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There is so much going on right now, on so many levels that is almost impossible to not be grateful for being alive during these incredible times. On a more subtle energetic level, it feels like we are getting ready to wrap up the last adjustments needed to move on to the next cycle. May was full of constant surprises, new beginnings and massive shifts on very deep levels. Now get ready for more.
At the end of this monthly cycle, some of us are experiencing deep body cleansing/detox that goes hand in hand with releasing some dramas and traumas very deeply ingrained in the cellular memory for the past millenia, as well as breaking patterns that we have constantly repeated life after life on the dualistic earth. Know that everything that you’ve experienced so far in the grand illusion was by choice and has been designed entirely by You. We are the ones who have chosen to experience duality on Earth, play a little bit in the illusion and grow spiritually from it. This truth and the awareness of it alone, is liberating and it will help you dissolve that which you no longer want in your reality.
If you are experiencing unusual dream patterns, nightmares, fears coming up or any other weird emotional or mental states, know that it is perfectly normal and part of the process, however try not to stay in that place for too long, let go and move on. You are not the only one experiencing this. Feel whatever needs to be felt, constantly let go of that which no longer serves you and face your shadows, even if it’s probably one of the most uncomfortable places we can be. But, the only way “up” is through.
Transmuters, the things I’ve mentioned above, part of them will probably come from the collective. Do not hold onto them and do not attach yourselves to these experiences in any way, for you are not your experiences, you are far greater than that. Be the detached observers of yourselves. At the same time, it is good to have in your awareness that fact that if you have picked up on some of the collective stuff, it means you probably have something to learn as well, in the process of transforming it.
If you have chosen to absorb some of the collective lower vibrational energy, use your intuition, abilities and skills to transform the energy for you are more than capable to do that in a snap of a finger. It is also highly recommended to invoke the Violet Flame of Transmutation. I wrote an article this week on How To Transform Energy Simply and Effectively , you can click on it, if you feel guided to do so.
All this deep releasing we’re undergoing at the end of this month is needed to make more room for the many upgrades, Light downloads and integrations that June has in store for us. We are becoming Cosmic! Better said, we are remembering and returning to our cosmic nature. Multi-dimensional experiences are and will be more and more part of our day to day “ordinary” life.
In June, as a result of more DNA activations, a greater number of people will experience new awakenings and more remembrance related to our galactic lineage. We will start integrating and merging with our galactic aspects of self and that will inevitably bring more expansion within ourselves as the new humans. Be open and have no expectations related to this process, simply be aware and know that it is happening at the pace that is best for you and the way it is best for you. Many of the forerunners have already started going through this process, yet now a lot more will begin, which will result in a significant shift in the collective consciousness. Unity Consciousness is becoming stronger within people and it will continue to be so, until it becomes impossible to be ignored, only embraced.
As we release more of the “density” I have talked about at the beginning of the article, our Light body will be upgraded as well. This is for us to be able to hold more light, literally. At the same time, with these upgrades our skills and abilities are expanding and people who are flowing in Unity Consciousness will find heightened telepathy very common these days.
All this will result in the transcendence of our human beingness and what we know about us, as humans beings right now, will expand as we become the new galactic humans. It’s all in our DNA already, the galactic human blueprint has been activated and more activations are to come.
Have a blissful day and thank you for reading!
Love and Light,
~☜ ❤
Posted 3rd June by Juan Pablo
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