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ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
17th January 2014
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
How do you feel about living into your reality that you are the Light of the World? As we shared in our last message to each and every one of you who listen, the Truth that you are the Light of the World and we encourage each and every one of you to connect into that space of your heart to begin to feel that. We invite you again today to not set aside the idea of that message that you are the Light of the World, but continue on with it to explore it at an even deeper level. For as you spend time with this and begin to experience your connection with your Light in your quiet moments of meditation or alone time, regrouping time, you begin to live into it as a reality so it’s not just a thought in your mind or a channeling that you read, but you begin to work with the experience that you are the Light of the World.
We would encourage each and every one of you to spend those few moments every day connecting in with your center, connecting with your Heart and your solar plexus energy. Allow yourself to ground those energies back down into the planet. Allow the energies to flow upward and out and into connection with the Universe, with All That Is, with the energy of your Source. Allow the flow of the universal energies and the planetary energies to flow back into your Heart and your solar plexus area and mingle and move in those two centers for you.
The way we see those energies flowing between your solar plexus and your heart is as if it’s in the infinity symbol. So if you begin at your solar plexus and the energies rise up to the heart area and then move back down in that figure 8 that’s vertical. Just feel the movement of those centering energies for you. As you feel the motion and the movement and see the Light allow the Light to expand out into your physical body. Literally, see it infusing itself into each cell, in each organ, all the tissues and the fluids in your body. Really take the time to feel and live into your awareness of the infusion of Light throughout your physical body. Then, in the way that you choose to view it, see the Light begin to infuse itself into the energetic bodies, the subtle energy bodies, the ones that also the go out beyond the boundaries of your physical body. Just feel yourself living into that Light. Allow your breathing to flow in and out as you do for your breathing allows that connection to Source.
As you feel your connection with your Light body and your Light being, allow the thoughts of your mind to just dissolve away into the space of your Heart and your solar plexus. Just feel the Light. Feel the expansion. As you connect with yourself on this level of Light and energy see that energy expanding outward. See it mingle, dance and intertwine with the Light of those around you: the other humans, the animals, the plants, the buildings. For at its essence all the substances are the same. They all are made of the same Light energy.
Observe how you feel. Observe the inflow of peace, of settledness, centeredness. This is about moving into this place of Now also. As you live into the space of your Light experience, when you feel peaceful and centered, you can ask for guidance. Ask for inspiration. Ask for understanding about any area of your life that isn’t flowing with the Light that you’re feeling at the moment. Work to ask those questions from your Heart and from your solar plexus instead of your mind. Just allow your Light to flow into it. Allow your life to unfold, for it’s a time now of moving away from information and more into this feeling and this experience of yourself as a Light Being.
It would be our wish for you to grow and live into the understanding and the Truth of you being the Light of the World so that you can utter those words past your lips from a place of Truth and knowingness. Your ego might want to say “It’s ego-based to say that you are the Light of the World”, but as you connect with it, in its Truth, as you spend more time with it, you will be able to think and see and feel and even say that you are the Light of the World. The Light within you is the Light that you’ve been seeking. The Light within you is the Light that contains all the answers and all the solutions. It’s all within you and it’s all within your reach. It’s all within your field of possibilities. We encourage each and every one of you to play in the Light field as the Light being that you are. Joyfully embrace the Truth that you are the Light of the World.
Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.”
© 2013 Copyright Holly Hawkins Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to www.AkashaHealingStudio.com clearly displayed as shown below.
Author: Holly Hawkins Marwood www.AkashaHealingStudio.com
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to www.AkashaHealingStudio.com clearly displayed as shown below.
Author: Holly Hawkins Marwood www.AkashaHealingStudio.com
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