viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

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Carl Jung:

” One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”

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The Cosmic Dancer

It’s dark because you are trying too hard.

Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly.

Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply.

Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.

Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice ever given me.

So throw away your baggage and go forward.

There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet,

trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair.

That’s why you must walk so lightly.

Lightly my darling.

~ Aldous Huxley

Posted 30th December 2015 by ATMAN

Carl Jung:

” One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”

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Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 30th December 2015 – Original Source Sacred of OmNa

Welcome to a new shift of awakening upon the Earth and within your being, this is a time of profound shifts which you have been preparing for since 2012. The Era of Love will more fully manifest from your being and into the Earth in 2016 for your greater experience. Know that the love you feel within your heart and soul will intensify becoming a powerful force moving throughout your being and influencing your physical reality. This is due to the preparations you have made especially the releasing of fears and energy patterns in 2015, however it is also due to the Earth now being of an appropriate frequency to create a powerful alignment with the planet and civilisation of Venus.

The Earth has increased its energetic vibration due to your devotion to emanating and expressing the light, love and truth of the Creator. Mother Earth is preparing herself to align her soul with the core soul of Venus to experience an infusion, and love codes exchange to further support the presence of love upon the Earth. Throughout the entire year of 2016 Mother Earth and the core soul of the planet Venus will enthuse their energies and merge their love to support the strengthening of Earth’s love vibration. This may also signify that, we, Beings from Venus, will be more influential and present with you during this cycle upon the Earth. You may notice new guides entering your community of guides of Venus origin to support and instigate powerful shifts of love within your being. You will recognise us as we will come to you emanating love which will appear to you as tremendousl y beautiful. Please accept our presence we have a great deal of wisdom, insights and information to share with you concerning creating a reality of love within your being and reality as well as supporting others upon the Earth in achieving the same. Our wisdom, as will our light, fill the Earth and humanity creating blessings of love. It is not our purpose to overpower the Earth or humanity, we have been called forth by the Creator to support the next shift in ascension, especially during the cycle of 2016. Our love is gentle, inspiring and immensely healing, it is the grace of our love which we share with you to empower your own love source within.

We, beings from Venus, will appear to many in our energetic forms to bring forth personal healings born from love with the purpose of instigating love in abundance within you. Our healing because it is born from love is very powerful against the grip of negativity, blockages or fears within your being offering an experience of release and freedom.

‘Beings from Venus, I wish to request a personal healing with you to promote the strengthening of my love, erasing of fear, negativity and blockages as well as the embodiment of love within my being. Support me in experiencing a beautiful loving healing with you so I may recognise myself existing more fully as a beacon and expression of love in my everyday life. I am open to receive your loving healing now or when it is divinely appropriate. Thank you.’

One being of Venus may come forth to you or many. We have numerous members of our civilisation assigned to achieving personal healing treatments for those who wish to receive upon the Earth. Please know you may invite these healers from Venus as many times as you feel is appropriate. The atmosphere and your being will fill with love; this is how you will know we are present with you.

We also have members of our civilisation assigned to distributing the wisdom and consciousness of love from Venus so many of you may feel inspired to connect with these beings or invite them forth to anchor a download of Venus Love Consciousness into your mind, brain and mental body to support your shift into love; the embodiment, expression and emanation of love.

‘Beings from Venus, I wish to request a personal love consciousness infusion treatment from a member of your civilisation who holds the most appropriate love consciousness for me to absorb into my mind, brain and mental body to aid my ascension upon the Earth. I am ready to receive and ready to align my consciousness and perspective with the love of my soul and the love consciousness of Venus. Please help me to see, sense and acknowledge as a being of love, from a space of love within me, viewing the truth of love all around me. I am ready for love, I am love. Thank you.’

Again one or more members of the Venus civilisation will draw forth filling your being and the atmosphere around you in love, projecting their energy into your mind, mental body and brain over a period of time appropriate for you to aid the infusion of Venus Love Consciousness.

Whether you choose to personally commune with our energies or not our love will be present flowing throughout all, with the purpose of enhancing the presence of love. This can also become a purpose which you may choose to accept for 2016, simply allow yourself to focus upon enhancing the presence of love whether within or around you. Inspiration of how to achieve this will flow to you allowing you to experience your influence in amplifying love upon the Earth.

The greatest question which has been asked to you many times and yet its importance is immense, ‘Are you ready to receive love and are you ready to be love?’ Your answer and the response of humanity to this questions determines the shifts and transformations to move into love upon the Earth that we can support. The more you can answer with a deep seated knowingness within you that you are ready to receive and be love, the more we will able to support miraculous shifts born from love within you. You may also wish to ask your soul as you breathe deeply, ‘How can I more fully open up to love?’ This practice offers your soul the opportunity to inspire you of areas to focus upon concerning your acceptance of love. Holding the intention of being ready to receive and become love in your everyday reality even if you do not truly believe it will allow for us to work clo ser and closer with you as the cycle of the year continues forth.

With the presence of our love amplifying all forms of love you may notice a greater internal presence of love continually strengthening within you. We wish for you to also be accepting and aware that with an amplification of love this will continue to instigate deep and profound clearings from within your being each time you allow yourself to embody a new vibration of love. This is natural as the love and light of the Creator always brings that which is not born of love and light to the surface to be released and healed. The release of fears and healing process will lessen as your vibration of love reaches a high vibration which it will towards the end of 2016.

You may wish to ask your soul in quiet time, ‘What is the love percentage of my entire being?’ Meaning how much love do you embody. If this is documented, you can continue to be observant of your love percentage throughout the year so that you can follow the journey of your Love Ascension in 2016.

It is in and with a profound volume of love that we, Beings of Venus, approach the Earth and align with your being. We are present in service to you so please allow us to support your soul in the coming months.

Your Love Ascension is now,

Beings of Venus

Capsule of Wisdom


Expansion and Transformation

of Your Throat Chakra

To aid the expression of the

Creator through your being

Channelled from Mother Mary

15th December 2015

Mother Mary comes forth to guide you in Capsule of Wisdom No 108, lovingly she shares numerous techniques to focus your attention on accelerating your ascension in the coming weeks and preparing for a new year cycle. Mother Mary lovingly guides you in a meditation to support the expansion of your throat chakra with the purpose of aiding and developing your expression of the Creator in your physical reality. This is a beautiful healing for your entire being as well as your throat chakra as Mother Mary anchors three templates of light into your throat chakra to aid its transformation.

Mother Mary’s supportive and caring nature is truly expressed through her channelling, I feel her insights and numerous techniques or areas to focus upon in your spiritual practices are truly aligned with the current vibrations and shifts of ascension. Not only does Mother Mary encourage the transformation of your throat chakra into a new frequency, she supports a deep seated sense of freedom within your heart chakra. This is an opening to allow you to explore your expression of the Creator in your physical form.

I do hope you enjoy,

Many blessings,


Download Now

View Past Capsules of Wisdom

New Webinar Series for January 2016

Earth’s Alignment with Venus

Creation of the Planet Love and embodiment of love consciousness

With the Andromedans

Venus is known as the planet of love, meaning that the beings of Venus hold a high frequency and strong vibration of love, greater than other civilisations and planets. The purpose of the Earth with the support of humanity in the future is to become a planet of love similar to that of Venus. Beings upon Venus are now stepping forth to support a down pour of love into the Earth and to align the Earth with Venus to aid a transformation of love for Mother Earth and all of humanity. The Andromedans come forth to support, guide and oversee this powerful resonance, alignment and merging of the energies and consciousness of Earth with Venus to create healing, a boost of love for all to experience and expressions of wisdom.

This is a powerful activation and alignment to begin to 2016, bringing great streams of love and light to the Earth and your own consciousness. Creating a momentum of love to continue throughout your reality in 2016. There will be opportunity to assist the alignment of Earth with Venus, the merging of the Earth with the Venusian love vibration, to experience the energies and healing of Venus, to anchor potent love into the Earth and to aid your own embodiment of love.

Book Your Online Place Now

Posted 31st December 2015 by ATMAN

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