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El Morya: Expressing Yourself with Confidence
El Morya
Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ February 18 – 25, 2014
Received by Julie Miller
February 18, 2014
Let’s think about your day, whether at work, school or home; how often have you spoken up and shared your thoughts, feelings or even ideas with the ones you work with, friends, or family? Or are you like many who sit in the back, avoiding any kind of confrontation and inside prays that you will not be asked for your point of view? There are many dear souls that shrink during meetings, don’t always like family get-togethers and school functions out of fear of saying the wrong thing or even worse when it’s their turn to speak or to share a thought, feeling or idea they realize they have absolutely nothing to say. We know many of you that have been in such situations go over in your mind after the event is over and you are filled with great things you would have liked to have shared, if you had the confidence to speak up.
There are many people pleasing dear souls that roam this fine planet, they simply go with the flow and follow what others do with no initiative of their own. Do you know someone among your friends and family that are like this? Deep down inside the dear souls that out there trying to please their friends and family members by following what they are doing, they themselves have somewhere else they would rather be, or something else they would rather be doing, but they have not found their voice, or found the courage to speak their thoughts in a manner they are respectively heard. There is always a time to be leader and follower, but when it comes to your own path and your own life, you are to be your own leader. It is commendable to want to be like your peers, but you have to be you, not them. If they influence you to become better, to find your inner and authentic self then that is wonderful, but they are not choosing…you are – all effort is yours alone.
Learning to express yourself is something many dear souls struggle with and it’s something that begins as a young child. You learn by trial and error how to express effectively, what works and what doesn’t. You become aware of your feelings through certain eye-opening experiences that provide you the knowledge and wisdom for future events. Through your journey you develop a certain amount of confidence and learn how to assert yourself in the world you have carved out. But there are many dear souls that lack confidence when it is time to express themselves. They find themselves feeling stuck, possibly suddenly shy, some dear souls when asked for input will blush or begin to stutter, there are many other examples that explain the anxiety these dear souls deal with when it’s time to share an idea, thought or feeling. And then there are the dear souls that are over-confident, that share their ideas in a pushy and aggressive manner, they have not developed the skill of utilizing tact and demonstrate a lack of respect not only for the ones on the receiving end, but also a lack of respect for themselves. Learning to express yourself in a confident, assertive and positive manner can be a struggle for many dear souls, not just once in a while, but throughout their lives – sharing ones thoughts with the risk of making a mistake or being ridiculed has caused so much hardship for so many. Yet at the same time, without making the mistake how do you learn, how do you grow or develop? Each dear soul can do without being ridiculed, criticized or even judged just because they share their point of view, feelings or ideas that may differ from whom they are sharing with – negative reception does not improve performance or productivity, in truth when someone is being made fun of, it dampens the spirit and halts the desire to perform well in any capacity of their day. It is essential for all dear souls to learn to express themselves in a more confident and positive way and for the ones receiving what is being shared to become more respectful and accepting that everyone has something of value to contribute.
It is understood that not everyone is born with the ability to speak up or to speak well, but that does not mean this area of your person cannot be improved upon. You can learn to speak up and to become more confident when it comes to expressing yourself in front of your peers and family. But first you need to have the sincerest desire to change this part of yourself and give yourself the motivation that will help move you through this change that will help develop new skills that will applied effectively with confidence.
We hear so much chatter, and many dear souls talk just for the sake of talking, there is no depth, or meaning in what is being expressed. When you express yourself dear ones in an effective manner it is essential for you to know what it is you are expressing from beginning to end. You don’t just put an idea out there and leave it hanging. You need to become focused. As you begin the journey to build up your confidence to speak up, you begin conversations that you know intuitively where they will go, that doesn’t hinder the continual efforts you are bringing to share and to express without a change or ripple in your own energy…you are consistent with your flow.
As you become better with expressing yourself, you also begin to notice your own body language. When it comes to expressing yourself, it’s not just about the words you choose; it’s also about how you express them. When you communicate with another dear soul the whole point is ensuring the other person understands. Words alone are not always effective, your facial expressions, and gestures adds meaning. One of the best ways to practice your skill to become a better conversationalist is by practicing in front of a mirror. Use different facial expressions to convey certain feelings or emotions you are trying to share through your conversation and match your facial expressions with your vocals, using pitch and tone to bring in deeper meaning to the words you are trying to share effectively and with confidence. Use phrases that are common to practice with such as: “I’m sorry” in a sarcastic manner, or “I’m sorry, you must have mis-heard or misunderstood,” or trying saying “I’m sorry” with absolutely no emotion and try other ways that could change a genuine sorry into something else just by changing your facial expressions and tone of voice. As you will quickly learn, even if the words are exactly the same, depending on how you express them, they will create different meaning and will be interpreting differently by those that are hearing and listening.
You will learn so much more about yourself by taking the time to tune in to your mannerisms at a close and personal level. Asking someone to point out your flaws in areas of communication can be helpful, but the best way is from your own effort to learn about yourself. You have barely tapped into your vast resources that are flowing and ready for you to make use of. Understand dear ones; you can reveal so much of yourself just by how you choose to express your thoughts, ideas, and point of view than anything you may actually say in regards to substance through the words you choose to share.
We urge each of you to take the time to practice, to watch and to understand more of how you feel and how you express these feelings through your communication with others. In time dear ones, we know you will become much more effective in your conversations; your confidence will rise as you make an effort each day to speak up and demonstrate your true and authentic self and your personal growth will flourish as a result of your love-filled efforts.
And so it is…
I AM Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller
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El Morya
Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ February 18 – 25, 2014
Received by Julie Miller
February 18, 2014
Let’s think about your day, whether at work, school or home; how often have you spoken up and shared your thoughts, feelings or even ideas with the ones you work with, friends, or family? Or are you like many who sit in the back, avoiding any kind of confrontation and inside prays that you will not be asked for your point of view? There are many dear souls that shrink during meetings, don’t always like family get-togethers and school functions out of fear of saying the wrong thing or even worse when it’s their turn to speak or to share a thought, feeling or idea they realize they have absolutely nothing to say. We know many of you that have been in such situations go over in your mind after the event is over and you are filled with great things you would have liked to have shared, if you had the confidence to speak up.
There are many people pleasing dear souls that roam this fine planet, they simply go with the flow and follow what others do with no initiative of their own. Do you know someone among your friends and family that are like this? Deep down inside the dear souls that out there trying to please their friends and family members by following what they are doing, they themselves have somewhere else they would rather be, or something else they would rather be doing, but they have not found their voice, or found the courage to speak their thoughts in a manner they are respectively heard. There is always a time to be leader and follower, but when it comes to your own path and your own life, you are to be your own leader. It is commendable to want to be like your peers, but you have to be you, not them. If they influence you to become better, to find your inner and authentic self then that is wonderful, but they are not choosing…you are – all effort is yours alone.
Learning to express yourself is something many dear souls struggle with and it’s something that begins as a young child. You learn by trial and error how to express effectively, what works and what doesn’t. You become aware of your feelings through certain eye-opening experiences that provide you the knowledge and wisdom for future events. Through your journey you develop a certain amount of confidence and learn how to assert yourself in the world you have carved out. But there are many dear souls that lack confidence when it is time to express themselves. They find themselves feeling stuck, possibly suddenly shy, some dear souls when asked for input will blush or begin to stutter, there are many other examples that explain the anxiety these dear souls deal with when it’s time to share an idea, thought or feeling. And then there are the dear souls that are over-confident, that share their ideas in a pushy and aggressive manner, they have not developed the skill of utilizing tact and demonstrate a lack of respect not only for the ones on the receiving end, but also a lack of respect for themselves. Learning to express yourself in a confident, assertive and positive manner can be a struggle for many dear souls, not just once in a while, but throughout their lives – sharing ones thoughts with the risk of making a mistake or being ridiculed has caused so much hardship for so many. Yet at the same time, without making the mistake how do you learn, how do you grow or develop? Each dear soul can do without being ridiculed, criticized or even judged just because they share their point of view, feelings or ideas that may differ from whom they are sharing with – negative reception does not improve performance or productivity, in truth when someone is being made fun of, it dampens the spirit and halts the desire to perform well in any capacity of their day. It is essential for all dear souls to learn to express themselves in a more confident and positive way and for the ones receiving what is being shared to become more respectful and accepting that everyone has something of value to contribute.
It is understood that not everyone is born with the ability to speak up or to speak well, but that does not mean this area of your person cannot be improved upon. You can learn to speak up and to become more confident when it comes to expressing yourself in front of your peers and family. But first you need to have the sincerest desire to change this part of yourself and give yourself the motivation that will help move you through this change that will help develop new skills that will applied effectively with confidence.
We hear so much chatter, and many dear souls talk just for the sake of talking, there is no depth, or meaning in what is being expressed. When you express yourself dear ones in an effective manner it is essential for you to know what it is you are expressing from beginning to end. You don’t just put an idea out there and leave it hanging. You need to become focused. As you begin the journey to build up your confidence to speak up, you begin conversations that you know intuitively where they will go, that doesn’t hinder the continual efforts you are bringing to share and to express without a change or ripple in your own energy…you are consistent with your flow.
As you become better with expressing yourself, you also begin to notice your own body language. When it comes to expressing yourself, it’s not just about the words you choose; it’s also about how you express them. When you communicate with another dear soul the whole point is ensuring the other person understands. Words alone are not always effective, your facial expressions, and gestures adds meaning. One of the best ways to practice your skill to become a better conversationalist is by practicing in front of a mirror. Use different facial expressions to convey certain feelings or emotions you are trying to share through your conversation and match your facial expressions with your vocals, using pitch and tone to bring in deeper meaning to the words you are trying to share effectively and with confidence. Use phrases that are common to practice with such as: “I’m sorry” in a sarcastic manner, or “I’m sorry, you must have mis-heard or misunderstood,” or trying saying “I’m sorry” with absolutely no emotion and try other ways that could change a genuine sorry into something else just by changing your facial expressions and tone of voice. As you will quickly learn, even if the words are exactly the same, depending on how you express them, they will create different meaning and will be interpreting differently by those that are hearing and listening.
You will learn so much more about yourself by taking the time to tune in to your mannerisms at a close and personal level. Asking someone to point out your flaws in areas of communication can be helpful, but the best way is from your own effort to learn about yourself. You have barely tapped into your vast resources that are flowing and ready for you to make use of. Understand dear ones; you can reveal so much of yourself just by how you choose to express your thoughts, ideas, and point of view than anything you may actually say in regards to substance through the words you choose to share.
We urge each of you to take the time to practice, to watch and to understand more of how you feel and how you express these feelings through your communication with others. In time dear ones, we know you will become much more effective in your conversations; your confidence will rise as you make an effort each day to speak up and demonstrate your true and authentic self and your personal growth will flourish as a result of your love-filled efforts.
And so it is…
I AM Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller
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Posted on Feb 18, 2014
by cosmicgaia
in El Morya, Julie Miller
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*** by cosmicgaia
in El Morya, Julie Miller
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