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Awakening with Suzanne Li
Thursday, June 18, 2015
The Top of the Ladder ~ The Arcturians
Thought forms are the alphabet for Light Language. From the top of the ladder, everything appears different, as reality is no longer limited to the third dimension. From your new perspective, the physical world is something that you observe rather than live.
From the bottom of the ladder, you can only perceive the physical world, but as you climb your “stairway to Heaven” you begin to perceive the same things in a different way.
For one thing you begin to communicate via thought forms rather than individual words. You communicate in this fashion because you can see the energy patterns and thought forms, with your ever-opening Third Eye. These thought forms instigate the “feel” of the message in your High Heart.
Somewhere along your journey up the ladder your Third Eye begins to “tickle,” and your High Heart begins to “hum.” Increasingly, the tickle and hum intermingle to create your constant interaction with all life.
This interaction is initiated with a growing realization that you are NOT alone—EVER. In fact, the term “alone” becomes an outdated term like “buggy whip.” When you no longer used a horse and carriage to take you around your life, you no longer needed a buggy whip.
In the same manner, as separation and polarity leave your perceptions, you no longer have the experience of being alone. When you were in the third dimension, towards the bottom of the “ladder of life,” you went into Nature to be alone.
But as you perceive Nature from the higher rungs of this ladder, you are aware that everything is alive. You know everything is alive because you can perceive the life force.
You can perceive this life force coursing up and down a tree, beaming as the light dancing across the waters, floating through the sky, and hovering over the Earth. You can feel the life force with your every footfall and as you bring it into your body with your every in-breath.
Each in-breath is a conversation with the elements and elementals flowing through your shared atmosphere. In fact, you share all life. Somewhere along your climb up the ladder, you release the concept of ownership because you realize the sovereignty of ALL life.
Nothing is too small or too large to be “alive.” Each raindrop is alive with myriad, living undines (water elementals) that intermingle with the sylphs (air elementals) to dance upon the gnomes (earth elements) and to be absorbed and/or warmed by the light of the salamanders (fire elementals).
These multidimensional elementals, that were once part of a “faery tale” for children, are now your constant companions. These elementals travel over, under, around, and through you. From the lower rungs of your ladder, you could not perceive the elementals, but NOW they are your constant companions.
As a matter of fact, as you journey up the ladder, you are never alone because your entire reality is alive. Every person, place, situation, and thing is alive, inter-active, intermingling, and always open to communicate with you.
You are releasing the burden of third dimensional individuality, polarity, and separation. Love has lost is polar opposite of fear, and fear no longer exists. Fear is based on someone or thing “outside” of you doing you harm. But, from the highest rungs of the ladder, NOTHING is outside you.
From the highest rungs, your reality is filled with glistening, encapsulations of the energy that encompasses all humans, plants, animals, insects etc. There are also energy packages around your thoughts, emotions and the thought forms that are created as your thoughts and emotions merge.
You will often share realities with a life form (remember that all life is sentient) by intermingling your energy packages. For example, you can merge your energy package of a human with the energy package of a tree.
Within this merging you will know everything about the tree, and the tree will know everything about you. This merging is much like two bubbles that are attached to each other. However, the two merged energy packages maintain the integrity of each package while they are merged.
Then, because of their merging, each energy package knows that they are from ONE Source and that they will meet again within that Source. You, too, will meet again with persons, places, situations, and things that you experienced in what you once call “the past.”
However, whenever you try to experience the “past” flowing behind you, it returns to the ever-present NOW. You are moving beyond the illusion of time and into the Flow of the NOW.
In the flow of the NOW, all is ONE.
In the flow of the NOW, all is HERE.
YOU are the flow, and the flow is YOU.
As you flow through the frequency of timeless reality, you experience a strange echo, which is much like echo-navigation. This echo-navigation is your own energy field echoing back to you as it bounces off of all that you perceive.
Some of these timeless bounces are “moments of eternity” in which you merge with that moment to share that reality. We will try to explain in third dimensional language the term “moments of eternity.”
Moments of eternity occur when you decide to merge with a given version of reality to experience a possible, alternate, AND simultaneous reality. Since we are attempting to explain timeless reality via time-bound, 3D language, we must use images and examples.
Therefore, the best way to explain a timeless bounce into “a moment of eternity” is to share it with a story. After all, the truth is best carried in a good story…
Your Story:
As you float through this reality filled with fulfilled hopes and living dreams, you are calm and filled with peace. You do not remember how you got to this place, so you don’t know how to leave. But, as you relax into this environment filled with unconditional love, total peace and unity with all life, you realize that you may never want to leave.
Increasingly, you feel a call from somewhere and/or someone who seems far away, yet also, inside of you. You push that call away, as you move deeply into this amazing experience. You know that you want to find the entrance, but the entrance to what?
You are not sure what you want to enter, or even why. However, something, someplace or someone feels so VERY familiar, like a childhood home that you have rediscovered. Yes, you definitely discovered this place, this time, no not time, as there is NO time here.
You are so accustomed to the concept of time that you filled it into your experience, much as you would cross a “t” or dot an “i.” But, as you settle into this new adventure, you discover that the absence of time is quite pleasing.
The most interesting part of this discovery is that you are NOT shocked by this realization. It is as if there is some part of you that always knew that time was a distraction, an illusion.
Strangely enough, you KNOW that what you are experiencing NOW is not an illusion. According to your third dimensional thinking, it should be an illusion. But, somehow, you know within your heart that this place, this experience, is REAL.
That thought makes you ask, “Hey, where is my heart? In fact, where is my body? This must be one of those dreams where I am the observer. Yes, that is it. I will wake up soon and find my body in my bed, right where I left it. I hope.”
Pushing your concerns aside, you move on with your “dream.” Yes, a dream is a good way to think about this adventure. You always have dreams, so you are NOT frightened, you hope.
“ON with the journey,” you bravely say. That is, what you would say if you had a voice. Somehow, you know that if you did have a voice, it would be squeaking from fear and/or anticipation.
However, you consciously decide to take control of your fears and/or to “be afraid and do it anyway.” As you find the courage to bravely enter the unknown, you feel a warm and centered sensation calmly growing inside your body.
But, wait, you don’t have a body. Oh yes, no problem, you are “just dreaming.”
“NO,” you hear a voice deep inside. “You are NOT dreaming. This is real!”
“What, wait a minute. Who are you and how can this experience be real? I am just asleep having a dream.”
“No,” responds the voice that surrounds you and is inside you. “NOW you are truly awake. Before, in your physical world, you were asleep. When you came here you thought you were dreaming, but actually, you were dreaming there and are awake HERE in the NOW.”
“NO, NO, NO,” you say trying to push away the fear that you feel growing within your bodiless self. As the fear grows, this reality dims to your perceptions, and you feel as though you are falling.
“Wait, wait, I don’t want to leave here yet. I need to know more. Please help me!”
Unexpectedly, you are overwhelmed by the feeling of such deep, unconditional love and total acceptance that you begin to cry, and then you cry harder, and then you sob.
You sob, and sob and sob for the assumed loss of everything that ever happened in this place, this frequency, which you realize you are NOW leaving. You do NOT want to leave here to go there. You want to stay HERE, NOW.
“You are not leaving,” says a voice filled with such unconditional love that you cannot contain it. “You are NOT leaving here and you are not going there. “Here” and “there” are third dimensional terms.
As you release the restrictive thinking of your third dimensional brain, you find a Hereness and Nowness that you never experienced before. In this reality, the terms “experienced” and “before” are outdated and insufficient to describe that which you are “being” within this NOW.
“What am I being?” you cry with your human voice.
“You are being your SELF,” the voice calmly answers.
However, you are not calm. You know you are falling out of this experience.
“NO, NO,” you cry to the voice that you now believe is YOU. “I don’t want to go back. I want to stay HERE in the NOW!”
“Don’t worry,” answers the voice, “You will ALWAYS stay HERE in the NOW. It is just that you will forget that fact once you slip back into your third dimensional consciousness.”
“But how do I remember that when I get back down there?” you cry with a growing sense of desperation.
Suddenly, yet slowly, you begin to feel INSIDE OF YOU all that you have experienced around you. YOU are the HERE, in the NOW, of the calm, the peace, the joy, and the unconditional love.
To your great surprise, you feel the wispy presence of the ONE whom you have been speaking, slip into your form.
“You may leave HERE,” your inner voice whispers, “But I will NEVER leave YOU.”
Slowly you awaken to your physical body, but it is different. You can’t remember how or why your body feels so different. But, you DO remember a kind voice whispering,
Enjoy Session 1 of the Merging with GAIA:
Summer Solstice Chakra Serenade Webinar!
Webinar 3 (*Summer Solstice Serenade Finale)
Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 11 AM Pacific (Local Time)
How will YOU celebrate the energies of the upcoming summer solstice?
Join us as we fully merge with GAIA and flow along the River of Unity.
Planetary Pledge
Full Webinar Series: $49
*Summer Solstice Finale Webinar Only: $15
Webinar Options
Click the "Buy Now" button to register, and you will receive a follow-up email with webinar details. Bonus material (for full series participants) includes a full study guide containing all recorded webinars and material discussed in the blog posts so you have a handy, comprehensive chakra guide!
Questions? Send an email to love@letearthrise.com or suelie@me.com
and we will answer quickly.
All three webinars are included in the full series, and *additional participants are welcome to join the final solstice celebration webinar on its own.
If you are unable to attend live, you are still welcome to register, and the recordings will be shared with registrants.
(Current Multidimensional Leadership Academy Students attend for free!)
Show off your chakra love. Get yourself one of these from my multidimensional store!
Want to learn more about personal and planetary chakras?Check these out:
Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME I PDF)Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME II PDF)
Prefer Paperback? Volume I and Volume II
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 7:12 AM 2 comments:
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Edger Allan Poets New Video
Edgar Allan Poets Debut Provocative New Video “Watch”
Edgar Allan Poets have boldly taken a stand to bring awareness to the plight of the indigenous tribes of America in their aptly titled new single and video, “Watch”. In this video, vocalist Chris Is portrays a cowboy, presumably descended from original colonists, who forcibly invaded the land that would someday become the United States of America.
Throughout this invasion, the homeland, culture, dignity and identity of the native peoples were painfully stripped. Instead of working alongside these people peacefully, respecting their traditions of unity with nature and other human beings, these settlers gave native peoples a choice—either assimilate or face the unthinkable.
Even today, Native American culture is misunderstood by the general population and the people themselves remain tucked away in the isolation of reservations, where pain, suffering and sorrow continue to this day. These people face the challenges of living between two worlds, struggling to preserve their heritage with pride while also adapting to and living with modern American culture as many of us perceive it.
If more people took the time to empathize with this divide between the “modern” and the indigenous, feelings of shame and sorrow would bring forth the need to ask for genuine forgiveness. This emotion is the inspiration behind “Watch” (directed by Chris Is, assisted by Kevin Michael and featuring aerial photography by Bill Jackson). The plot opens with a guilt-ridden cowboy (Chris Is), struggling with the need to offer an apology and seek forgiveness from Native Americans on behalf of those who have wronged them.
In his search for peace of mind, he approaches members of the Paiute Shoshone tribe, who initially express fear by his presence. The unique aspect of this video is that the actors (Ray Rivera, Edward Gallegos and John Velasauez) are in fact Native American, cast with the help of Melissa Carmichael and Saginaw Grant. Grant is a respected and influential Native American motivational speaker, dancer and actor, who appeared in the film The Lone Ranger (2013) as Chief Big Bear.
While the cowboy roams in his grief, he approaches the three men who are performing a ceremonial dance inspired by the Ghost Dance, calling on their ancestors to protect them from the stranger in their midst. Fear and uncertainty on both sides lead to a touching moment, symbolizing a gesture of extended apology and returned forgiveness with hope for the future.
When there is true love and forgiveness, we can “watch” for signs of change for future generations.
Enjoy Session 1 of the Merging with GAIA:
Summer Solstice Chakra Serenade Webinar!
Webinar 3 (*Summer Solstice Serenade Finale)
Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 11 AM Pacific (Local Time)
How will YOU celebrate the energies of the upcoming summer solstice?
Join us as we fully merge with GAIA and flow along the River of Unity.
Planetary Pledge
Full Webinar Series: $49
*Summer Solstice Finale Webinar Only: $15
Webinar Options
Click the "Buy Now" button to register, and you will receive a follow-up email with webinar details. Bonus material (for full series participants) includes a full study guide containing all recorded webinars and material discussed in the blog posts so you have a handy, comprehensive chakra guide!
Questions? Send an email to love@letearthrise.com or suelie@me.com
and we will answer quickly.
All three webinars are included in the full series, and *additional participants are welcome to join the final solstice celebration webinar on its own.
If you are unable to attend live, you are still welcome to register, and the recordings will be shared with registrants.
(Current Multidimensional Leadership Academy Students attend for free!)
Show off your chakra love. Get yourself one of these from my multidimensional store!
Want to learn more about personal and planetary chakras?Check these out:
Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME I PDF)Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME II PDF)
Prefer Paperback? Volume I and Volume II Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:18 PM
* * *
Thursday, June 18, 2015
The Top of the Ladder ~ The Arcturians
Thought forms are the alphabet for Light Language. From the top of the ladder, everything appears different, as reality is no longer limited to the third dimension. From your new perspective, the physical world is something that you observe rather than live.
From the bottom of the ladder, you can only perceive the physical world, but as you climb your “stairway to Heaven” you begin to perceive the same things in a different way.
For one thing you begin to communicate via thought forms rather than individual words. You communicate in this fashion because you can see the energy patterns and thought forms, with your ever-opening Third Eye. These thought forms instigate the “feel” of the message in your High Heart.
Somewhere along your journey up the ladder your Third Eye begins to “tickle,” and your High Heart begins to “hum.” Increasingly, the tickle and hum intermingle to create your constant interaction with all life.
This interaction is initiated with a growing realization that you are NOT alone—EVER. In fact, the term “alone” becomes an outdated term like “buggy whip.” When you no longer used a horse and carriage to take you around your life, you no longer needed a buggy whip.
In the same manner, as separation and polarity leave your perceptions, you no longer have the experience of being alone. When you were in the third dimension, towards the bottom of the “ladder of life,” you went into Nature to be alone.
But as you perceive Nature from the higher rungs of this ladder, you are aware that everything is alive. You know everything is alive because you can perceive the life force.
You can perceive this life force coursing up and down a tree, beaming as the light dancing across the waters, floating through the sky, and hovering over the Earth. You can feel the life force with your every footfall and as you bring it into your body with your every in-breath.
Each in-breath is a conversation with the elements and elementals flowing through your shared atmosphere. In fact, you share all life. Somewhere along your climb up the ladder, you release the concept of ownership because you realize the sovereignty of ALL life.
Nothing is too small or too large to be “alive.” Each raindrop is alive with myriad, living undines (water elementals) that intermingle with the sylphs (air elementals) to dance upon the gnomes (earth elements) and to be absorbed and/or warmed by the light of the salamanders (fire elementals).
These multidimensional elementals, that were once part of a “faery tale” for children, are now your constant companions. These elementals travel over, under, around, and through you. From the lower rungs of your ladder, you could not perceive the elementals, but NOW they are your constant companions.
As a matter of fact, as you journey up the ladder, you are never alone because your entire reality is alive. Every person, place, situation, and thing is alive, inter-active, intermingling, and always open to communicate with you.
You are releasing the burden of third dimensional individuality, polarity, and separation. Love has lost is polar opposite of fear, and fear no longer exists. Fear is based on someone or thing “outside” of you doing you harm. But, from the highest rungs of the ladder, NOTHING is outside you.
From the highest rungs, your reality is filled with glistening, encapsulations of the energy that encompasses all humans, plants, animals, insects etc. There are also energy packages around your thoughts, emotions and the thought forms that are created as your thoughts and emotions merge.
You will often share realities with a life form (remember that all life is sentient) by intermingling your energy packages. For example, you can merge your energy package of a human with the energy package of a tree.
Within this merging you will know everything about the tree, and the tree will know everything about you. This merging is much like two bubbles that are attached to each other. However, the two merged energy packages maintain the integrity of each package while they are merged.
Then, because of their merging, each energy package knows that they are from ONE Source and that they will meet again within that Source. You, too, will meet again with persons, places, situations, and things that you experienced in what you once call “the past.”
However, whenever you try to experience the “past” flowing behind you, it returns to the ever-present NOW. You are moving beyond the illusion of time and into the Flow of the NOW.
In the flow of the NOW, all is ONE.
In the flow of the NOW, all is HERE.
YOU are the flow, and the flow is YOU.
As you flow through the frequency of timeless reality, you experience a strange echo, which is much like echo-navigation. This echo-navigation is your own energy field echoing back to you as it bounces off of all that you perceive.
Some of these timeless bounces are “moments of eternity” in which you merge with that moment to share that reality. We will try to explain in third dimensional language the term “moments of eternity.”
Moments of eternity occur when you decide to merge with a given version of reality to experience a possible, alternate, AND simultaneous reality. Since we are attempting to explain timeless reality via time-bound, 3D language, we must use images and examples.
Therefore, the best way to explain a timeless bounce into “a moment of eternity” is to share it with a story. After all, the truth is best carried in a good story…
Your Story:
As you float through this reality filled with fulfilled hopes and living dreams, you are calm and filled with peace. You do not remember how you got to this place, so you don’t know how to leave. But, as you relax into this environment filled with unconditional love, total peace and unity with all life, you realize that you may never want to leave.
Increasingly, you feel a call from somewhere and/or someone who seems far away, yet also, inside of you. You push that call away, as you move deeply into this amazing experience. You know that you want to find the entrance, but the entrance to what?
You are not sure what you want to enter, or even why. However, something, someplace or someone feels so VERY familiar, like a childhood home that you have rediscovered. Yes, you definitely discovered this place, this time, no not time, as there is NO time here.
You are so accustomed to the concept of time that you filled it into your experience, much as you would cross a “t” or dot an “i.” But, as you settle into this new adventure, you discover that the absence of time is quite pleasing.
The most interesting part of this discovery is that you are NOT shocked by this realization. It is as if there is some part of you that always knew that time was a distraction, an illusion.
Strangely enough, you KNOW that what you are experiencing NOW is not an illusion. According to your third dimensional thinking, it should be an illusion. But, somehow, you know within your heart that this place, this experience, is REAL.
That thought makes you ask, “Hey, where is my heart? In fact, where is my body? This must be one of those dreams where I am the observer. Yes, that is it. I will wake up soon and find my body in my bed, right where I left it. I hope.”
Pushing your concerns aside, you move on with your “dream.” Yes, a dream is a good way to think about this adventure. You always have dreams, so you are NOT frightened, you hope.
“ON with the journey,” you bravely say. That is, what you would say if you had a voice. Somehow, you know that if you did have a voice, it would be squeaking from fear and/or anticipation.
However, you consciously decide to take control of your fears and/or to “be afraid and do it anyway.” As you find the courage to bravely enter the unknown, you feel a warm and centered sensation calmly growing inside your body.
But, wait, you don’t have a body. Oh yes, no problem, you are “just dreaming.”
“NO,” you hear a voice deep inside. “You are NOT dreaming. This is real!”
“What, wait a minute. Who are you and how can this experience be real? I am just asleep having a dream.”
“No,” responds the voice that surrounds you and is inside you. “NOW you are truly awake. Before, in your physical world, you were asleep. When you came here you thought you were dreaming, but actually, you were dreaming there and are awake HERE in the NOW.”
“NO, NO, NO,” you say trying to push away the fear that you feel growing within your bodiless self. As the fear grows, this reality dims to your perceptions, and you feel as though you are falling.
“Wait, wait, I don’t want to leave here yet. I need to know more. Please help me!”
Unexpectedly, you are overwhelmed by the feeling of such deep, unconditional love and total acceptance that you begin to cry, and then you cry harder, and then you sob.
You sob, and sob and sob for the assumed loss of everything that ever happened in this place, this frequency, which you realize you are NOW leaving. You do NOT want to leave here to go there. You want to stay HERE, NOW.
“You are not leaving,” says a voice filled with such unconditional love that you cannot contain it. “You are NOT leaving here and you are not going there. “Here” and “there” are third dimensional terms.
As you release the restrictive thinking of your third dimensional brain, you find a Hereness and Nowness that you never experienced before. In this reality, the terms “experienced” and “before” are outdated and insufficient to describe that which you are “being” within this NOW.
“What am I being?” you cry with your human voice.
“You are being your SELF,” the voice calmly answers.
However, you are not calm. You know you are falling out of this experience.
“NO, NO,” you cry to the voice that you now believe is YOU. “I don’t want to go back. I want to stay HERE in the NOW!”
“Don’t worry,” answers the voice, “You will ALWAYS stay HERE in the NOW. It is just that you will forget that fact once you slip back into your third dimensional consciousness.”
“But how do I remember that when I get back down there?” you cry with a growing sense of desperation.
Suddenly, yet slowly, you begin to feel INSIDE OF YOU all that you have experienced around you. YOU are the HERE, in the NOW, of the calm, the peace, the joy, and the unconditional love.
To your great surprise, you feel the wispy presence of the ONE whom you have been speaking, slip into your form.
“You may leave HERE,” your inner voice whispers, “But I will NEVER leave YOU.”
Slowly you awaken to your physical body, but it is different. You can’t remember how or why your body feels so different. But, you DO remember a kind voice whispering,
Enjoy Session 1 of the Merging with GAIA:
Summer Solstice Chakra Serenade Webinar!
Webinar 3 (*Summer Solstice Serenade Finale)
Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 11 AM Pacific (Local Time)
How will YOU celebrate the energies of the upcoming summer solstice?
Join us as we fully merge with GAIA and flow along the River of Unity.
Planetary Pledge
Full Webinar Series: $49
*Summer Solstice Finale Webinar Only: $15
Webinar Options
Click the "Buy Now" button to register, and you will receive a follow-up email with webinar details. Bonus material (for full series participants) includes a full study guide containing all recorded webinars and material discussed in the blog posts so you have a handy, comprehensive chakra guide!
Questions? Send an email to love@letearthrise.com or suelie@me.com
and we will answer quickly.
All three webinars are included in the full series, and *additional participants are welcome to join the final solstice celebration webinar on its own.
If you are unable to attend live, you are still welcome to register, and the recordings will be shared with registrants.
(Current Multidimensional Leadership Academy Students attend for free!)
Show off your chakra love. Get yourself one of these from my multidimensional store!
Want to learn more about personal and planetary chakras?Check these out:
Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME I PDF)Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME II PDF)
Prefer Paperback? Volume I and Volume II
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 7:12 AM 2 comments:
Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Edger Allan Poets New Video
Edgar Allan Poets Debut Provocative New Video “Watch”
Edgar Allan Poets have boldly taken a stand to bring awareness to the plight of the indigenous tribes of America in their aptly titled new single and video, “Watch”. In this video, vocalist Chris Is portrays a cowboy, presumably descended from original colonists, who forcibly invaded the land that would someday become the United States of America.
Throughout this invasion, the homeland, culture, dignity and identity of the native peoples were painfully stripped. Instead of working alongside these people peacefully, respecting their traditions of unity with nature and other human beings, these settlers gave native peoples a choice—either assimilate or face the unthinkable.
Even today, Native American culture is misunderstood by the general population and the people themselves remain tucked away in the isolation of reservations, where pain, suffering and sorrow continue to this day. These people face the challenges of living between two worlds, struggling to preserve their heritage with pride while also adapting to and living with modern American culture as many of us perceive it.
If more people took the time to empathize with this divide between the “modern” and the indigenous, feelings of shame and sorrow would bring forth the need to ask for genuine forgiveness. This emotion is the inspiration behind “Watch” (directed by Chris Is, assisted by Kevin Michael and featuring aerial photography by Bill Jackson). The plot opens with a guilt-ridden cowboy (Chris Is), struggling with the need to offer an apology and seek forgiveness from Native Americans on behalf of those who have wronged them.
In his search for peace of mind, he approaches members of the Paiute Shoshone tribe, who initially express fear by his presence. The unique aspect of this video is that the actors (Ray Rivera, Edward Gallegos and John Velasauez) are in fact Native American, cast with the help of Melissa Carmichael and Saginaw Grant. Grant is a respected and influential Native American motivational speaker, dancer and actor, who appeared in the film The Lone Ranger (2013) as Chief Big Bear.
While the cowboy roams in his grief, he approaches the three men who are performing a ceremonial dance inspired by the Ghost Dance, calling on their ancestors to protect them from the stranger in their midst. Fear and uncertainty on both sides lead to a touching moment, symbolizing a gesture of extended apology and returned forgiveness with hope for the future.
When there is true love and forgiveness, we can “watch” for signs of change for future generations.
Enjoy Session 1 of the Merging with GAIA:
Summer Solstice Chakra Serenade Webinar!
Webinar 3 (*Summer Solstice Serenade Finale)
Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 11 AM Pacific (Local Time)
How will YOU celebrate the energies of the upcoming summer solstice?
Join us as we fully merge with GAIA and flow along the River of Unity.
Planetary Pledge
Full Webinar Series: $49
*Summer Solstice Finale Webinar Only: $15
Webinar Options
Click the "Buy Now" button to register, and you will receive a follow-up email with webinar details. Bonus material (for full series participants) includes a full study guide containing all recorded webinars and material discussed in the blog posts so you have a handy, comprehensive chakra guide!
Questions? Send an email to love@letearthrise.com or suelie@me.com
and we will answer quickly.
All three webinars are included in the full series, and *additional participants are welcome to join the final solstice celebration webinar on its own.
If you are unable to attend live, you are still welcome to register, and the recordings will be shared with registrants.
(Current Multidimensional Leadership Academy Students attend for free!)
Show off your chakra love. Get yourself one of these from my multidimensional store!
Want to learn more about personal and planetary chakras?Check these out:
Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME I PDF)Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME II PDF)
Prefer Paperback? Volume I and Volume II Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:18 PM
* * *
SELACIA - Grand Cross Revisited - Taking the Pulse
by Selacia
This week marks a year since the Grand Cross, a rare pivotal moment when cosmic forces catalyzed an accelerated awakening across the planet. With numerous energy bumps since then, and the recent expansive New Moon, last April may seem like a distant memory. There is purpose, however, for revisiting this and having the larger picture of where we are.
Taking the Pulse
Life today is so fast and changeable; it's easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the long view. What's needed is to regularly take the pulse of our progress. As we do, we can appreciate positive changes and identify incremental shifts that will take longer to fully manifest.
Looking back on things decades from now, society will grasp just how pivotal this cycle in history is for humanity's future. Change, of course, is a constant regardless of when we live. What will define these moments is the magnitude of far-reaching changes in how we view and adapt to our ever-shifting landscape.
We've reached a critical mass point at which we stand face-to-face with effects of our collective power as a species, our unprecedented population, and a growing list of imbalances. This means our decisions, individually and collectively, have a big impact on what happens next. More about the energies of these moments, general predictions for 2015, and cycles like the Grand Cross are in the Articles Archive on my website.
The important thing for right now is to stay awake to ourselves, each other, and our role. As divine changemakers, we are at the helm of our planet's changemaking. We are hard-wired to be involved in a personal way. It's natural for us to care - about humanity's spiritual progression and about our own. We intuitively seek to understand ourselves and to become more loving and whole.
Your Personal Challenges
On days when you feel challenged, remember the bigger picture of your life's purpose and your growth over time. Be honest with yourself. Give yourself credit for waking up from your ordinary life and taking heroic steps to address limiting conditioning.
Remember: what you learned and experienced is not you. At your core, you are divine and full of light.
It is your divine spark that nudges you forward regardless of challenges. It is fearless about change, having the eternal view.
Your human personality self is conditioned in an opposite way - to fear and resist change. Much of the resistance is so unconscious, you don't see it directly. It's common to resist all sorts of changes - including the ones you think you want as well as those that unfold without your invitation.
Pinpointing Resistance, Finding Passion
How can you tell when you are resisting change? One method is with a back-door approach of inner questioning. With this technique you are making the assumption you may be in resistance and you invite your inner wisdom to confirm whether this is so and why. You want to find out if all parts of you - including your unconscious - are on board with a change.
To effectively work with change and create in positive ways, you need to pinpoint and work through resistance energy as it arises. If your resistance stems from past life conditioning, impacting you in the now, you want to know that and clear it at a DNA level.
If your resistance is more about rebellion against an authority figure who wants you to do something, address your rebellion and discover your own reasons for making the change.
With enough personal passion and persistence, the change will be easier and more fun to implement.
Next Steps
Right now is a powerful time to invite and implement creative solutions to blocks and unresolved issues. Go easy on yourself as you explore what's in the way of your success and joy. Invite spirit to reveal insights hidden from your conscious mind. Be flexible and allowing as you move into unknown territories.
If you connected with a new opportunity during the recent New Moon, use this week's potent energies to take a meaningful action on that opening.
Trust that you are supported by the universe and spirit.
Copyright 2015 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.
Posted 21st April by Shanti Zohar
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by Selacia
This week marks a year since the Grand Cross, a rare pivotal moment when cosmic forces catalyzed an accelerated awakening across the planet. With numerous energy bumps since then, and the recent expansive New Moon, last April may seem like a distant memory. There is purpose, however, for revisiting this and having the larger picture of where we are.
Taking the Pulse
Life today is so fast and changeable; it's easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the long view. What's needed is to regularly take the pulse of our progress. As we do, we can appreciate positive changes and identify incremental shifts that will take longer to fully manifest.
Looking back on things decades from now, society will grasp just how pivotal this cycle in history is for humanity's future. Change, of course, is a constant regardless of when we live. What will define these moments is the magnitude of far-reaching changes in how we view and adapt to our ever-shifting landscape.
We've reached a critical mass point at which we stand face-to-face with effects of our collective power as a species, our unprecedented population, and a growing list of imbalances. This means our decisions, individually and collectively, have a big impact on what happens next. More about the energies of these moments, general predictions for 2015, and cycles like the Grand Cross are in the Articles Archive on my website.
The important thing for right now is to stay awake to ourselves, each other, and our role. As divine changemakers, we are at the helm of our planet's changemaking. We are hard-wired to be involved in a personal way. It's natural for us to care - about humanity's spiritual progression and about our own. We intuitively seek to understand ourselves and to become more loving and whole.
Your Personal Challenges
On days when you feel challenged, remember the bigger picture of your life's purpose and your growth over time. Be honest with yourself. Give yourself credit for waking up from your ordinary life and taking heroic steps to address limiting conditioning.
Remember: what you learned and experienced is not you. At your core, you are divine and full of light.
It is your divine spark that nudges you forward regardless of challenges. It is fearless about change, having the eternal view.
Your human personality self is conditioned in an opposite way - to fear and resist change. Much of the resistance is so unconscious, you don't see it directly. It's common to resist all sorts of changes - including the ones you think you want as well as those that unfold without your invitation.
Pinpointing Resistance, Finding Passion
How can you tell when you are resisting change? One method is with a back-door approach of inner questioning. With this technique you are making the assumption you may be in resistance and you invite your inner wisdom to confirm whether this is so and why. You want to find out if all parts of you - including your unconscious - are on board with a change.
To effectively work with change and create in positive ways, you need to pinpoint and work through resistance energy as it arises. If your resistance stems from past life conditioning, impacting you in the now, you want to know that and clear it at a DNA level.
If your resistance is more about rebellion against an authority figure who wants you to do something, address your rebellion and discover your own reasons for making the change.
With enough personal passion and persistence, the change will be easier and more fun to implement.
Next Steps
Right now is a powerful time to invite and implement creative solutions to blocks and unresolved issues. Go easy on yourself as you explore what's in the way of your success and joy. Invite spirit to reveal insights hidden from your conscious mind. Be flexible and allowing as you move into unknown territories.
If you connected with a new opportunity during the recent New Moon, use this week's potent energies to take a meaningful action on that opening.
Trust that you are supported by the universe and spirit.
Copyright 2015 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.
Posted 21st April by Shanti Zohar
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