sábado, 15 de julio de 2017


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Carl Jung:

 ” One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”

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Thursday, July 28, 2016
Chapter Eighteen--Preparing For First Contact--The Inner Stairway--Pleiadians through Sue Lie



By the Pleiadians—Through Suzanne Lie

The Inner Stairway Home

Sharman here. I have returned from my last visit to Earth as a “normal human.” I have learned a lot and wanted to share with you what I have discovered. Of course, many of you on Earth are familiar with what I will say.

However, I am hoping that my perception of your current reality may, in some manner, assist you with the many challenges that you are currently facing in your third/fourth dimensional versions of reality.

There are massive changes taking place within the body of dear Gaia, as well as within the hearts and minds of many of Her humans. On the other hand, there are many other humans who appear to be going backwards into fears, lies, and deceit, rather than forward into unconditional love and cosmic truth.

It is quite common for a reality on the cusp of transmutation to experience this dualistic form of reality. What is occurring is that the inhabitants of Gaia are deciding if they are ready to look deep within to clear their OWN old fears.

Once their own fears are consciously acknowledged and forgiven, they can better welcome the new versions of reality that are based on love and unity. During this energetic transition into the next octave of your consciousness, your “primary version of reality” will shift from day to day.

Sometimes your reality will feel this shift many times a day, or even an hour. Many times there will be myriad “visions of other realities” flying through your awareness faster than you can interpret. Therefore, you will need to remember to go into your “Inner Space.”

Those who are not ready to make that shift into the next Octave of Consciousness and Octave of Reality are becoming aware of that fact. On the other hand, those who are ready for the transition are moving deeper and deeper into the “feeling” of the next octave of resonance.

As you continue your journey, you will find that your external reality is an expression of your own inner reality. Because you have chosen to be among the “pioneers” to this fifth dimensional collective reality, you have also placed your self on the “path of ascension.”

Many of your third and fourth dimensional realities on Earth are based on finding your individuality, while you also had to learn how to co-operate with each other on a very diverse planet. In this manner, you have learned from your experiences, and are ready to move into the HERE and NOW of the fifth dimension.

Fifth dimensional Earth is a very special reality because it is created by the collective of those who have centered their life on assisting with Planetary Ascension. You all have different faces, names and live in very diverse cultures and collective expressions of reality.

As you move into this octave shift, your consciousness will peek into, and out of, the fifth dimensional NOW. Via this “peek,” you will realize that you are leaving “life as you have known it in ALL of your physical incarnations.”

You are among the “Openers” who have taken many incarnations on Gaia to prepare others to move into the next “octave of reality.” The first dimension is an “octave of reality. The second dimension is an “octave of reality.” The third/fourth dimension is an “octave of reality,” and the fifth dimension is much like a “Master Octave.”

A Master Octave is one in which you will move into a totally different Operating System. You all initiated your own journey in the higher dimensions, and each of you have stories of how you stepped down your frequency enough to occupy your third dimensional vessel. When I, Sharman, first entered a physical vessel, it felt like I had hit a rock.

You, the “Openers,” have volunteered to:
Remember your higher expression of SELF,
Consciously connect with that resonance of your Multidimensional SELF and
Open fifth dimensional portals of Light
As you, also, ground them in the core of Gaia.

What you are actually “opening” is the frequency portals that flow between Gaia’s higher dimensional expressions and into the core of Her third dimensional planet. As you give this service to Gaia, you will be giving yourself that same experience.

You are ready for the “octave jump” from your first through fourth dimensional operating system of “time and space” into the fifth dimensional operating system of “here and now.” You feel this shift in resonance by experiencing a knowing that something, and you may not know what, is greatly changing.

You may not exactly understand what is changing or how it will change, but many of you are prepared to follow that flow of the ever-expanding shifts into higher and higher frequencies of resonance.

Some of you have not yet realized that you are multidimensional beings, yet you are still determined to expand your consciousness beyond the brewing storm of chaos that precedes all change.

You, the brave portal openers, are prepared to fully experience the mounting chaos that always accompanies a shift in frequency, such as the transition that Gaia is now experiencing.

Therefore, I wish to assist you to retrace your journey from your Higher SELF and into the earth vessel that you are now wearing. Please remember that you are going “back to the beginning to find exactly where you are NOW.”

As you go through this process, you will begin remembering your own, personal “Inner Stairway.” This stairway is not made of wood, bricks, stone, or any other physical matter. This stairway is built of your OWN states of consciousness.

You took this Inner Stairway every time you were born and every time you returned to your higher dimensional self.

This “Inner Stairway” begins at the top of the stairway when you began your long journey down into BIRTH…

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