viernes, 21 de julio de 2017


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Photoshop CS6: How to Make an Editable TEXT Portrait from a Photo. - YouTube

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Photoshop: How to Make Great Falling Snow - YouTube

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Carl Jung:

“Don’t hold on to someone who’s leaving, otherwise you won’t meet the one who’s coming.”

Carl C Jung

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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A PEEK INTO THE FIFTH DIMENSION by The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

8-10 16


By The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Within this NOW you are not fully in your third/fourth dimensional body. Nor are you fully in your fifth dimensional body. This is not because you did something wrong, but because you are a prototype.

A prototype is defined as: “An original or first model from which other forms are copied or developed.” Hence, your transmutation into your Lightbody SELF is an early example that will be used as a model for what comes later.

In fact, you (if you have volunteered before this incarnation) are someone who has offered to “test the equipment” for transmuting your third/fourth dimensional Earth vessel into your fifth dimensional Light vessel.

To complete your process, you will be called on to release your third and fourth dimensional manner of thinking before your fifth dimensional brain is fully online. For this NOW, we suggest that you focus primarily on the third dimension as your baseline and the fifth dimension as where YOU go, but do not live yet.

What we mean by the above statement is that you remain fully grounded, eat the right foods, exercise your body, and get a “spotter.” A Spotter is someone close to you who can keep track of you without having any judgment or fear. Some people may be afraid of your changes and will judge you because they are frightened. Hence, it is best to focus on the third dimension as your baseline.

The fifth dimension is where you resonate within the operating system of the NOW of the ONE, which is quite a different experience than resonating to third dimensional “Time and Space.” Your “earth vessel” cannot resonate to the fifth dimension, so your “peeks into the fifth dimension” will be via your fifth dimensional states of consciousness.

More about states of consciousness at:


When your consciousness has expanded to include the resonance of the fifth dimension, your thoughts and emotions will resonate to a sense of purity and innocence that is difficult to maintain in your third/fourth dimensional life.

You may wish to experience this reality, but you can only do so when your emotions resonate with your High Heart, your thinking resonates with your Multidimensional Mind, and your High Heart and Multidimensional Mind are calibrated to each other.

Your High Heart and Multidimensional Mind are the interface between your third/fourth and your fifth dimensional expressions of SELF. The Unconditional Love of your High Heart is not just an emotion. Unconditional love is a frequency of resonance in which unity and trust are natural and constant. This resonance is of the fifth dimensional frequency and beyond.

In the same manner, multidimensional thinking can best occur when your High Heart and Multidimensional Mind are connected. Multidimensional Thinking resonates to the frequency of Unconditional love, and both sensations are fifth dimensional.

Therefore, whenever you experience the NOW of Unconditional Love and/or Multidimensional Thinking, you are “peeking into the fifth dimension.”

Many of you are experiencing more and more sensations of this fifth dimensional reality, as well as feelings that are almost too intense for your physical body to maintain. These feelings and sensations come in waves, which allow you to experience and gradually adapt to each wave of this energy.

An energy-wave of these sensations is much like dipping your body into very cold, or very hot, water. You want to go into that “water,” but you need to allow yourself time to get used to something which, at first, feels very shocking.

However, as you become accustomed to it, that “new sensation” becomes more and more natural. When you experience these new sensations, you are gradually adapting to your fifth dimensional Lightbody.

Thus, these sensations occur because, when you enter the resonance of the fifth dimension, all of your neural messages, as well as the functioning of your heart, lungs, visual, auditory, tactile, all of these components of your awareness, are suddenly calibrated to a higher frequency of contact.

What we mean by “higher frequency of contact” is that you are contacting a frequency of reality which you have seldom experienced since you first took an Earth vessel. Your innate fifth dimensional self, who volunteered to take an earth vessel to assist Gaia, was a Lightbody.

Your fifth dimensional “Light-body Self” has been maintaining a connection with your third/fourth dimensional “Earth-body” self. Thus, whenever your 3D/4D physical self is consciously interconnected with your 5D Lightbody SELF, you can receive and understand your higher dimensional perceptions and experiences.

Your fifth dimensional light-body is much like a huge house with many passageways, tunnels, stairways and windows, which are actually portals. YOU have been activating these portals by the combination of your Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Thinking.

Your full willingness, dedication and sense of duty to share the energy fields flowing through these portals of your earth vessel is actively transmuting the third/fourth dimensional Time and Space energy fields into fifth dimensional energy fields of HERE and NOW.

Let us again explain what we mean by “portals.” We have spoken of an inner stairway.


As you began your Inter-dimensional journey into physical form, your Multidimensional Mind revealed your Inner Stairway back Home.


As your multidimensional consciousness entered your Third Eye, your Multidimensional Perceptions guided you to choose your present reality.


As you fully awakened your Throat Chakra, your inter-dimensional communications guided you during your journey into your third dimensional expression of SELF.


As you allowed your Heart Chakra to guide you, you could remember the great healing power of Unconditional Love.


As you fully accepted your own multidimensional power, your third, fourth and fifth dimensional powers came online to rule your earth vessel.


As you entered the womb of the mother whom you had chosen to create your earth vessel, you remembered the inter-dimensional laws of birth and rebirth.


As you remembered your pre-birth promise to bond with Gaia, you vowed to protect your Mother Planet Earth.

We NOW ask that you use this inner stairway to expand your sense of self beyond that third dimensional vessel to include your true inter-dimensional Lightbody SELF.

As your third/fourth dimensional memory expands to include your fifth dimension and beyond memory, you can consciously choose to climb your personal Inter-dimensional Stairway.

Both of these concepts represent your personal choice! Whether you are going through a portal or up a stairway, you are consciously choosing to make a transition that YOU have chosen to make within this NOW.

Dear volunteers to be the prototypes of the new human, we the Arcturians remind you that you asked to assist with the process of transmuting your physical body into the octave of your fifth dimensional Light-body.

What you will realize as you move through your process is that you have been doing this all your life, you are also doing this in your many simultaneous, parallel and alternate lives. During all of your many incarnations on Gaia, you have been in preparation for this moment of planetary ascension.

In order to create the energy fields needed to transmute from a third/fourth dimensional body into a fifth dimensional body, you will combine the emotions of your fifth dimensional High Heart with your third dimensional emotions as well as the thoughts of your fifth dimensional Multidimensional Mind with your third dimensional mind.

This Unity of your third/fourth dimensional self with your fifth dimensional SELF will create a Unity of Purpose between your third/fourth dimensional self and the many octaves of your Multidimensional SELF.

This inter-dimensional, Unity Consciousness within your self will quickly, or eventually, expand into Unity Consciousness with all life. Since Unity Consciousness with all life is the core of a fifth dimensional consciousness, as well as all fifth dimensional realities, once you create this shift within your consciousness, your physical body will begin its transmutation into the resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond.

As you move into and through this process, you will consciously experience that which you have never experienced in any of your incarnations. In all of your incarnations into the third dimension, you came in as a third dimensional body. There are Ascended Masters who have transmuted into their fifth dimensional bodies, which is why they are called “Ascended Masters.”

There have been few of these Masters, with many years in between incarnations. When these Masters still held an earth vessel, the frequency of Earth was far too low for them to maintain a resonance on the planet.

However, within your NOW there is a different form of ascension because we are asking you to combine your personal process of transmutation into the fifth dimension with the planetary process of transmutation into the fifth dimension.

So, just as the Ascended Masters of the past have transmuted to assist their human followers, you will transmute to assist your planet. Therefore, you do not need to have a following, as you do not need to tell anyone of your process.

What will be occurring is that you will be contributing what you are experiencing to Gaia. Within that NOW, Gaia will have similar experiences, which She will share with all Her inhabitants. Consequently:

· Your personal Unity Consciousness within your SELF will expand to encompass Unity Consciousness with the planet,

· Which will automatically expand to the Unity Consciousness with all the other humans of Gaia’s body,

· Which will expand to Unity Consciousness with the animals on Gaia

· Which will expand to all the plants on Gaia

· Which will expand to all Gaia’s elementals of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Aether

· Which will expand into the Core of Gaia

· Which will expand into the Aura of Gaia

· Which will expand into the other planets of your Solar System

· Which will expand into your Galaxy

· Which will expand into that which was once unknown,

But NOW you are remembering…

It is your Unity Consciousness with all life, working as ONE, that you will assist YOU to remember…

Free Audio of This Message

Posted by Suzanne Lie at 4:06 PM

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Carl Jung:

“Don’t hold on to someone who’s leaving, otherwise you won’t meet the one who’s coming.”

Carl C Jung

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By annamerkaba on August 11, 2016 • ( 13 )

The Atlantean Seal of Ascension – To be used to transmute Atlantean Stuck Energies by the initiated ones. I am told you will know who you are. If you don’t resonate with this information please refrain from using this key. You can see a larger format of this image at the very end of this post.

Greetings everyone! This message today is addressed mainly to those of you who are presently working with clearing of Ley lines. If you resonate with this message, then it is for you. Before I share the channeling that I have received from Thoth and The Sirian High Council of Light, I will first share with you the 2 sacred keys that they have brought into my awareness for me to download and bring forth for all of you to use at this time. I have commissioned a wonderful artist by the name of Kashif whom I work with closely in bringing these images that I receive to life for you, as I myself am not a graphic artist.

The first key is called “The Atlantean Seal of Ascension” and is to be used by those of you working on clearing the distorted energies that have been left in the human karma as a collective, from the times of Atlantis. In the channeling that you are about to hear they are referencing galactic crystals which are stashed somewhere underneath the ocean floor in the South Pacific Ocean. It is not clear whether these are actual physical crystals or etheric ones, but the energy which should help shift the human collective karma from the times of Atlantis is stored in that area.

The key you see here is to be used by the initiated ones who are working to release said energies in order to balance out the whole karmic debt of all that has been on earth at that time. I am told that you will know who you are and how to use this seal.

At the same time, I have also received another seal, and this one is more relative to everyone who is not only working with ley lines, but who suddenly finds themselves feeling very uncomfortable in their own home, in which they have felt very well before.

The reason, as I’m explained, is that right now not only are the stuck energies from the Atlanean times are clearing, but very recent stuck energies from the last 2,000 years, with high emphasis on the last 200 years are being transmuted.

To be used to transmute the energies from the last 2000 years with emphasis on the last 200 years. Can be used by anyone who wishes to clear their space of energies associated with war and global conflict. You can see a larger format of this image at the very end of this post.

I am told that the clearing of these energies will especially be felt in Europe, Middle East and Mediterranean Countries. The reason is due to all the wars that took place there. So those of you who are living in a place in which wars took place in the last 200 years, and suddenly find yourself feeling uneasy. Know that it is because the energy that was left from those times is trying to clear.

There is a HUGE shift that is happening in these countries right now, this energy has to leave, and so it seems as if things are falling apart, but they aren’t. All the chaos that we are witnessing right now is akin to looking at a building that is being renovated. If you’ve ever seen a building that is being renovated you’ll see that usually the balconies are taken off, and the concrete walls of the building are being drilled in, it almost looks like the building is being destroyed, but on the contrary it’s being improved and made stronger!

The same thing is happening right now. Various social structures are being renovated, and just like the drilling that goes on in a building with its residents feeling very uncomfortable due to all the noise from construction, the same thing with clearing of the stuck energies. Remember that all of us are acting as transmuters of various energies.

So once again if you find yourself in these areas and begin feeling uncomfortable, it means that you are clearing these stuck energies and need some assistance to do that. And so we are given the following sacred key from the Sirian High Council of Light.

So how would you use this second key? I am advised that each one should listen to their intuition in this regard, but the overall “strategy” if you will, is to place this grid wherever you feel the most discomfort in your house, or in a city that you live, and then ask for the balance of energies to occur. I will not give you a specific set step by step here as it will be a completely different experience for everyone based on the type of energies that they encounter, and by listening to the guidance within you will know what to do.

And finally, and this is another case of synchronistic events, and once again showcases to me, how amazingly connected we all are. As I was working on putting all of this together for you, I received an e-mail from someone names Melina, who proceeded to tell me that she has recently been guided to create an essence with energies that help clear Ley Lines! You can imagine my wonder at the synchronicity of events.

Melina proceeded to tell me this “I have made a very unique and powerful vibrational essence (there is nothing like it anywhere around the world) of the 7 Chakras and leyered it into one essence remedy over the March equinox and full moon this year. The remedy works with all 7 charkas in alignment with the new earth energies and inner earth, it is attuned to all of humanity and those that require upgrades within their dna blueprint. It also works with the earth ley lines and chakra points so you can use this in sacred space and on the earth when intuitively called. When I channelled this essence through I had the assistance of my Higher Self and Inner Earth (Agatha) beings come through and also an aspect of my HS from inner earth and they showed me the Chakra points and ley lines of the earth and how they are all changing to assist the new earth frequencies and timelines of higher dimensions. I saw 2 Golden dragons within the earth birth 7 new baby dragons of the new chakra system. When the essence is dropped on to the earth points a code within and on the earth is awakened and shifts in energy, the same happens when its consumed within the human body and thus changing the dna. I hope this makes sense, I felt like I was in a trance when it all came through, directed by my higher self, Agatha and Earth herself. What I was seeing is when dropped on the ley lines it has the effect of a needle to the arm, the drop hits the spot and it runs throughout other connecting ley lines and when this happens in concentrated areas of humans there is a response within the human consciousness too.” This is what Melina shared with me, so for those of you who are interested in this essence you can learn more about it from Melina’s site

And yet another item that goes hand in hand with this message is the latest tool from Natalya Ankh. She too has been guided by GAIA to create a tool to help with the current changes that we are experiencing. This truly awesome disc helps you to attune to the NEW earth healing energy fields, balance and heal your energy system, chakras and assist you in utilizing the new energies of a newly constructed earth matrix. GAIA is shifting her vibrations along with all of us, or rather we are shifting our vibrations along with her, and this means that a lot is changing, the energies are changing and we need to attune to new energies. This is what this tool can assist you in doing to attune you to new earth energies and to help you understand how to use them for healing and purification. Especially now when we are moving into a completely new energy matrix, our bodies need to adjust to the new frequencies, many are feeling incredibly ungrounded, because they have disconnected from the old matrix, but are having a difficult time connecting to the new one. This is where this tool comes in, infused with the energies of a new earth matrix directly from mother Gaia’s heart, this incredible tool will assist you in finding your way in the new and ever evolving world of unfamiliar vibrations and frequencies of light. This is a monumental time which we have been waiting for, for a very long time, and GAIA invites you to join her on a new earth matrix where she is waiting for you with open arms and open heart so that you can continue traveling on these waves of ascension into a beautiful new world. For more information about this disc please see

So as you can see we are given one tool after another to assist us in staying in balance and continue to clear and balance out everything within and without. I truly hope that these sacred keys and tools will come in handy for those of you who are resonating with this message. I would like to thank every one of you from the depth of my heart and soul for BEing here at this moment in time, and for staying true to your selves, for continuing to share your brilliant light with the world, no matter the seeming turbulence. Thank you so much for everything! I love you all!

Now having said this, here is the channeling that I have received from Thoth and The Sirian High Council of Light.

Morning Glory of the Rising Sun setting on the Millennia, continues to ignite the passion of those who refuse to leave the old energies of the earthly abode behind and to step fully and confidently into the new Millennia. For the new Millennia of peace and harmony, bliss and reverence for all that is, is swiftly approaching your shores, and in so doing is clearing the way for eternal peace, harmony, love and light to bathe the planet in the joyous accompaniments of the heavenly abodes.

And so and thus, the restructuring of the memories of the past, the egotistical, pessimistic and provocative nature of human egos, is being replaced with the loving and free spirited nature of their souls, ushering all to find an intricate and delicate balance between that which has been, that which is, and that which is yet to come.

In so doing, the restructuring of the old, continues to shake the present known time and space continuum in which you are finding yourselves in, and in so doing, all of your vessels of time and space are being restructured to be able to achieve self-mastery whilst in the human vessel, to be able to achieve the balance of intricate proportions, so as to allow you to hold the outmost amount of light necessary to transfer the newly found codices of ascension leading you to freedom of thought and freedom of action and complete cognitive transformation from that of the third dimensional frequencies of survival to the fifth dimensional frequencies of BEing.

And so and thus, the moment of tremendous potential of the human vehicle, the human soul, the human understanding of BEing is approaching, compelling each of the collective consciousness of humanity to comprehend and acknowledge their deepest fears and let go of said feelings of limitation, so that they can fully attune themselves to the true nature of their benevolent higher selves.

The time of outdated thinking patterns is coming to an end, swiftly, fervently and radically changing the landscape of all that is so very dear and so very familiar to all whom dwell on GAIA. For the thinking patterns of the ancients no longer belongs on these shores and is being cleared out with lighting quantum speed, forcing your physical vessels of time and space to adjust to new frequencies in order to assist you in assisting those who are awakening to the true nature of BEing and the true nature of that which is, as we speak.

And so, those of you who are working with the ley lines of this planet, with the clearing of the past events, past traumas, going all the way back to the times of Atlantis, we suggest the following key to resurrect the bounty of peace, harmony and light from the lost pack the galactic crystals found deep within the earth core, beneath the ocean floor of the area in your world which is known as the south pacific ocean.

And so and thus, those who are presently clearing the energies of the time of Atlantis shall find the following Sacred Atlantean Key of essence and importance in assisting you in shifting the energies from the times of Atlantis in order to fully release said energies, balance said energies and by doing so, balance out the karmic grid systems of of the ley lines in question.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

If you need any personal assistance via a healing session, you can reach out to me at to set up a distant healing session with me. I also invite you to visit my blog for more information to help you on your journey.

COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY HEALING SESSION & ANALYSIS WITH ANNA MERKABA :This is a DISTANT Healing Session. Each session takes 60 – 90 minutes to complete, furthermore much more time is spent on putting together a report which is guided to me by the angels, there are a lot of details involved, this is an elaborate healing session. This is not just an energy attunement you will be bathed in loving light from the angelic realm using reiki like universal energy throughout the session, and a few days following the session, many issues will be corrected, and you will also receive much needed guidance after the session of what you are to do on your own. The energy will continue to be released for the following 2 – 3 months.

Here is what you will be scanned for and if any of these are found or need to be removed/unblocked/

Removal of Achorns/Grays/Dark Entities (If there are any)

Removal of Implants

Cleansing the Aura

Removing blocks from the chakras

Activating Chakras

Activating the Pineal Gland

Activating the energy flow throughout the body with Kundalini Energy

Sealing the rips in the energy body

Connecting the heart chakra to the third eye

Scanning of the body to determine if there are any major issues to be aware of

Cleansing the blocks within the organs should there be any, and if it is possible to do so, or if there is more that needs to be done.

DNA Upgrade

Rainbow Healing Light Invocation

Past Life Contracts Clearing/Cords cutting (if I am allowed to proceed by your higher self) This is NOT karma removal. NO ONE can remove your karma, except for you, that is if you have karma. Not everyone does, as people misunderstand what Karma is.

Past LIfe Visions – ( If necessary to understand why you are going through what you are going through, I will be shown your past lives, this will help you determine the reason as to why you are experiencing that which you are)

Scanning of your chakras, correction of energy flow and further recommendations directly from your guides as to what you need to do further

You will also receive further recommendations on what you are to do on your own to SEAL in the new energies flowing your way and to assist your own self further without the constant need to come back for more and more healing sessions. However, should you feel that you do need a healing attunement, or there are some issue that need more work you are welcome to come back for another session.

To learn more about this session and hear what others have to say about it please visit:

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna

and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

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