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We welcome you Dear Ones!
We are Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus, Twin Flames of the Highest Ray of Consciousness.
This is a time of balance. The masculine and feminine Rays of Light and Love are moving into unison. This means a balance will occur between your Inner and Outer Self. Inside of you there are strong forces moving to push you into snap decisions. Be patient Dear Ones! Look at your life through the eyes of your heart. Use your Higher Intuition before you make a decision. Feel what you want rather than thinking about it.
All thinking at this time on Earth is influenced by a strong tendency from your old habits. Be wise and tune in to what you really need for your future. The future is in your heart not your mind. Seek your Inner Wisdom and choose the best path. Your logic will fail you and must be replaced by the tendencies of the heart. The heart is your only guide to discovering what will make you happy. Only Love can tell you the answers you seek.
Love is not an emotional expression. It is a peaceful feeling of Knowingness. Love is not dramatic. It is a gentle breeze that refreshes you and guides you in tiny steps not big ones. Avoid all drama during these times and center your self. Trust that the universe is sending you signs to guide each step that you take. Look for the signs and trust the universe. The Light of Wisdom is shining brightest in your heart. It gives you a warm feeling that you are taken care of and reminds you that you are not alone. We are with you now and forever.
We are Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus. We dwell inside your heart. When your heart moves, we move with you. When you make a choice, feel peace first and then ask: “What is my best opportunity?” Then wait for a sign to verify your answer. Be patient Dear Ones! The sign will come today not tomorrow. The sign will come from the universe not your mind.
Look for the sign and it will appear. Truth never comes quickly. Truth comes in a natural way floating in the sky or moving in the wind. The answer you seek will be found when Nature moves to give it to you. Be Patient Dear Ones! Trust the universe will bring it to you when you are quietly enjoying your own Inner Feeling of Love. Put aside all anxiety and all thoughts that you must have the answer that satisfies your mind. If it is True, it will satisfy your heart with a warm feeling of well-being and knowingness. We are with you! We guide the heart not the mind. Bless you!
Posted 21st August by ATMAN
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