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Learn to discipline your mind, strengthen your concentration ... It is vital that you learn to discipline the mind, strengthen your ability to concentrate and maintain control of your emotions and the mind chatter ... Always be aware that you live in a world of vibration, neutral, cosmic energy - the forces of creation - that are waiting to mold you into anything you can imagine. You create your own heaven or hell. You can not blame anyone else for the reality you are currently experiencing.
Learn to discipline your mind, strengthen your concentration ... It is vital that you learn to discipline the mind, strengthen your ability to concentrate and maintain control of your emotions and the mind chatter ... Always be aware that you live in a world of vibration, neutral, cosmic energy - the forces of creation - that are waiting to mold you into anything you can imagine. You create your own heaven or hell. You can not blame anyone else for the reality you are currently experiencing.
a disciplinar su mente, fortalecer su capacidad de concentración ... Es
de vital importancia que usted aprenda a disciplinar la mente,
fortalezca su capacidad de concentración y mantenga el control de sus
emociones y la mente charla ... Siempre debes estar consciente de que
vives en un mundo de vibración, neutral, la energía cósmica - las
fuerzas de la creación - que están esperando para moldearte en cualquier
cosa que puedan imaginar. Usted crean su propio cielo o infierno. No se
puede culpar a nadie más de la realidad que estás experimentando
The Technique of Meditation-Ralph M. Lewis.mov - YouTube
What is the Subconscious?- Ralph M. Lewis - YouTube
An Introduction to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum - YouTube
An Introduction to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum - YouTube
learn to discipline your mind, strengthen your concentration ... It is vital that you learn to discipline the mind, strengthen your ability to concentrate and maintain control of your emotions and the mind chatter ... Always be aware that you lives in a world of vibration, neutral, cosmic energy - the forces of creation - that are waiting to mold them into anything you can imagine. You create your own heaven or hell. You can not blame anyone else for the reality that is currently experiencing.
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