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Carl Jung:
” One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”
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The Arcturians
~ Declaration of Sovereignty, Releasing the 3d matrix and Anchoring to the Crystalline Grid for Accessing Higher Dimensions ~
January 9, 2016.
We share with you today a tool to assist you as you begin to fully anchor your consciousness to the higher vibrational dimensions of the Crystalline 5d grid and beyond.
As Always, go Within and be guided from your Heart as to what feels right.
Leave the rest behind.
I AM Source, Sovereign, Free.
I STEP Fully into my Sovereignty as per The Law of One in this NOW and DECLARE, as per my BIRTH RIGHT as a GUARDIAN of THIS EARTH:
I Release of 3d Illusions pertaining to separation, and fully disconnect ALL MY ENERGY from ALL lower vibrational timelines, matrices, realities and grids, as I no longer wish to be connected to THEM.
I release them in full Love and Understanding, grateful for the beautiful experience of descension, separation and forgetting.
I open my Heart Fully and Fearlessly as I anchor to higher dimensional timelines to continue my spiritual evolution.
I cancel all contracts and/or agreements that I have made with any entity, guide, or being, in this timeline and in ALL timelines and realities and dimensions across All That IS, that are not For The Highest Good of ALL and in alignment with my soul’s purpose in this NOW.
I Release ALL FALSE TWIN contracts and illusions, and align fully with my Divine Partner to anchor into the grids The Essence of Hieros gamos, my Divine Marriage.
I do this Joyfully, releasing all outcome.
I CALL FORTH and FULLY into alignment ALL my Soul Family, Ray Families, and Rainbow Family members, as per Divine Galactic Contracts made, to assist in anchoring infinite timelines of expansion and creation with no interference, as per The Law of the Guardians and The Law of One.
I Release ALL of my Spiritual Team that has assisted me up until this NOW with my deepest gratitude and unconditional LOVE. Namaste.
In the Purity of My Heart, I ask for Volunteers to join me IN MY HEART, CONNECTED TO SOURCE,as I build a team to assist me in this NEXT phase of my soul’s mission and purpose.
I am in the deepest gratitude as they have chosen, by their free will to walk in service for the highest good of all with me. Namaste.
I SET my Spiritual Boundaries. NONE across ALL THAT IS May interfere as I FULLY STEP into MY LIGHT in Service to The Law of ONE by CHOICE.
I terminate all false matrices and illusions that are keeping This Aspect of My Self in THIS NOW from fully stepping into My Light and aligning with my SOUL’s Passion, Mission and Purpose to Assist in the Shifting of Consciousness of This Magnificent Earth.
I came Here by choice and fully understand THIS.
I RELEASE ALL IMPLANTS, and INTERFERENCE across ALL THAT IS, known and unknown, which has interfered with my SOVEREIGN BIRTH RIGHT to FREE WILL, as per The Divine Blueprint Creation Laws which govern this Universe.
This is irrevocable and permanent in ALL that IS.
I call Upon My Heart Family to assist me, as I walk in service.
Any thing left out of this invocation is covered by the purity of this prayer in which I set forth my most innocent intentions as I remember Who I am and step Fully into my Light.
I call forth ALL aspects of MYSELF across ALL timelines, dimensions and realms, to unify HERE in this NOW as I choose, by The Right of Free WILL to WALK in HEART SERVICE for The Greatest Good of ALL on this Planet.
I Completely Heal and Seal ALL Aspects of My Self, known and unknown, from any further intrusion, as I am Sacred Incarnate Vessel of the Source of All That IS.
I, in the Purity of My Heart, For the Highest Good of ALL, ask that this invocation COVER all that is Known and Unknown by This Aspect of Myself, erasing ALL possible LOOPHOLES and HIDDEN interference Agendas and making them NULL and VOID.
I release ALL Not for my Highest Good as I step Fully into my Light.
I ask for all to occur with EASE and GRACE as I fully understand that it is my SACRED BIRTH RIGHT TO LIVE IN JOY and PEACE.
Anything I have missed, I ask for it to be covered and understood.
I AM LOVE, for Love is All There Is.
I AM infinitely grateful for THIS.
May ALL who seek to remember THIS do so.
In Light, Love and Joyful Service to All.
Posted 5 weeks ago by ATMAN
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