and then continue for another 7 days. That is all. You can listen to any music that you like or none at all whilst looking at this encoded picture.

For those of you who do not know, Mudras are positions of the hands and fingers that are held in a specific position which influence your whole body. The Universe is composed of five elements, earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Similarly our body is also a union of five elements which is represented by our five fingers. Hand mudras regulate these five elements in our body. The fingers representing five elements are:

the Thumb for Fire;

the Index (Jupiter finger) for Air;

the Middle (Saturn finger) for Ether or Space;

the Ring (Sun finger) for Earth;

the Pinky (Mercury finger) for Water.

The Mitochondria Mudra – is what I am calling it, as I could not find anything quite like it by searching the internet, is very easy perform. Here is how:

You begin by placing your index finger over your thumb, bringing it down to the root of the thumb

Then take your ring finger and place it on the inside of your thumb, inline with where your nail starts to grow

Then place your middle finger over your ring finger making sure that your thumb and your middle finger touch

Leaving your pinky completely straight, exactly as shown in the picture. I also put together a video for all of you which you can view on my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/annamerkaba

So now that you have the knowhow enjoy this meditation experience and remember awakening is a beautiful experience, albeit frightening at times. If you need any assistance, please visit my blog at www.SacredAscensionMerkaba.com .

Now having said this, here is the actual image that I have received from Melchizedek and Metatron. I have asked a brilliant light worker to help bring this image to light. I am sure though that many of you have already seen similar or identical image elsewhere, however the proportions that see here were coordinated according to specific information that I have received. Once again my gratitude goes out to Steve for assisting me in bringing these images to light. Thank you so very much Steve for your help!

Sending you an avalanche of light, love, abundance, health and joy!

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEILhttps://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Thursday, April 16, 2015
We the People 
--Suzanne lie and Free download of Bob Charles Show


Free download of my great meeting on the

Bob Charles Show

On Book ONE of the Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension

We the People
Suzanne Lie

Hello there, this is Sue Lie,

The Arcturians have been telling me/nagging me to have some presentations that are just me. So I am here to look at the human perspective of ascension. I have channeled the Arcturians to explain to myself, and to others, what the higher perspective is. I am here NOW to explore the human perspective.

I find that it is not too difficult to admit to my human weakness, faults, issues and negative emotions. I can willingly admit the mistakes, fears and challenges of my past, parallel, alternate realities. But the hard part to admit is that I AM Arcturian. Now it catches in my throat. So why is that?

Why is it easier for me, and us, to own our third-dimensional faults than to own our higher-dimensional self? The answer is that, we have been taught to believe that we are ONLY human. But we are not humans.

We are wearing humans.

If you are willing to read or listen to this message, then it is pretty sure that you, too, are wearing a human vessel. You/we KNOW that because we are getting in touch with the higher frequencies of our SELF.

Therefore, we know that we are not JUST our physical body. We remember that we are wearing a physical body. We are our consciousness and our consciousness is multi-dimensional.

Therefore, inside of that one body that we are wearing – we don’t have one consciousness. Inside of our body is a portal to all these different dimensions of expressions of our self. Therefore, as we walk around the daily life, and especially in our sleep, we know that WE are portals. When we open this portal we are ALL the expressions of our Multidimensional SELF within the NOW of that opening.

As we expand our consciousness into higher and higher frequencies of reality, our 3D brain becomes obsolete. We are NOW realizing that we must turn to our multidimensional mind to be able to navigate and understand how to perceive several octaves of reality within the NOW.

With our expanded, increasingly multidimensional perceptions we must remain grounded in unconditional love for it is the only way that we keep above all fear and doubt, as we move into totally uncharted territory.

We also need to keep loving our selves unconditionally in order to fully OWN our higher expression of SELF as US. We need to keep working on loving our self enough to fully own our wisdom, power and love. Being our higher expression of SELF as we live our daily life is a pretty big thing to live up to. Our 3D training tells us to push away our imaginary “higher self” and take care of daily life.

Of course, to the higher self that our ego is telling us to push away, there is not “either/or.” However, our human self, that is the human self we are wearing, want to push away all that metaphysical nonsense and take care of business. But it’s not working for us any more because we know who we are. We know it, inside of us!

However, this is not information that we can go out into the streets and start telling people. Or is it? Therefore, WE are speaking up NOW, even if at first it is just with each other. Because, when we start telling people, we will find that many are having our same experience but they are afraid to speak about it.

What if they are judged? What if it brings the cabal down on us? But, wait! We have our wonderful multidimensional consciousness and higher dimensional perceptions. We can see their aura. We can hear their minds and read their faces. We do not need to identify our SELF to someone who is lost in darkness. But we can send them unconditional love and the Violet Fire.

We can also tell the people who will say, “Wow, I’m having this experience too.” You see, we are not ahead of anybody, and no one is behind us. We’re all in this together. In fact, there is no “ahead of” or “behind” when we are thinking from our own higher frequency of SELF.

If we’re thinking in terms of ahead or behind we are thinking third dimensionally. We need to remember that we can’t perceive what’s really happening if we run it through that 3D brain. We have to bypass our 3D brain and go right from our multi-dimensional mind and into our opened Third Eye and High Heart.

We lovingly remind our 3D brain, “Dear 3D brain, we love you very much and thank you for taking care of the Earth vessel. You’re a great pilot. And we will keep loving you because you are taking all the hits in the lower dimensions. We thank you 3D vessel for feeding, healing and caring for our physical body.”

As soon as we start remembering how it feels inside our bodies, how it feels to start resonating even beyond dreamtime and into our fifth-dimensional resonance, we will begin to clearly remember our realities as Lightbody.

Then when we look down in frequency and see the human person, WE are the ONE we have been channeling. But, NOW we actually ARE that higher person. Our “sense of self,” the “who” we think of as OUR self, totally changes.

Whereas before our human self was our “heart,” but then it will be our “tail.” We may still need our tail keep us to Earth, so that all we have learned, and remembered, about shifting into our higher self, can be grounded into the core of Earth to assist Gaia with Her ascension.

Meanwhile, as we go through this process a lot of unique things are going to start happening, and it’s going to start with our perceptions. More and more we can perceive things that do not fit into the 3D paradigm.

Or, things disappear from our lives, just out of nowhere. It’s nothing important – just things – gone. Then things arrive that are different. Where did that come from? We are thinking, “I’m really losing my memory.”

And yes we are losing our 3D memory, that’s for sure, but what might, and probably is, happening is that we get little glimpses of parallel and alternate realities. Or we actually jump realities. I think we are doing that a lot now. If we’re going down the path and wonder, “Why did I do…?”

Then we call out from a higher awakened self so that we can align with that SELF. Then we see that reality from a higher perspective, which is of very different. Remember we are also still wearing our earth vessel that is walking around on planet Earth. However, now, our Earth vessel is not “US.”

Now, our earth vessel is our grounding cord. It is the way we share our personal experiences with other earth vessels, and it is a way we share our ascension with Gaia. Now we remember why we took this earth vessel to wear. We came into this reality to assist the spirit of Earth, Gaia.

With our higher perceptions, we see Gaia as the being that is so great that she could not just define herself as a human. She had to define herself as an entire planet. And, Gaia is a very brave planet who chose to be a third-dimensional planet.

She allowed Her planet to fall all the way down, and even stayed all the way down in that third/fourth-dimensional frequency. She even allows her pesky humans to live topside, where they are creating untold damage. Gaia is a very courageous planet, and WE are all very courageous for choosing to take an embodiment in this Now. We have chosen to come here NOW to assist our dear Mother Planet.

Our planet is actually our self, for it is made of the very same elements as our physical earth vessel. Those of us who have had myriad incarnations on Gaia, and remembered many of them, are dedicated to assisting Earth. We are very thankful for all the wonderful, and not always wonderful but challenging, and always evolutionary journeys we have had on Gaia’s planet.

When we become our SELF, we realize our own innate wisdom, power and love, which is so expansive that only a planet can hold it. In other words, we become the planet. We have moved beyond our human problems to remember that we came to this planet, not to just ascend our one physical body.

We expanded our multidimensional consciousness all the way down the dimensional frequencies to place our essence into an earth vessel that was to be OUR portal into the body of Gaia. When we connect our own portal into Gaia’s body, we can share ALL of the higher dimensional wisdom, power and love of ALL of our higher expressions of SELF.

Blessings BE dear Gaia. You have given us a format on which we could learn and eventually ascend. NOW it is our honor to share all that we have remembered with our dear Mother Gaia.

We are the Multidimensional People to Earth.


Prepare for the NOW by reading the books:

The Pleiadian Perceptions on Ascension Books

(Note about Book 4)
Book 4 was twice as long as the others,
so we have split into two books so you can better absorb the information.
If your book 4 is 400 pages, you have the old version, so you are good to go
However, if your book book is about 200 pages, please stay tuned for Book 5
which is "Changing Realities."
Thank you so dear readers.

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Posted by Sue at 8:58 AM

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